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Example sentences for "unheard"

Lexicographically close words:
unhealed; unhealthful; unhealthfulness; unhealthiness; unhealthy; unheated; unheeded; unheedful; unheeding; unhelmed
  1. There was just irritation that a petty African prince could defy the whole power of Rome for so many years; and though a democratic consul had been unheard of for a century, the name of Marius began to be spoken of as a possible candidate.

  2. On the other hand, it was unheard of for near a quarter of a century.

  3. Allies had to be found among tribes as yet unheard of.

  4. For eight years he kept aloof from politics, and his name and that of his rival were alike for all that time almost unheard of.

  5. False testimony in the presence of witnesses and relatives is almost unheard of.

  6. Rape, incest, and other such abominations are practically unheard of.

  7. He writ to me unheard of Wonders; and I plainly saw that I had to deal with a man of a most vigorous and most copious imagination.

  8. There, one makes mouths at the people with unheard of mysterious words.

  9. There was a profusion of the most gorgeous plumage and richest fabrics, while over all were sprinkled in unheard of prodigality, the rarest gems and jewels.

  10. That the incoming steps were unheard was not so strange, nor new, but the first thing of which Faith was conscious was the soft touch of a hand on either side of her face--she was a prisoner.

  11. Even Pet, who all day had been unheard and almost unseen, stood with clasped hands looking out; and only the heavy eyes spoke of the oppression that had been.

  12. And moist sibilant rales would be things unheard of.

  13. What seemed a meaning when the words were unheard vanishes as they become audible.

  14. The storekeeper soon ordered two dozen, a supply unheard of in his previous business career.

  15. From Maryland to Mexico, the protests of Union men of the South were unheard in the fierce clamor of "On to Washington!

  16. After all, it had been only an unheard discord in the eternal, vast harmony.

  17. This thing, which had been so long decided, suddenly came upon him as something new, unheard of, improbable.

  18. It was an almost unheard of feat for a Roumanian to write in the German tongue, even though it was admitted that, in this instance, the writer had received his education in Germany.

  19. And then something unheard of, almost past belief, happened.

  20. A light step, almost unheard on the soft ground, approached, and the low bushes rustled as if against a silk garment.

  21. Frau Regine, who at this unheard of assertion thought it was time to take part in the conversation again.

  22. Under other circumstances he should have looked on this drama as something unheard of, inexplicable, without in the least understanding it, but last night he seemed to comprehend it all fully.

  23. Our prayers were not so far in vain as to be unheard by Heaven, for after a while the wind changed in our favour, and made the sea calm, inviting us once more to resume our voyage with a good heart.

  24. For I must now add, that the French borrowed from the Illuminati a maxim, unheard of in any other association of banditti, viz.

  25. Else how durst such a poore penurious fryar Oppose such an unheard of Impudens Gaynst my incensed fury and revendge?

  26. All you the sad spectators of this Acte, Whose harts do taste a feeling pensivenesse Of this unheard of, savadge massacre, Oh be farre of to harbour such a thought As this audacious murtherer put in ure!

  27. From time to time, these prepossessions are greatly strengthened by the spectacle of frauds, unheard of before the period at which they were observed, and astonishing from their complication as well as shocking from criminality.

  28. It was a thing unheard of that a lake should in the space of a few minutes empty itself, and disappear into the bowels of the earth.

  29. A swing door opened softly and his executive clerk reappeared with a soft tread, unheard by Westerling engaged in mechanically blackening the tens.

  30. The engineer's repeated warning unheard above the din, he touched Feller on the leg.

  31. Purpose and decision and quiet self-control breathed from her; her voice had tones in it unheard of him before.

  32. Obeying some order unheard of the man who was hiding in the old stone chimney, the party of Cape Police divided into two.

  33. What soul inspired with the least grain of courage, the smallest spark of honour, or that sympathizes with the sufferings of his fellow-creatures, would tamely sit down or patiently acquiesce under such monstrous and unheard of grievances?

  34. Lucretia Borgia appeared on the stage and had an almost unheard of success.

  35. Then the vast swindles which now, from time to time, disgrace our cities, will be unheard of.

  36. Edith was startled at this unheard of piece of rashness participated in by the ghost.

  37. He thought of their chance meeting from the viewpoint of one, who, knowing fully his lowly station, could not, by any unheard of reasoning, ever hope to meet her on friendly or intimate terms.

  38. My voice sounded very small, as though something unheard of had happened to all the air.

  39. For the most part they were dreams of unheard melodies, for Mark Faraday was a composer.

  40. And feeling hearts, touch them but rightly, pour A thousand melodies unheard before!

  41. As down in the sunless retreats of the ocean Sweet flowers are springing no mortal can see, So deep in my soul the still prayer of devotion Unheard by the world, rises silent to Thee.

  42. His liberal soul with every sect agreed, Unheard their reasons, he received their creed.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unheard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    able; enigmatic; incalculable; mysterious; puzzling; sealed; strange; unbeknown; uncharted; unclassified; undisclosed; undiscoverable; undiscovered; unexplained; unexplored; unexposed; unfamiliar; unfathomed; unidentified; unknowable; unknown; unnoticed; unperceived; unplumbed; unrevealed; unsuspected; untouched; virgin