O'Donnell, who, by his wise counsel and careful review of the matters submitted in evidence, materially assisted the two men who had most to do with the unearthing of the frauds.
The police of several cities now have the task of unearthing the frauds and bringing them to justice.
He had no intention of giving his friend the slightest help in unearthing the scandal.
After a good deal of difficulty I succeeded in unearthing a Lama from the village to help me in my researches, and a strange-looking dignitary of the Church he turned out to be when he did make his appearance.
The scientists and geologists of our day are busyunearthing the remains of the ancient peoples of the Eastern world, who started the waves of civilization both to the Orient and the Occident.
Especially in Biblical lands is the explorer busy unearthing the relics of the mighty past and throwing a flood of light upon incidents and scenes long covered by the dust of centuries.
Probably, I thought, they intended to allow me to find the treasure unchallenged, and would contest the will and my right to inherit after I should have saved them the trouble of unearthing the money.
They may look under the right post while you are busy unearthing the wrong one!
He and Colonel Pulteney having come in touch with each other, they now scoured the valley around Steelpoort, unearthing Boers and capturing burghers innumerable.
Colonel Thorneycroft then searched the bed of the Vet River (west of Smaldeel), unearthing waggons and cattle which were hidden there.
We all crowded round to examine it, and as we stooped caught sight of the owner not a hundred yards ahead, engrossed in unearthing an iguana and entirely ignorant of our presence.
Alexander Forrest, Goddard, and Lindsay all passed within appreciable distance of Coolgardie without unearthing its treasures, though in Lindsay's journal the geologist to the expedition pronounced the country auriferous.
Henry Allen Wallace, one of the colaborers inunearthing and preserving the records of the Negro, died on the 12th of February.
Up to the year just ended, the Association had the benefit of merely what investigations the Director's manifold duties permitted him to conduct, or of what others of their own will worked out in the interest of unearthing the truth.
It will be a lesson to him, for life, I hope, and will put a stop to all this delving and digging and unearthing what is best left alone.
Is he still unearthing wonders and keeping them in his kettles?
I'm afraid I excavated too far and was in the midst of unearthing a large boulder of stone when I remembered no more--it took me so sudden, and when I came to life again I thought I was in my bed at home with a ton's weight on my feet.
I suppose, Mr. Dabbs, I ought to submit to such conditions as you may choose to propose; and I shall do it very cheerfully if it will aid in unearthing this mystery.
Some awful mystery, some deep-laid scheme of villainy, has mixed itself up with the whole affair, and I mean to devote my life to the task of unearthing it.
Eastern superstition attributes to certain individuals a passion for unearthing corpses and mangling them.
Freddy's thoughts were very practical, although they related to the history of a lost civilization and to the unearthing of objects which the sands of the desert had concealed for thousands of years.
We're really far more interested in finding connecting links and establishing disputed facts, than in unearthing statues and figures which please the public.
By Raymond Bellamy Analysis of a Single Dream as a Means of Unearthing the Genesis of Psychopathic Affections.
Quite recently in unearthingthe remains of an old cemetery in Washington, D.
Each day they worked steadily up the stream, unearthing nuggets, plying pick and shovel, and washing soil in a rough cradle which Mr. Blakeney constructed.
As for the paws, Stepan and myself baked them à la mode in a little subterranean oven; but on unearthing them we could find nothing but skin and leather, with bones and bony sinews, and certainly nothing to eat.
The honour of beginning the great task of unearthing the buried cities of Mesopotamia belongs to M.
His work at Nineveh was taken up by Mr Hormuzd Rassam, who succeeded in unearthing inscribed tables and bronze gates in bas-relief.
He has all of the third-rate German's capacity for unearthing facts, but he doesn't know how either to think or to write, and so his criticism is mere pretence and pishposh.
On the side of profanity there is a less ardent pursuit of evidences, chiefly, I daresay, because theirunearthing is less stimulating.
For who could help experiencing exquisite joy at unearthing trinkets and miniatures and broken memories of such a radiant being?
Sirr for months past had been in the habit of making forcible entries into houses, on the chance of unearthing treason.
Major Sirr's Battalion of Testimony lived on the fat of the land, for there was no difficulty in unearthing traitors, now that the spirit of recklessness had gone forth.
In recent years, archaeologists have been unearthing increasing amounts of material which contribute to our knowledge of early Africa.
Instead of a scholar dispassionately unearthing and publishing his findings, DuBois's new position made him a passionate journalist and engaged him in a righteous crusade.