Call them againe, I am not made of Stones, But penetrable to your kinde entreaties, Albeit against my Conscience and my Soule.
And let me wring your heart; for so I shall If it be made ofpenetrable stuff; If damned custom have not braz'd it so That it is proof and bulwark against sense.
I am not made of stones, But penetrable to your kind entreaties, Albeit against my conscience and my soul.
These Indians said they came from Tumbez, a city in a fertile valley on a dry and penetrable coast which lay not more than two hundred miles farther south.
They would have inflicted wounds, had not the bristly {monster} entered the shady wood, a place penetrable by neither weapons nor horses.
When thus Nestor says {to them}: “Cygnus has been the only despiser of weapons in your time, and penetrable by no blows.
It seemed wonderful to them all, that the body of the youth waspenetrable by no weapon, and was susceptible of no wounds, and that it blunted the steel itself.
Though covered with magnificent forests it was easily penetrable all the way across to the Parana.
But the passage of all others which gives us the most delight is that in which his Lordship attacks his critics, and declares that "Our men in buckram shall have blows enough, And feel they too are penetrable stuff.
The place they have in our lives and thoughts is not one for talk; the niche set apart for them to inhabit in our secret hearts is not penetrable by the lights and noises of common day.
To pierce and penetrate into the estate of every one's understanding that thou hast to do with: as also to make the estate of thine own open, and penetrable to any other.
The upper part of its body is covered with a species of armour, so thick and firm, as to be scarcely penetrable with a musket-ball; and the whole body has the appearance of an elaborate covering of carved work.
The skin is, in some parts, so thick and hard as scarcely to be penetrable by the sharpest sabre, or even by a musket-ball.
The mountains stood a deep and penetrable blue against a golden break behind the Balsams.
A horrible something, as penetrable as mist, as keen as the sting of conscience, as inevitable as the burden of life, seemed to inwrap him.
Even the denser silicious stones are penetrable by fluids and the coloring matter they contain, to such an extent that agates and other forms of silex may be artificially stained through their substance.
The points wounded are not stung because they are the only points penetrable by the lancet; they are stung because they fulfil an important condition, without which penetrability loses its value.
At this point the skin is finer and more easily penetrablethan elsewhere.
The thoughtless objection about the only penetrablepoints is, I hope, swept aside forever.
With the Scoliae we come once again to a soft prey, with a skinpenetrable by the sting no matter where it be attacked.
The pure, self-subsistent form gazes at and illuminates the penetrable form, and helps it to clothe matter with all the forms of which the latter is capable.
Similarly form may be divided at first into two kinds; closed and sealed form, too pure and holy to be combined with matter; and open and penetrable form, which is fit to unite with matter.
During the warm night, the water left by the rain had either evaporated into the air or had been sucked up by the light and penetrable soil.