They have the power of revealing what might be called the subliminal sex-consciousness of the race itself.
Instinct takes the place of reason; and our soul, as if answering the appeal of some translunar chord of subliminal music, vibrates in response to a mood that baffles all analysis.
At the latter place, on the night of April 23-24, almost as many birds passed in a single hour as passed Winter Park in all of its seventy-seven hours of observation.
The personal consciousness may be rebellious to influence, but the subliminal is reached by subtler means than is its grosser envelope, and is remarkably amenable to the charm of suggestion and the voice of sympathy.
They show the role which the subliminal conscience--impersonal or bound to a second personality--plays in the phenomena, and give rise to attractive psychological problems.
Facts of this nature--and they are very numerous in technical literature--can be explained by the action of the impersonal or subliminal consciousness.
Myers has expressed these ideas most happily in the following words ('The Subliminal Consciousness,' Proceedings, S.
To what extent does the subliminal memory intervene?
No such thing; and events prove that the impersonal or subliminal consciousness is capable of accomplishing, with great perfection, the most complicated intellectual acts, without the personal consciousness being aware of it.
Chappe is, doubtless, a subliminal entity; but his evolution is more difficult to explain than any of the medium's other personifications.
Subliminal operation is, no doubt, constantly going on with us all, but it is most apparent in M.
The resemblance between the reaction of the personification and that of the subliminal consciousness is so obvious, that I have no need to enlarge upon it.
The subconscious or subliminal self of the automatist, doubtless, is the source of much contained in the scripts, and may possibly be responsible for all the insight shown.
Similarly the theory of subliminal action fits very well into the modern view, but not into that of traditional Christian theology.
Thirdly, we have argued that not only the supraliminal but also the subliminal self must be considered in this matter, and that probably the surviving self will arise from a harmony or conjunction between these two.
The passion of Love, whether considered in its physical or in its psychical and emotional aspects, is notably a matter of the subjective or subliminal life.
The subliminal being steps in quite decisively, and the ordinary conscious mind feels that another power is taking over the reins.
It may be that the subliminal self is destined to become conscious in our ordinary sense of the word.
Some people seem to be quite shocked at the idea that this subliminal mind, or whatever it is that possesses these marvellous powers, should act these parts, and lend itself to unsubstantial and quasi-fraudulent representations.
For a further account of thesubliminal or underlying self, see next chapter.
Lay the conscious and controlling and selective power of the upper mind at rest, in the trance-condition, and you have in the deeps of the subliminal self this primal creative power exposed.
We may not only have to consider, as in the chapter referred to, which of these planes may possibly carry survival with it, but again whether such survival may be in the conscious region, or only in the subliminal or subconscious.
Fourthly, we have shown that in respect of memory and many other matters the subliminal self shows a quite remarkable activity even in the hour of bodily death--which does not certainly suggest its decease and cessation from existence.
They are, in the language of Myers, "uprushes from the subliminal self.
Under these circumstances it would seem natural to inquire what definite reasons there may be for thinking that the subliminal self survives; and I shall occupy this chapter largely with that question.
One of the minds might therefore be an agent, another a recipient, or even several of them simultaneously might join together to produce the phenomena, the subliminal nature of the relationship remaining fixed.
But that there is on the whole much of the subliminal at work in all the cases noted is, I believe, difficult to deny.
But where the hypnotist employs his power of command to tell the subliminal self of the patient to exercise its own powers, merely directing it as to the subject upon which it is to be exercised, very wonderful powers indeed are exhibited.
But there are certain abnormal states which are worth considering, because they make clearer the existence in us of this impersonal self, which in academical language is called the subliminal consciousness.
The object of such experiments is, to exhibit the powers of the hypnotist, not to investigate the powers of the subliminal personality, which is of more importance in the present connection.
The subliminal mind, psychologists tell us, reaches out into daily life when the normal intelligence is in abeyance--as in sleep or profound relaxation.
This subliminal (below the threshold) mind is swifter than the conscious mind and over-reaches it in a flash.
All this, I suppose, is mere telepathy or the subliminal self, or divided self, or some other self, of an average New England housewife!
The meaning of a supraliminal image must be discovered in its relation to the subliminal ideas clustering around it.
Now that he knew what a dangerous weapon the flashing colors could be, how could he be certain that the Bronze Room proprietors were not flashing some scarcely seen subliminal command at him this very moment?
When he recovered from his shock of subliminal ecstasy, his first thought was of the trouble he was storing up for Eleanor.
Considering the subliminal state of understanding at which they had arrived in their voluminous letters, it was a little awkward to account for the fact that she had found so little time to devote exclusively to him.
The scene of thissubliminal haunting is a Texas prairie, during a border fight, rather an unghostly setting yet one which makes the supernatural seem more actual.
An essentially modern type of ghost story is that which has its explanation on the basis of subliminal memories.
The Borderland, by Francis Parsons, tells of a young army officer who is obsessed by subliminal self, the ghost of his grandfather.
Such it appears to be in this case, but if we recall the formula according to which dreams contain the subliminal materials of a given moment, we cannot speak simply of a "moral" function.
When the conscious material is exhausted we come to the dreams, which furnish us with the subliminal material.
And secondly, these compensating equivalents are obliged necessarily to present themselves in the language of the unconscious--that is, in material of a heterogeneous and subliminal nature.
The dream for me is, in the first instance, the subliminal picture of the psychological condition of the individual in his waking state.
It presents a résumé of the subliminal association material which is brought together by the momentary psychological situation.
It is in the first place compensatory, because it presents a subliminal picture of the actual situation.
We therefore emphatically say that the unconscious contains all that part of the psyche that is found under the threshold, including subliminal sense-perceptions, in addition to the repressed material.
Even when these patients have not quite reached the persuasion of a complete secondary personality, they at least think that the subconscious (or their subliminal self) plays a large role in their conduct.
The subliminal mind may assume different names on different occasions.
In a series of articles in "Nash's Magazine" Mr. Basil King suggests that "the means of communication with the plane next above us may be through the everlasting doors which the subliminal opens upward.
At first Bascom did not recognize the rector, but a second glance brought the awful truth home to his subliminal self, and he stopped and stared at Maxwell, stricken dumb.
I am inclined to posit a fourth period, 1887 to the present time, for Myers' hypothesis of a subliminal self, or the theory of the subconsciousness, has made a great difference in the theory of hypnotism.
In 1887 he formulated his theory of the subliminal self or subliminal consciousness, a theory which has come to be more and more accepted, and the value of which has received increasing appreciation.
Others still, by putting themselves deliberately into the study, had been able to subordinate the conscious mind, little by little liberating their subliminal forces by practice, attaining thus almost miraculous powers.
The hypnotic state has one broad characteristic, and that is the working of the subliminal consciousness in directions unusual in ordinary life.
Beneath his silences, as beneath his words, ran an undercurrent of suggestion from his subliminal self to hers.
These studies and experiments relate to telepathy, automatism, and the action of the subliminal self.
The recognition of a subliminalself as forming a part of the psychical organization of man will throw light upon many obscure mental phenomena and bring order out of seemingly hopeless confusion.
The narrower sense is wide enough to include the whole man, both soul and body, as we know him; but the phrase “subliminal self” covers ideas extending hypothetically beyond that.
What action the subliminal self actually took is known only to itself, and no effort of Sydenham's normal memory will suffice to recall it.
Instantly the continuity of events was broken, the subliminalpersonality was again submerged, and Mr. Sydenham's normal consciousness was re-established.
It will be found in some safe place, its disposal being an act of Sydenham's subliminal personality, of which his normal consciousness knows nothing.
I cannot see but that it must have been an unconscious expression of my subliminal self, writing such stuff as dreams are made of.
Acting under some quick subliminal impulse, she picked the little hammerless weapon up out of the drawer, with one hand, while her other hand explored its farther end.
Some subliminal prompting told Durkin that that scream was not one of terror, but of warning.