Fragment of anunbaked crucible prepared for an English cast-steel work.
Bricks with which the blast furnaces at Creusot are [p480] constructed; they are made of a mixture of baked and unbaked clay.
It was a building of artless construction, consisting of little but a roof supported by wooden posts, roughly hewn from date trees: round the tamped earthen floor ran a raised bench of unbaked brick, forming a diwan for mats and sleeping-rugs.
The more splendid had walls of unbaked brick, and roofs of palm fronds plastered [p.
After a day or so little specks begin to appear on the jelly containing the unbaked soil, but not on the others (Fig.
These living things must have come from the unbaked soil or they would have been present in both flasks: they must also have been killed by baking in the oven.
Do the same with the "unbaked soil," labelling the saucer; leave the third jelly alone and label it "untouched.
Carefully open the stoppers and smell the milk: the baked soil has done nothing and the milk smells perfectly sweet; the unbaked soil, on the other hand, has made the milk bad and it smells like cheese.
It is surrounded by sloping walls built of unbaked bricks or of pisé which preserves its earthy colour.
They are collections of huts of unbaked brick cemented with mud, with flat roofs occasionally topped with a sort of whitewashed turret for pigeons, the sloping walls of which faintly recall the outline of a truncated Egyptian pylon.
Behind a wall of stone and unbaked brick, that readily yielded to the pickaxes of the workmen, was discovered the stone slab which formed the doorway of the subterranean monument.
Ophis was divided into two branches, which between them encircled the walls; and the walls themselves were constructed to a height of about 3 to 6 feet of stone, the rest being of unbaked brick.
Ophis flowed through the midst of it, and the Spartan king Agesipolis dammed it up below the town and so flooded out the Mantineians and sapped their walls, which were of unbaked brick.
They passed through a brick alley with a staircase leading to a platform built like a ship's deck, and went on through a series of rooms till they came to a place almost as hot as a Turkish bath, filled with unbaked plates and dishes.
Mr. Lennox wiped his face, and they were then hurried into a second cell, where unbaked dishes were piled all around upon shelves.
The contact caused her a thrill; she put aside the unbaked plate they were examining and said: 'We'd better make haste or we shall lose them.
And what are such buildings of unbaked brick save carefully raised mounds of earth?
It is generally believed that the stone pyramids which we see to-day at Gîza and Sakkara were preceded by pyramids of unbaked brick.
Houses few, built of unbakedand large bricks or rather cakes of mud.
The Chinamen live all together, in a street of low houses built of unbaked bricks; these are not comparable to the houses at Moulmain.
However this dough is not unbaked paste, but a bonâ-fide dumpling, cooked and ready for the sauce.
FN#255] The houses were of unbaked brick or cob, which readily melts away in rain and requires annual repairing at the base of the walls where affected by rain and dew.
For all I could see there is little stonework in the construction; they appear almost exclusively of unbaked bricks; yet even so they are formidable defences for Arabia.
In a room at Nippur used apparently for storing unbaked tablets in the time of Gimil-Sin (c.
The palace had been built on a terraced mound 45 feet high, which was made of crude or unbaked bricks, and was protected by a casing-wall of large square stones.
Many tablets were recovered, and a pot containing 113 unbaked clay tablets was also brought to light: the tablets are written in a script characteristic of the time of Tiglath-Pileser I, and are chiefly concerned with receipts for cattle.
The unbaked paste removed from the inside is baked, and makes an excellent cake, though not a sightly one.
Good and well-baked bread is nutritious and healthful, whileunbaked bread is heavy and difficult of digestion.
Remove the cover and then carefully take out some unbaked paste inside of the bouchee, fill with lobster prepared as directed below, put the cover on, and serve as warm as possible.
Thus you cut off the cover and remove it, then remove also all the unbaked paste that is inside of the vol-au-vent, so that you have left what may be called a shell.
The third day was spent uncomfortably at El Hamra, a miserable collection of hovels made of unbaked brick and mud.
The halls were long and narrow, the walls of unbaked brick and panelled with sculptured slabs.
The unbaked brick is a square of whitish clay, mixed with fine straw and simply dried in the sun when it comes out of the mould; it was generally from 8 in.
This platform or basement of unbaked brick on which the building was placed is met with everywhere, not only at Nineveh and Babylon, but from the beginning in the substructures of Mugheir, Tello, Warka, and Abu Shahrein.
The taste of the more experienced metallurgist also finds room for the exercise of the decorative arts, and transfers to the bronze implements the incised and chevron patterns which were first introduced on his vessels of unbaked clay.
I just recollect, as a boy, the stones having been carted away: I found also an urn ofunbaked clay, half filled with bones partially burned.
Although the country possessed building stone in plenty, stone was not used except for superficial ornamentation, baked and unbaked bricks being the architect's sole reliance.
It is worth remarking, however, that some of these mastabas contain genuine arches, formed of unbaked bricks.
Lower part of a large unbaked tablet, two columns.
Light brown fragment from the left upper corner of a large unbaked tablet.
But he always takes the unbaked pot to the ruins and buries it with two of those odd little ninepins, he calls men and women, inside it.
It was an ordinary potter's yard, no more, no less; the kneaded clay on one side of the wheel, the unbaked pots lying on the other.
These bricks resist water, unite perfectly with lime, are subject to no alteration from heat or cold, and the baked differ from the unbaked only in the sonorous quality which they have acquired from the fire.
The last sagger of each bung is covered with an unbaked one, three inches deep, in place of a round lid.
Unbaked dough was thrown down to them, as to dogs, and water was let down to them in a pitcher.
All he gave them to eat was unsalted millet bread, baked like pones, or entirely unbaked dough.
Cut them into halves, remove the seeds, and place in a single layer over an unbaked pie crust.
Spread the strawberries on a single unbaked crust of a pie.
Fill an unbaked pie crust, place in a moderate oven, and bake until the mixture is set and the crust is brown.
Pour into an unbaked pie crust and cover with half-inch strips of paste placed over the top to form a lattice effect.
Cutting through unbaked ones when old, when softened by recent damp, by exposure to the sun, or by saline exudations.
They were used, apparently, for purposes for which the less lastingunbaked bricks were not suitable, but were not generally employed.
Small figures of both baked and unbaked clay, and of a religious character, were also made by the Assyrians (Fig.
Like the Assyrian and Egyptian, the Babylonian bricks, whether unbakedor baked, were moulded, and the latter were stamped.
The vessels of unbaked clay which have been preserved are few in number, and are either religious in character, or devoted to sepulchral uses.
The climate of Egypt was such that unbaked bricks were sufficiently lasting for architectural purposes, and walls, tombs, and entire pyramids were constructed of them.
We have hitherto associated unbaked bricks with the earliest attempts of the potter.
In both countries unbaked bricks were made use of in the construction of mound-like foundations for buildings.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unbaked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: crude; rare; raw