Others insisted, that unbaptized infants would be condemned to become philosophers, and turn out the authors of great discoveries.
Widely as its members differed on other points, they all agreed that unbaptized infants should be excluded from the kingdom of heaven.
Some Christians actually believe that unbaptized babies are not admitted into heaven, and in a Roman Catholic book descriptive of hell, a poor little baby writhes and screams in a red-hot oven.
Truly, the Lord is a jealous God, visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children, since unborn children are condemned for the untimely death of their mother, and unbaptized infants for the carelessness of their parents or nurses.
There appears to be in Northern India no trace of the idea which so widely appears in Europe, that such lights are the souls of unbaptized children.
Spain, he promised to expel the Jews and unbaptized Moors from Portugal.
With the Jews were banished also many unbaptized Mohammedans, the especial enemies of Ferdinand "the Catholic.
At times it takes longer to appease the wrath of St. Laurence than at others; but with daylight the courage of the worshippers revives, and the souls of the unbaptized seek rest, although the winds may continue to howl.
To this spot do congregate, so it is reported, the souls of unbaptized children, who make the midnight hour hideous with their shrieks when the tempest is hurrying down through the valley and over the snow-capped hills.
When old enough, he should be entrusted with the task of rescue, and being unbaptized he would gain admittance to all the enchanted places.
On this was fed a toad, which was then burned, and the ashes were mixed with the blood of an infant, unbaptized if possible, powdered bone of a man who had been hanged, and certain herbs.
Does this involve the notion that infants dyingunbaptized are lost?
Pedobaptist churches in general refuse full membership, office-holding, and the ministry, to unbaptized persons.
We agree with them, however, in saying that unbaptized persons should not partake of the Lord's Supper.
John Bunyan's church, once either an open communion church or a mixed church both of baptized and unbaptized believers, is now a regular Congregational body.
The doctrine that baptism is not essential to church membership is simply the logical result of the previous practice of admitting unbaptized persons to the communion table.
This inability of the unbaptized to behold the Grail, and the renewal of the power of the stone every Good Friday are the two most direct proofs of the Christian nature of the Talisman to be found in the poem.
And Titurel needs must hear it, in his chamber the old king lay, And he quoth, 'If he be a heathen, then such thought shall he put away As that eyes unbaptized may win them the power to behold the Grail!
For he meeteth a prince of battles who dauntless to strife doth ride, And unbaptized was the foeman who rode here in his heathen pride.
There is in the island of Mull a little burial-ground entirely devoted to unbaptized children, who were thus severed in the grave from those who had been interred in the hope of resurrection to life.
This belief in the hand-of-glory and the magic candle may be due to the fact that such children, being unbaptized and unborn, were presumed to be under the influence of the Evil One himself.
In the Middle Ages, when mothers abandoned their infants, they used to place beside them a little salt in token that they were unbaptized (326.
Only one adult lies with the little babes--an old Christian woman--whose last dying request it was that she should be buried with the unbaptized children.
One legend, current amongst Catholic peoples, has it that "the robin was commissioned by the Deity to carry a drop of water to the souls of unbaptized infants in hell, and its breast was singed in piercing the flames.
In Spain, to kiss an unbaptized child before any one else has done so, is a panacea against toothache (258.
Unbaptized infants are there buried in a part of the churchyard set apart for the purpose called 'Chrycimers,' i.
It is of the hands, however, of unbaptized or unborn children that these tapers were most frequently made.
The most difficult problem concerning the divine voluntas salvifica—a real crux theologorum—is the fate of unbaptized children.
To the uncivilized tribes may be applied what has been said regarding the fate of unbaptized infants.
It was, however, once firmly and generally believed, that these awful creatures could be heard of a wild stormy night in full cry pursuing the souls of the unbaptized and unshriven.
In Scotland and other countries the Fairies were credited with stealing unbaptized infants, and leaving in their stead poor, sickly, noisy, thin, babies.
Thus I do not admit the damnation of children dying unbaptized or outside the Church, or the damnation of adult persons who have acted according to the light that God has given them.
Such is the doctrine of the damnation of unbaptized children, which M.
It seems to be assumed here that there are a hundred thousand times more damned than saved, and that children dying unbaptized are included among the former.
And he gave them clearly to understand that an unbaptized person ran no inconsiderable risk.
Dante makes the First Circle consist of the two limbos of Thomas Aquinas: that of unbaptized infants, limbus puerorum, and that of the fathers of the old covenant, limbus sanctorum patrum.
A tenet of Dante's faith was that all the unbaptized are lost.
These toads were all endowed with the faculty of speech, and entreated the witches there to reward them with the flesh of unbaptized infants for their exertions to give them pleasure.
A report was then spread in different parts of the kingdom that the New Christians, with the unbaptized Jews, insulted the images of Jesus Christ, and had even crucified Christian children in mockery of his sufferings on the cross.
It was in the year 1492 that the unbaptized Jews were expelled from Spain.
I say the number of the unbaptized is great, because there are many causes which contribute to produce this result.
My fear is that, after all, the number of persons unbaptized in England is greater at this moment than at any previous time.
They are the souls of unbaptized babies," said Ralph.
The emperor himself remained a catechumen, that is, an unbaptized believer, until shortly before his death, when he became a member by baptism.
A more infamous doctrine than that of the condemnation of unbaptized infants can scarcely be imagined, and a stronger proof of the heresies that had invaded and corrupted the early Church need not be sought.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unbaptized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.