In one case the unilateral tumefactionand redness persisted, and were, in fact, accompanied by a general hypertrophy of the tissues.
On the second and third day there was some tenderness and tumefaction of the abdomen, which increased somewhat on the fourth and fifth.
About the seventh year she suffered tumefactionof the abdomen and thought she had conceived again.
There was subsequently at attack of inflammatory fever, followed by tumefaction of the abdomen, convulsions, and death on the ninth day.
The common symptoms are itching and irritation, more or less intense, often accompanied with shooting pains, and tenderness, and tumefactionof the parts.
A contusion; but in popular language applied chiefly to cases in which there is an extravasation of blood owing to the rupture of the minute vessels, with consequent discoloration ortumefaction of the part.
This tumefaction consists essentially of a cerogelatinous exudate into the subcutaneous and intermuscular tissues.
This tumefaction spreads more and more, and crackles on pressure.
The superficial form presents itself first as a doughy tumefaction of the skin about the region of the throat, neck, dewlap, or legs, which pits on pressure.
Mastication, deglutition, and articulation all become impeded mechanically by tumefaction of the tissues.
If high up, the dilatation may be detected externally by its enlargement when filled with food after a meal, and the subsidence of tumefaction when the sac is emptied by pressure from without, or by regurgitation.
This tumefaction in some instances progresses over the entire side of the face up to the nose, the lower eyelid, and even out to the ear in one direction, and down to the chin, and even to the neck, in the other.
The earliest local characteristic symptom distinguishing gangrenous stomatitis is a tense tumefaction of one cheek, usually in proximity to the mouth.
Whatever the origin, however, acute catarrhal stomatitis begins, usually, with congestion and tumefaction of the oral mucous membrane.
When the first tumefaction {1011} due to the initial congestion takes place, the organ may be much larger than subsequently, the pus becoming encysted and the normal state outside of the area of suppuration being restored.
The tumefaction and congestion are often continuous into the floor of the mouth and the parts adjacent.
The acuteness of the tumefaction would distinguish it from hypertrophy of the tongue on the one hand, and from the tumefaction attending malignant disease on the other.
The causes operating upon the exterior of the tube primarily are suppurative laryngitis and tracheitis, tumefaction and softening of bronchial and tracheal lymphatic glands, and caries of the spine.
The tumefaction of the parts impairs the freedom and ease of deglutition, which may become so painful as to prevent the swallowing of the saliva, which then may dribble from the mouth.
The dysphagia is not always due to tumefaction of the mucous membrane, but usually in part to coexisting inflammation of the muscular coat or infiltration between the sheaths of muscular fibres, paralyzing their efforts at contraction.
Webster's definition of tumefaction is to swell by any fluids or solids being detained abnormally at any place in the body.
If a tumefaction appears in one side, and not in the other, why so?
Observations without record will show any fair minded person that tumefaction does cause death in the majority of cases.
The failure of free action of blood produces general debility, congestion, low types of fever, dropsy, constipation, tumefactionand on to the whole list of visceral of diseases.
The tumefaction following upon local treatment, and especially when leeching and counter-irritants have been employed, is sometimes, as he remarks, very perplexing.
In neglected cases great tumefaction of the labia takes place, along with excoriation of the neighbouring parts, patchy ulceration around, and swelling of the absorbents and of the inguinal glands.
The tumefaction is at first the size of a hen's egg; not hot, little sensitive, and distinctly circumscribed by a marked line from the surrounding healthy tissue.
There may be so much tumefaction of the nostrils as to produce difficulty in breathing.
The lameness which follows it is accompanied with enormous tumefaction of the joint, pain, inability to bear weight upon the foot, and finally disease of the articulation.
If muchtumefaction of muscular tissues beneath fasciæ occurs, or abscesses form in them, free incisions should be at once made for their relief.
This writer's case took place after a fever, and no tumefaction of the gums nor ecchymoses of the skin are mentioned as occurring in it.
Speech and mastication were effected with difficulty; the lower jaw was comme engourdie, and a dull pain was felt in the ligaments of the joints; the tumefaction increased and soon extended from the ear to the cheek.
A thick diphtheritic pellicle occurred upon the under surface of each eyelid on the left side, with great tumefaction of both lids, gangrene of the cornea, and destruction of the eye.
The tumefaction speedily subsides, the features become recognizable, and defervescence is complete.
It began with a chill, and he had the usual efflorescence, sore throat, and tumefaction of the cervical glands.
At the same time the tumefaction of the skin subsides, and the subjective sensations to which it gave rise gradually disappear.
Most of the tumefaction is, however, due to extension of the inflammation to the connective tissue of the neck.
A moderate amount of tumefaction may disappear by resolution, but if it be considerable it seldom abates in this way, but by the tedious and exhausting process of suppuration or gangrene.
In all cases there are the swollen, reddened, tender condition of the connecting lymphatics and the tumefaction of the lymphatic glands.
In severe cases of this complication the tumefaction extends from ear to ear, filling up the space below and around the angles of the jaw and under the chin.
This tumefaction sometimes begins by the second or third day, but it is usually about the close of the first week or in the beginning of the second week that it becomes so considerable as to constitute a source of danger and anxiety.
Thence the disease progresses over the face, and possibly over the scalp also, the resulting tumefaction being occasionally, as already stated, enormous.
When the inflammation and tumefaction have disappeared, rub the parts with opodeldoc, or other stimulating mixtures.
The gathering had changed its seat, making its way between the skin and muscles of the neck, where it now formed so huge a tumefaction that the patient was in danger of being suffocated.
Generalised œdema and tumefaction of the bitten limb.
Complete tumefactionof the left leg, abdomen, and trunk, with ecchymosed patches.
The foot and leg were painful under pressure; a slight tumefaction was visible in the peri-malleolar region, around the bites, which bled a little.
We may define phlegmatia dolens to be tumefactionof a limb from inflammation and obstruction of the main lymphatic trunks leading from it.
I have seen two or three cases of this description, and one which occurred to a great extent in the case of an out-patient of the General Lying-in Hospital, in whom this tumefaction spread to the shoulders and chest.
We may instantly know when this injury has taken place, by the livid tumefaction of the parts, and our being no longer able to feel the knotty portions of the varix.