Time and space alloweth not of dilation upon the gay revel held that night in the halls of Kenilworth.
With a natural, anterior presentation this may happen because of the imperfectdilation of the mouth of the womb.
In stud bulls the frequent protrusion of the erect and enlarged penis and the retraction and dilation of the opening of the sheath serve to empty the pouch and prevent any accumulation of sebaceous matter or urine.
The dilation and contraction of the gas in the balloon is my means of locomotion, which calls for neither cumbersome wings, nor any other mechanical motor.
The doctor was, therefore, obliged to keep his balloon up by a quite considerabledilation of gas, and the cylinder was hard at work all the time.
Kennedy, from his post of observation, saw the danger without knowing what had caused it, and the balloon, powerfully urged by the dilation of the gas, strained and tugged at the ropes that held it as though impatient to soar away.
It was, therefore, necessary to sustain it by a certaindilation of the gas.
Besides, the dilation of the hydrogen involved no danger, and only three-fourths of the vast capacity of the balloon was filled when the barometer, by a depression of eight inches, announced an elevation of six thousand feet.
Therefore, while his companions slept, the doctor raised the hydrogen in the balloon to an elevated temperature, and the huge globe, filling out by the dilation of the gas, rose straight up in the perpendicular rays of the sun.
And with this, the doctor put on a full head of flame from the cylinder, and the dilation of the hydrogen, occasioned by such sudden and intense heat, sent the balloon rapidly aloft.
We have a tendency to sink, and, in order to keep our elevation, I am compelled to give greater dilation to the hydrogen.
Dilation of the cervix with sponge tents or with instruments or probes that were not perfectly cleansed, causes infection and a decomposition of the retained secretions, which, becoming absorbed, leads to pelvic cellulitis.
A saclike dilation in the wall of an artery as the result of weakness of its tissues.
It was something from the whole, denoted possibly in the quick dilation of her delicate nostrils or in the startling discovery of such a woman in Manila.
What spell was that which had come over her, a perfect vein-dilation in the brilliant light?
To have the constituent particles move to and fro, with alternate compression and dilation of parts, as the air, or any elastic body; to quiver.
Defn: Causing dilation or relaxation of the blood vessels; as, the vasodilator nerves, stimulation of which causes dilation of the blood vessels to which they go.
A dilationor enlargement of a canal or other organ.
Insufficiency of a valve allows the return of the blood through the valve during the dilation of a chamber, thus increasing the amount of blood entering the chamber beyond the normal.
The disease begins with a slow dilation of the vein, which gradually becomes thickened and tortuous.
Either trouble causes dilation of the chamber and compensatory hypertrophy.
This stage ends with the opening and dilation of the mouth of the womb and the second or expulsive stage sets in, with pains altered in character.
Second stage, from the complete dilation until the complete birth of the child.
Concussion of the eyeball may produce an irregular dilation of the pupil.
If the canal is too much closed, gradual and careful dilation between the periods, will often remove this cause in time.
Having reduced the dilation sufficiently for our purposes, we resolved to attempt the working of the balloon before the whole town and to turn it from the east to the north.
This I attributed to the dilation of the air contained in the cellular tissue of the organ as much as to the cold outside.
The fall of the mercury in the barometer was scarcely perceptible when the dilation of the hydrogen gas in the balloon had become considerable.
The free and easy expansion of the chest is also indispensable to the full play and dilation of the lungs.
The iris dilates and contracts, and thus enlarges or diminishes the size of the pupil as the light that fails upon the eye is faint or strong; but this dilation and contraction are not instantaneous.
Stays and corsets, and tight vests and waistbands, operate most injuriously, compressing as they do the thoracic cavity, and interfering with the healthy dilationof the lungs.
As he turned into the yard, not with his usual swinging gait, but with a quick, wide step, there was an unpleasant dilation about young Shackford's nostrils.
The consequence of such action on the heart muscle, sooner or later, is a dilation of the left ventricle if the overuse of the tobacco is continued.
On the other hand, some arteries, especially if the calcareous deposits are considerable, may become weakened in spots and dilation may occur, causing either smaller or larger aneurysms.
It is a quickly acting nervous and circulatory stimulant, acting principally on the cerebrum and causing a dilation of the peripheral blood vessels.
Livid and painful swellings formed by the dilation of the blood vessels around the margin of, or within, the anus, from which blood or mucus is occasionally discharged; piles; emerods.
He continued to treat me by the process of dilation for five or six months.
During the operations of dilation of the urethra, I passed some gravel.
On turning the screw a cross-bar forces the two upper blades outwards, till sufficient dilation is got for operative purposes.
It will also clear the way for the discussion of other instruments, whose use is entirely reserved for the purpose of dilation of the cervix.
After dilation of the cervix uteri a hollow tube was put in to keep it open.
Suddenly the power of vision became extinct, simultaneously with a great dilation of the pupils: sight shortly afterwards returned, the pupils at the same time again contracting.
Entosthema is of two kinds; one of them consists of dilation of the cells, the other of a rupture of the cells.
The above-mentioned dilation of the river into Lake St. Croix extends some 30 m.
White and black are similar effects of contraction and dilation in another sphere, and for this reason have a different appearance.
They are a cause of spirituality and fragrance and a source of dilation of souls.
Consequently, withstand their oppositions with all quiescence and dignity (patience) and their contradictions with all cheerfulness, gladness and dilation of heart (i.
Verily, I saw your photographs, whose beauty proved the turning of your hearts unto the Center of Guidance and the dilation of your breasts by the appearance of the Kingdom of God.
She did not look up or she would have seen the suddendilation of Esther's eyes as she caught sight of the fashion drawings on the two pages open in front of her.
She made no sign beyond a little intake of her breath and a dilation of her nostrils.