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Example sentences for "popular language"

  • An adhesive plaster is in popular language a sticking-plaster.

  • Popular language, indeed, having grown up with a predominantly practical purpose, represents a very imperfect classification philosophically considered.

  • Of the classes marked by popular language it is worth while to distinguish two sorts (cf.

  • In popular language, all we can see is the house, not the tenant, in either case.

  • It is thus an intermediary between Someone else and ourselves; and this Someone else can only be God, Who gave us our conscience, so that in popular language it may be called the Voice of God.

  • An excellent compendium of the most interesting facts in astronomy, told in popular language.

  • Described in popular language, yet with a thoroughness which will give the reader a surprisingly complete grasp of the subject.

  • When combustion ceases, the fire goes out in popular language.

  • When such a being dies and in popular language is born again, the skandhas reconstitute themselves but it is expressly stated that when the saint dies this does not happen.

  • Being a literary rather than a popular language it was probably a mixed form of speech and it has been conjectured that it was elaborated in Avanti or in Gândhâra where was the great Buddhist University of Takshaśîlâ.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "popular language" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    common discourse; having only; mastoid muscle; not necessarily; penny loaf; popular education; popular government; popular governments; popular literature; popular name; popular rights; popular sentiment; popular sovereignty; popular stories; popular superstition; popular tradition; popular vote from single; popularly called; popularly known; popularly supposed; protect the; sail from; shaped corolla; single individual; valid marriage; will draw all men