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Example sentences for "trireme"

Lexicographically close words:
tript; triptych; triptychs; trique; triradiate; triremes; tris; trisection; trismus; triste
  1. Describe a Greek trireme and the way it was managed.

  2. With the aid of its two sails a trireme is said to have gone one hundred and fifty miles in a day and a night.

  3. A trireme that had wintered in the isle-- By stress of weather hindered in her way From Egypt to the shores of Italy-- Refitted now was ready to pursue Her destined voyage to Puteoli.

  4. Then Agesilaus, calling the gods to witness, got on board his trireme in bitter indignation, and sailed away.

  5. Alcibiades, who was moreover in bad odour in the camp, sailed away with a single trireme to his private fortress in the Chersonese.

  6. The breadth of a trireme at the water-line, amidships, was about 14 ft.

  7. Now, as it appears further on, the maximum number of oars in any tier in a trireme was 62 in the top bank, which gives 31 a side.

  8. As the trireme came up with them, the rowers gave up their futile struggle with the raging elements and only tried to avoid being capsized.

  9. So let it stand: if the situation should seem in any way perilous, we meet on board the trireme in the harbor of Antium.

  10. Now, gliding past the jetty at the end of the quay, the trireme was afloat on the open sea, and rode the broad blue waters like a swan.

  11. My trireme sails to-night," said the Batavian gaily.

  12. The wind was rising every instant; the trireme parted the water like an arrow, and the prow, now rising and now sinking on the billows, dipped in them far above the large metal ornaments.

  13. If only his trireme had wheels and could travel over land.

  14. Before my trireme weighs anchor, I have a communication to make to you.

  15. There lay the proud trireme before their surprised eyes, gaily dressed out like a bride waiting for the bridegroom.

  16. As the men stepped on land, he turned eagerly to Aurelius and asked him when the trireme was to start.

  17. In a few minutes the trireme began to move.

  18. The decree was proposed by Demon, one of the township of Paeania, and a cousin of Demosthenes; and a trireme was sent to AEgina to fetch him home.

  19. The trireme bearing the fatal order had left port twenty-four hours before.

  20. While at sea this sacred trireme was illumined by a light from heaven, while a burning torch on high seemed to guide the fleet to a safe harbor.

  21. We can imagine the astonishment of the people of Corinth when a trireme came into their harbor with tidings of the remarkable success of their townsman, and bearing as striking evidence the person of the late tyrant of Sicily.

  22. They voted death to all Mitylenians old enough to bear arms, and a trireme was sent to Lesbos, bearing orders to the Athenian admiral to carry this tragical decision into effect.

  23. A second trireme was got ready with all haste, and amply provisioned by the envoys from Mitylene then in Athens, those envoys promising large rewards to the crew if they should arrive in time.

  24. History tells us that the Greeks hesitated at first; but soon the ship of Ameinias, an Athenian captain, dashed against a Phoenician trireme with such fury that the two became closely entangled.

  25. The seamen were as eager as those of the former trireme had been despondent.

  26. Across the sea rushed the trireme, with such speed as trireme never made before nor since.

  27. Even the captain and seamen of the trireme that was sent with the order to Mitylene left the port with heavy hearts, and would have gladly welcomed a recall.

  28. Fortunately, the rowers of the first trireme had no spirit for their work.

  29. The sailors drew up the anchor, and the assembled crowd watched the white sails of the trireme till they became rosy in the light of sunset, and the vessel dipped beneath the horizon.

  30. She therefore wrote a letter to Nero, before the trireme started, in which she said she would but live as his widow and his sister, with no thought of returning to the Palace.

  31. A trireme was waiting to take her away forever from the home of the rulers of the world.

  32. During the fight one of the vessels had been so constructed as to go to pieces, to pour a number of armed men out of its hold, and then to be reunited into a trireme as before.

  33. If five-man power could be taken as equivalent to one-horse power, then for the propulsion of the trireme there would have been available about thirty-five horse power, but that would hardly give a very high rate of speed.

  34. What century witnessed the birth of the trireme is not certain, but probably by 800 B.

  35. It is, however, in the Attic trireme such as composed the fleets of Phormio and Conon that historical interest has centred, and though quinqueremes were commonly in use in the second and third centuries, B.

  36. The trireme appears to have had three masts.

  37. Thus in a trireme the thranite, or oarsman of the highest bank, was nearest the stern of the set of three to which he belonged.

  38. Demetrius Poliorcetes, yet the interest in the trireme has never failed, and the splendour of its achievements has insured to it an attention on the part of the learned which no other class of vessel has been able to attract to itself.

  39. In describing the trireme it will be convenient to deal first with the disposition of the rowers and subsequently with the construction of the vessel itself.

  40. The Attic trireme was built light for speed and for ramming purposes.

  41. Such, we may believe, was the trireme of the palmy days of Athens.

  42. The thin blue smoke of sacrifice could be seen rising above the wood after the human figures had vanished and while the trireme made for open sea.

  43. Meanwhile the trireme was heading round the cape; the little wood of cypress had almost disappeared behind the cliffs.

  44. In order to avoid dangerous reefs the trireme had to pass close in to shore.

  45. My own trireme brought me from Naukratis to-day; it is lying now, fully equipped for sea, in the port, and is quite at your service.

  46. We must send at once, and ask Theopompus to hire a fast trireme for us, and have it put in sailing order at once.

  47. An excellent illustration of the prow of a trireme is to be seen in the terracotta vase from Vulci (No.

  48. The best ancient representation of the rowers in a trireme is that given on a relief in Athens, of which a cast is shown here (No.

  49. In the trireme the ram was of the greatest importance, and much attention was devoted to strengthening it.

  50. A Roman trireme travelling at express speed would easily have accomplished this distance in two or at most three days.

  51. This motion he succeeded in carrying and a trireme was immediately despatched to Mytilene, conveying orders to Paches to carry the bloody decree into execution.

  52. The generals replied that they had commissioned Theramenes himself and Thrasybulus, each of whom commanded a trireme in the engagement, to undertake the duty, and had assigned 48 ships to them for that purpose.

  53. Callicratidas then blockaded Mytilene both by sea and land; but Conon contrived to despatch a trireme to Athens with the news of his desperate position.

  54. A second trireme was immediately despatched to Mytilene, with orders to Paches to arrest the execution.

  55. The Salaminian, or state, trireme was despatched to Sicily, carrying the decree of the assembly for Alcibiades to come home and take his trial.

  56. Soon fiercely howled around them an angry north wind, tossing the sea in great surges, but the trireme proved herself stanch and well behaved.

  57. The living sand would be worse than a Roman trireme for The Sword to escape from.

  58. When thou art at hand to strike thou mayest have the trireme drifting with the outgoing tide.

  59. Wide but not high was the space which was inclosed under the fore deck of the trireme The Sword.

  60. Once more he spoke, with exceeding bitterness: "How shall I answer for the loss of the trireme here in the bay?

  61. The Sword and the trireme were now going out with the tide into the open sea and into the darkness, but there had been much sounding of trumpets in the camp of the Romans.

  62. The jarl was at the helm of the trireme and his face was clouded.

  63. All the more freely did the fighting men of the small trireme crowd her decks and gather at her bulwarks.

  64. The small boat was hoisted to its place and the vikings began to speak more freely of the trireme by her new name of The Sword.

  65. On board the trireme there was much search going on and great was the delight of all over the plunder discovered.

  66. To them the gods were kind," said Sigurd, "but this trireme is a fair prize.

  67. Deft was the steering of Wulf and the swift rush of the trireme was avoided, The Sword passing her stern so near that every spearman might make a cast.

  68. But the trireme lieth a handbreadth deeper.

  69. In the trireme The Sword itself, when she was captured, there had been a few skins of wine, but it had been red and sour and the vikings liked it not.

  70. Before climbing into the trireme the jarl made them row to her beak, that he might examine well its form and its power for striking a blow, and that he might also look more closely at the figurehead.

  71. I think this taking of the trireme will depend upon thee and thy sword more than upon a man a fish cutting hemp!

  72. The arrival of this trireme was thus of very essential service to the Greeks.

  73. The name of the commander of this trireme was Parætius.

  74. The field of battle, if we may use that word for a space of sea, was strewed with these wrecks; the men remaining on board being helpless and unable to get away, for the ancient trireme carried no boat, nor any aids for escape.

  75. All his ingenuity was required to get a trireme safe out of the harbor, in the face of the enemy’s guard.

  76. The merchant trireme glided away over a smooth sea; and the travellers on the deck waved farewell to Uncle Catullus, who stood on the prow and waved back.

  77. From the port of Ascalon, where she arrived by trireme with Appius.

  78. Their trireme had lost half her headway and was now crashing over rocks and trembling as her bow rose.

  79. He went aboard his trireme at once and called his pilot to him.

  80. There your trireme shall be leaking and you shall desert her and seek refuge on the isle and wait for me.

  81. Night and day on the headland velites had been watching for the trireme of Antipater.

  82. The trireme was regarded as a missile to be hurled with sudden violence against the opposing ship, in order to disable or sink it.

  83. At last, one day, in despair, he had flung himself into the sea from the top of a trireme where he was working at the oar.

  84. The gate rose, and the trireme disappeared beneath the deep arch.

  85. The elaborate rigging of the imperial trireme was now distinctly visible, for its sails, like those of the Batavia, were close-reefed, the wind being contrary.

  86. Nor did the trireme lose ground while these preparations were being made; a sword and a small round shield were laid at the feet of each rower, without stopping him in his pull; they could not yet give up all hope of escape.

  87. At the north-west end of the harbor the trireme lay at anchor and, to his great satisfaction, Aurelius found the boat ready on the shore to carry him and his friends on board.

  88. The Batavian's trireme had a good start; it was now but a speck, motionless as it seemed, on the north-western horizon.

  89. The rowers set to work with a will, notwithstanding that the imperial trireme was now disabled.

  90. An ancient Athenian trireme would make a poor figure beside a modern line-of-battle ship, the most majestic product of human skill and daring.

  91. As the complement of a trireme galley was at least two hundred men, we cannot estimate the forces then employed by Athens against Egypt at less than forty thousand men.

  92. And this they did in spite of dangers which threatened by sea and from the enemy, and they persuaded Dionysius not to send the trireme which he had prepared for the Spartans.

  93. Assuming the general right to punish those islands which had sided with the Persian, he proceeded to Paros, which had contributed a trireme to the armament of Datis.

  94. His intelligence, received with doubt, was presently confirmed by a trireme of Tenians, which deserted to them; and they now seriously contemplated the inevitable resort of battle.

  95. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trireme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.