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Example sentences for "provisioned"

Lexicographically close words:
proving; provings; provision; provisional; provisionally; provisioning; provisions; proviso; provisor; provisors
  1. I was rather astonished to see all lifeboats lowered from their davits to the level of the steerage deck, and by edging down that way, saw they were provisioned with water, biscuits, lanterns and all necessary equipment for immediate use.

  2. Hiram provisioned and attended to other details.

  3. Their lordships returned, and told the Privy Council that the Bass was in every respect well provisioned and well manned.

  4. Almost all the ships were ill-fitted and ill-provisioned for so long a voyage.

  5. Therefore the arrival of Tafur with two well-provisioned ships was greeted with rapture, and the only thought of the soldiers was to embark as soon as possible, and leave for ever that dismal island.

  6. Fortress Monroe impregnable to assault, by the land side, and so easily provisioned and garrisoned by sea, was looked upon as the most dangerous neighbor.

  7. The long-boat was provisioned and lowered.

  8. Having repaired and provisioned the ships, on the 3rd of June they set sail, steering southward, but anchored again in two days in a bay, where the caunter Christopher was run on shore and her cargo removed.

  9. She was equipped and manned under Government auspices, and provisioned for two years.

  10. Two ships and one small vessel are being built, and will be provisioned for the trip to the Western Islands and the return to New Spain.

  11. And that, I think, is why they begin with spacious cells and generous rations for the homes of the females and end with narrow, scantily-provisioned cells, the homes of the males.

  12. The first city assailed was Aquileia, It was fully provisioned and vigorously defended, the inhabitants preferring death on their walls to death by the tyrant's order.

  13. The Capitol was provisioned and garrisoned, and the aged senators awaited death in solemn calm.

  14. The people had gathered into the walled cities, which were plentifully provisioned and garrisoned.

  15. He complains that the vessels are provisioned only for six months, and that the voyage to the liver which La Salle claims to have discovered, and again back to France, cannot be made in that time.

  16. Here were several villages full of corn and wine; in which they halted three days, and provisioned the army.

  17. They are arming the forts and enceinte, and the city is being provisioned for a siege.

  18. At the beginning of the following year Verazzano fitted out and armed a vessel called the Dauphine, manned with a crew of thirty hands, and provisioned for eight months.

  19. We are fairly well provisioned for present needs, and when farther up the river will feel free to seek fresh game.

  20. His command consisted of two small vessels, with crews amounting to about one hundred twenty men, and provisioned for four or five months.

  21. In hunting for cells provisioned with honey I thus lose a good part of the month of May; however, I end by finding some which are newly sealed and which belong to the right Anthophora.

  22. If she was fetching honey and pollen, I offer her a partly-provisioned cell.

  23. Then a second cell is built, backing on the first and provisioned in the same manner.

  24. Some mother, nearing the end of her labours and in a hurry to lay her eggs, found, let us suppose, some convenient cells provisioned by her fellows.

  25. We hid about, in this cottage and that, while my trusted friend Trigget provisioned his little craft and got together all the folk whom you see here, save D'Antons.

  26. In reply to his question the gentleman told him that the sun was well up, the fog cleared, and that he was having his boat provisioned for the coastwise exploration trip.

  27. At this time you should see that the Discovery Hut is provisioned to support the Southern Party and yourself in the autumn in case the ship does not arrive.

  28. How much tobacco Mr. Appleton had provisioned his wife with cannot be known, but it looks as if she were a regular smoker and did not care to be long without a supply.

  29. In those days Atlantic passages were long, and might last for an indefinite period, and passengers provisioned themselves accordingly.

  30. On Monday, March 9th, the Maria Theresa left Broughton Island well provisioned with the stores the generous captain had pressed upon my acceptance.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "provisioned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.