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Example sentences for "tracheal"

Lexicographically close words:
tracers; tracery; traces; trachea; tracheae; tracheate; tracheids; tracheotomy; trachoma; trachyte
  1. It inhabits the tracheal artery of some gallinaceous fowls, and according to recent experiments, it develops itself directly in the tracheal artery of birds.

  2. The ermine lodges in its lungs and tracheal artery a long worm, to 250 which I have given the name of Filaroides mustelarum.

  3. Von Bruns has removed a cancer on the posterior wall of the trachea with six tracheal rings, thus giving the patient six years of life.

  4. Tracheal compression by tumours of the neck or mediastinum, of the thyreoid or thymus, or by aneurism, or by tuberculous bronchial glands.

  5. The lower part of the wound is left open, to procure free drainage through the crico-thyreoid and tracheal openings.

  6. If the stenosis be troublesome (chiefly in syphilitic cases), the prolonged use of a laryngo-tracheal canula (Fig.

  7. It may be either a thin band with few vessels of importance, covering the second, third, and fourth tracheal ring; or hypertrophied and vascular, extending higher in the neck even to the front of the cricoid or thyreoid cartilage.

  8. Inferiorly, a transverse incision must be made through the crico-thyreoid or crico-tracheal membrane, or lower in the trachea.

  9. The tracheal rings are thus exposed and can be divided as before.

  10. Bleeding is also recorded in cases of aneurism of the aorta, in which tracheotomy has been performed, as the result of erosion of the tracheal wall and the bursting of the sac.

  11. The slit in the trachea is then opened up with a tracheal dilator, and the outer tube inserted and fixed in position with tapes.

  12. One of Killian's tracheal tubes may be introduced through the tracheotomy wound and the body extracted by means of suitable forceps.

  13. Tracheotomy should be performed at once, and the edges of the tracheal wound held widely open with retractors, the patient being inverted, or coughing induced by tickling the mucous membrane with a feather.

  14. The isthmus of the thyreoid gland covers the second, third, and fourth tracheal rings.

  15. The operation of excising the upper jaw is not a dangerous one, especially if the risk of broncho-pneumonia is minimised by the intra-tracheal administration of ether.

  16. Whether the primitive tracheal system of Hexapoda was a closed one or open by serial stigmata in every somite remains at present doubtful, but the intimate relation of the system to the wings and tracheal gills cannot be overlooked.

  17. When the facile tendency of Arthropoda to develop tracheal air-tubes is admitted, it becomes probable that the tracheae of Hexapods do not all belong to one original system, but may be accounted for by new developments within the group.

  18. The Hexapoda are all provided with a highly developed tracheal system, which presents considerable variation in regard to its stigmata or orifices of communication with the exterior.

  19. They appear to be serial equivalents (homogenous meromes) of the tracheal gills, which develop in a like position on the abdominal segments of some aquatic Hexapods.

  20. With the characters of the grade: add the presence within the body of fine unbranched tracheal tubes, devoid of spiral thickening, opening to the exterior by numerous irregularly scattered tracheal pits.

  21. The greater part of the blastoderm gives rise to the epiblast, which furnishes the skin, nervous system, tracheal system, and the stomodaeum and proctodaeum.

  22. The specimens shewing tracheae which Moseley has placed in my hands are quite sufficient to leave no doubt whatever in my mind as to the general accuracy of his description of the tracheal system.

  23. In the Ephemeridae and Libellulidae, however, the metamorphosis is more complicated, in that the larvae have provisional tracheal gills which are exuviated before the final moult.

  24. In the Ephemeridae there are usually a great number of moultings; the tracheal gills appear after the second moult, and the rudiments of the wings when the larva is about half grown.

  25. In Apis there are eleven pairs of tracheal invaginations according to Kowalevsky (No.

  26. The blind ends of the tracheal invaginations frequently (e.

  27. The existence of a tracheal system[162] is in itself almost sufficient to demonstrate the affinities of Peripatus with the Tracheata, in spite of the presence of nephridia.

  28. The undoubtedly secondary character of the closed tracheal system of larvae with tracheal gills tells against this view.

  29. Apis) unite together into a common longitudinal canal, which forms a longitudinal tracheal stem.

  30. They appear as dorsal leaf-like appendages on the 2nd and 3rd thoracic segments, and are in many respects similar to the tracheal gills of the larvae of Ephemeridae and Phryganidae (fig.

  31. And while the tracheal membrane, even though recent, is apt to be thrown out of a tracheal incision at once, the pseudo-membrane of the vocal cords takes from six days to sixteen or more for complete removal.

  32. Of course these cases are exceptions; as a rule, laryngeal and tracheal diphtheria result from a descent of the disease from the fauces.

  33. White and Guitéras attributed the consolidations of the lung to congestive collapse due to enlargement of the tracheal and bronchial glands and "disturbance of the great nervous tract about the root of the lung.

  34. Occasionally, the pseudo-membrane appears upon the laryngeal and tracheal surfaces, as in the case which I have related above and in others presently to be related, causing dangerous embarrassment of respiration.

  35. They are of course wanting when it is due simply to laryngo-tracheal irritation.

  36. When the tracheal and bronchial glands are enlarged, the tubular sound over the upper dorsal vertebræ is replaced by dulness, which may contrast sharply, above with the tracheal, and below with the vesicular resonance.

  37. The fact being incontestable, we must evidently admit that the exsertion of the organ is rendered possible only by the expansion of the tracheal vesicles.

  38. A prolonged flight must first expand his two great tracheal sacs; these enormous receptacles being gorged on air will throw back the lower part of the abdomen, and permit the exsertion of the organ.

  39. The trachea is long, and the tracheal rings may be complete in front and incomplete behind, or incomplete throughout.

  40. Footnote 86: In order to make the purification complete, it is necessary to cut through the œsophagus, the tracheal artery, and the two jugular veins.

  41. It runs along the whole length of the neck, following the tracheal artery: love, riches, and prosperity.

  42. A necropsy revealed the presence of the subclavicular artery passing between the tracheal artery and the esophagus, compressing this latter tube and opposing the passage of food.

  43. This process is known as the tracheal process, or rostral cartilage.

  44. We remember that the transverse processes are often, from their relation with the trachea, known as the tracheal processes.

  45. The transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, from their relation to the trachea, are known as the tracheal processes.

  46. Over the post is slipped a block which serves to keep open the tracheal fistula.

  47. Under pathological conditions, the tracheal outline may be variously altered, even to obliteration of the lumen.

  48. The larger sizes are used especially for the dilatation of laryngeal and tracheal stenoses.

  49. Dyspnea is usually present in tracheal foreign bodies, and is due to the bulk of the foreign body plus the subglottic swelling caused by the traumatism of the shiftings of the intruder.

  50. When the bronchoscope has been inserted to about the second or third tracheal ring, the heavy laryngoscope is removed by rotating the handle to the left, removing the slide, and withdrawing the instrument.

  51. A second incision must not be made, for the portion of cartilage between the two incisions will die and will almost certainly make a site of future tracheal stenosis.

  52. Endo-tracheal anesthesia is by far the safest way for the administration of ether for any purpose.

  53. The tube (A) is introduced through the mouth, then the post (B) is screwed in through the tracheal wound.

  54. If the skin-wound heals before the fibrous union of the tracheal cartilages is complete, exuberant granulations are apt to form and occlude the trachea, perhaps necessitating a new tracheotomy for dyspnea.

  55. Suturing of the skin to the trachea should never be done, for the sutures soon tear out and often set up a perichondritis of the tracheal cartilages, with resulting difficult decannulation.

  56. Remember Trousseau dilator or hemostat will spread the tracheal wound or fistula when cannula is out.

  57. Decomposition of secretion produces tracheal "ozena," while the accumulated crusts give rise to the sensation of a foreign body and may seriously interfere with respiration, making bronchoscopic removal imperative.

  58. Its lesser angle of deviation from the tracheal axis.

  59. Gills: respiratory structures which function in water; distinguished as true or blood gills where contained blood conveys the absorbed oxygen from the gill to the tissues, and as tracheal gills when this conveyance is by contained tracheae.

  60. Eutracheata: applied to articulates which, like the insects, have a well-developed tracheal system.

  61. There are two tracheal openings just behind the openings of the lungs.

  62. The tracheal opening is not as far forward as in bimaculata, being nearer the spinnerets than the epigynum.

  63. The tracheal opening is in the middle of the abdomen, nearer the epigynum than the spinnerets.

  64. They contain tracheal tubes somewhat similar to those of other insects.

  65. Defn: Pertaining both to the tracheal and bronchial tubes, or to their junction; -- said of the syrinx of certain birds.

  66. Chilopods furnished with a rich system of branching tracheal tubes, the spiracles of which are paired and open upon the pleural area of more or fewer of the somites.

  67. Each leads into a short sac from which five tracheal tubes depend into the pericardial blood-sinus.

  68. In Dacetum, one of the Scolopendridae, there is no pocket-like infolding, the small tracheal tubes opening direct to the exterior on a large subcircular plate where their apertures fuse to form a complicated network.

  69. The air was indicated by the fact that there was some frothing of this blood present, bubbling which could have been due to the tracheal injury or an underlying injury to the lung.

  70. Perry arrived, and because of the inadequate respirations the presence of a tracheal injury, advised that the chest tube was to be inserted, this was done by some of the other physicians in the room.

  71. The causes operating upon the exterior of the tube primarily are suppurative laryngitis and tracheitis, tumefaction and softening of bronchial and tracheal lymphatic glands, and caries of the spine.

  72. Even without any deformity the rachitical process is accompanied from an early time with bronchial and tracheal catarrh.

  73. Still, complications of craniotabes with a large size of the thymus gland may occur, and enlargements of the tracheal and bronchial lymphatic glands are quite frequent, as we shall see below.

  74. These efforts are sometimes attended with spasm, regurgitation, and pain, and may be accompanied in addition with tracheal dyspnoea, and with nervousness in consequence.

  75. The laryngoscope showed complete paralysis of the vocal cords, which were in extreme abduction (it was possible to see several tracheal rings).

  76. Breath sounds were diminished, especially on the right, despite the fact that the endotracheal tube was in place and the cuff inflated, there continued to be some leakage around the tracheal wound.

  77. As I said before, I noticed the mass in the pre-tracheal area.

  78. Carrico said that he had observed a tracheal laceration.

  79. President Kennedy still had an endotracheal tube, an oro-tracheal tube in place, and the connector from this to the Bird respirator was removed.

  80. And will you state now for the record what you did notice with respect to the tracheal area?

  81. These are referred to sometimes as chin jerk, tracheal tug or agonal muscles of respiration.

  82. Through the larynzo scope there seemed to be some hematoma around the larynx and immediately below the larynx was seen the ragged tracheal injury.

  83. The opening of the external tracheal tubes or vesicle becomes a leaf; a twig can therefore occupy no other position than in the sheath or angle of a leaf.

  84. The perfect or tracheal leaf as corolla.

  85. They have the first mode of respiration and thus an aqueo-respiratory process--possess branchiæ but not tracheal tubes.

  86. As, however, the stalk is the first product of the light-influence, the tracheal system cannot attain as yet entire freedom.

  87. The tracheal bones are the branchial arches and tracheal rings.

  88. By the light the tracheal fasciculi become finally separated from the cellular substance, evolved to a higher degree as the child or product of light, and planted outwardly.

  89. The bark will correspond to the skin, the liber to the veins, the wood as a tracheal body to the arteries.

  90. The polarization of the tracheal fascicles into branches takes place all around the stalk in one situation.

  91. With increased influence of light the tracheal fasciculi also increase, and form a circle of columns in the parenchyma around the centre of the plant.

  92. There can be therefore present in the Insect no other development than in the Cutaneous animal, which works itself up into the Branchial and Tracheal animal.

  93. The third order, that of the Tracheal mosses, corresponds to the stem, or to the Gasteromycetes.

  94. There is nothing contradictory, in the tracheal fascicles of the branch growing downwards into the stalk.

  95. The formation of branches demonstrates in part a great store of tracheal fasciculi, and part by an easy differential capacity in the plant.

  96. The nerves therefore run parallel with the tracheal systems.

  97. The blossom is the leaf-formation, in which the separation of the principal tissues is completely attained, where the tracheal fascicles entirely separate from the cellular substance, and become a leaf with free ribs.

  98. These two leaves are supported upon a framework of tracheal tubes.

  99. At the same time the chitinous lining of the tracheal tubes is cast, while that of the alimentary canal is broken up and passed through the body.

  100. The viscera removed to show the ventral tracheal communications.

  101. Numerous tracheal tubes ramify upon its outer surface, and appear as fine white threads upon a greenish-grey ground.

  102. We may next consider tubes of intermediate fineness, say a tracheal tubule of the Cockroach at the point where the spiral thread ceases, and where the exchange of gases through the wall of the tubule becomes comparatively unobstructed.

  103. Tracheal gills are not always homodynamous or morphologically equivalent.

  104. Through the occipital foramen pass the œsophagus, the salivary ducts, the aorta, and the tracheal tubes for the supply of air to the head.

  105. Kowalewsky, Bütschli, and Hatschek have described the first stages of development of the tracheal system.

  106. Investigators are not yet agreed as to the minute structure of the tracheal thread.

  107. The nervures, with their vessels and tracheal tubes, lie between the two layers, which, except at the base, are in close contact.

  108. In Araneidæ, many Julidæ, and Peripatus each spiracle has a separate tracheal system of its own.

  109. Diploptera is capable of ejecting its quinones from either its right or left tracheal gland according to which side of the insect is attacked (pl.

  110. Certain cockroaches have recently been found to have odorous secretions which are produced in tracheal glands.

  111. The occurrence of para quinones in some arthropods, with emphasis on the quinone-secreting tracheal glands of Diploptera punctata (Blattaria).

  112. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tracheal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.