The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea, The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
Mr. Taft's proclamation fixing the Panama tolls will be found at the end of the book.
The passenger tolls are 10 francs a passenger above twelve years of age, and 5 francs for each child from three to twelve years old.
There are, however, to be no passengertolls at Panama.
The traffic that will utilize the canal depends upon the tolls that will be charged, and the President has asked the Congress for legislation which will enable the establishment of rates.
The question of tolls at Panama is, of course, very important in its bearing upon the future popularity of the canal.
From the steeple Tolls the bell, Deep and heavy, The death-knell!
To the love-feast clearly ringing, Tolls the church-bell far and wide!
Vernon House, an old round toll house is passed, where William Hill collected tolls for many years from the throngs of travelers on the road.
Besides, it is evident that the tolls established, even if raised to the maximum, will be totally inadequate to the preservation and repair of the road, unless first put in a state of complete and substantial repair.
A power to establish turnpikes, with gates and tolls, and to enforce the collection of the tolls by penalties, implies a power to adopt and execute a complete system of internal improvements.
Section 15 provides that in case of refusal of passengers to pay or neglect of drivers to report, collectors shall charge in a book all unpaid tolls and sue for the same.
Section 13 provides the manner of collecting tolls under this act.
The tolls levied on the merchandise made the kingdom of Edom wealthy, and at the same time an object of envy to its poorer neighbours.
Syrian merchants had bazaars in Samaria, where they could buy and sell, undisturbed by tolls and exactions, and Israelitish traders had similar quarters assigned to them by treaty in Damascus.
This was the year of the demonstration against the claim of the Corporation to levy tolls upon the goods of citizens, as well as upon those of strangers, during the time of Bartholomew Fair.
Smithfield tollsto the City or not; and there is evidence on record that it arose again and again, until the dissolution of monasteries at the Reformation finally settled it by disposing of one of the parties.
The revenues which the Corporation derived from rents and tolls during the fair constituted an element of the question which could not be overlooked, and which kept it in a state of oscillation from year to year.
The other was granted to the City of London, and consisted of the standing of cattle, and stands and booths for goods, with pickage and stallage, and tolls and profits appertaining to fairs and markets in the field of West Smithfield.
The jurisdiction of this court extended seven miles in every direction from St. Giles's Hill, and collectors were placed at all the avenues to the fair to gather the tolls upon the merchandise taken there for sale.
By the end of April he had got his Truck Bill into the Committee stage; and he secured from the Government, without a blow, the Royal Commission on Market Rights and Tolls for which he moved in a speech of an hour's length.
XXXVI TO leave Selby for York, one must needs cross the Ouse bridge, one of thee few places where tolls still survive.
It is interesting, as showing the growth of road traffic, to compare the figures still available, giving the annual sums at which the tolls at this gate were let in the old days.
His tariff of tolls is still extant, and we read that for every cart carrying merchandise, its wheels shod with iron, twopence per week was paid; if not shod with iron, one penny.
On this Trust they were mulcted severely, for the Trustees, finding the existing tolls to be utterly inadequate to their expenses, obtained powers in 1830 to increase them.
It was not a profitable undertaking, even at these rates, and the tolls had a very decided effect in stemming the advance of Suburbia in this direction.
There was in the City Road a temporary bar, with a collector of tolls who was sometimes on the spot and sometimes not.
It is proper, therefore, that the tolls for the maintenance of such a work should be put under the management of commissioners or trustees.
The proprietors of the tolls upon a high-road, therefore, might neglect altogether the repair of the road, and yet continue to levy very nearly the same tolls.
If the turnpike tolls of Great Britain should ever become one of the resources of government, we may learn, by the example of many other nations, what would probably be the consequence.
When that great work was finished, the most likely method, it was found, of keeping it in constant repair, was to make a present of the tolls to Riquet, the engineer who planned and conducted the work.
Those tolls constitute, at present, a very large estate to the different branches of the family of that gentleman, who have, therefore, a great interest to keep the work in constant repair.
The tolls for the maintenance of a highroad cannot, with any safety, be made the property of private persons.
First, If thetolls which are levied at the turnpikes should ever be considered as one of the resources for supplying the exigencies of the state, they would certainly be augmented as those exigencies were supposed to require.
The system of repairing the high-roads by tolls of this kind, it must be observed, is not of very long standing.
The turnpike tolls in England, and the duties called peages in other countries, lay it altogether upon those two different sets of people, and thereby discharge the general revenue of the society from a very considerable burden.
If those tolls were put under the management of commissioners, who had themselves no interest in them, they might be less attentive to the maintenance of the works which produced them.
In the result, benefits were gained by all classes of traders, for those who still patronised the canals were charged much more reasonable tolls than they had ever paid before.
Mr Sandars showed that although, under the Act of Parliament obtained by the Duke of Bridgewater, the tolls to be charged on his canal between Liverpool and Manchester were not to exceed 2s.
Tolls on roads were found so inconvenient that they had to be given up.
The revival movement, however, is based on the supposition that no increase in the canal tolls now charged would be necessary.
For a time the canal companies clung obstinately to their high tolls and charges, in the hope that they would still be able to pay their big dividends.
At midnight, tolls a whimpering bell When yawning graves profane their secrecy.
Anon, you might have found him in Columbia in the tolls of a princely Pocahontas.
This will necessitate higher tolls and constitute a heavy and altogether needless burden upon our commerce and that of the world.
That these orders as to canal tolls and rebates are in direct violation of Article XXVII of the treaty of 1871 seems to be clear.
The Secretary of the Treasury established such tolls as were thought to be equivalent to the exactions unjustly levied upon our commerce in the Canadian canals.
In the matter of the canal tolls our treaty rights were flagrantly disregarded.
Since we have heard many complaints about the tolls and mint which the count of Gelder has established, as he says, with our permission, we inform you all that we do not grant him the permission for these tolls and this mint.
The holders of great domains exercised not only jurisdiction over the tenants on their lands, but possessed also other sovereign rights, such as the right of coinage, of collecting tolls and taxes, etc.
They shall have complete protection, and they shall pay only their customary tolls, and you shall not exact new tollsfrom them.
We will preserve and defend the ancient tolls and mints which have been granted to their churches, neither infringing these rights ourselves nor permitting anyone else to do so.
We likewise cancel the debt which the archbishop owes us on account of the tolls at Andernach, which he had pawned to us.
We forbid him to interfere in any way with the tolls at Arnheim, or Oesterbeke, or Lobith, or in any other place on the Rhine, or with any mint.
Decision of the Diet Concerning the Granting of newTolls and Mints, 1220.
His fief is thirty pounds of the tolls and taxes of Chateau-Thierry.
They shall also have authority to tax Jews, the right to collect tolls already in force, and all other rights which they or their predecessors have possessed to the present day.
It reasonably extends also to the right of seeking a return of the means expended through the exaction of tolls and the levying of contributions.
Reduced tolls levied henceforth on the horses instead of the carriages.
No satisfactory account was rendered of the Corporation property and receipts; and the corporate officers refused to answer any questions about the Bridge Trust, or the tolls taken thereat.
Some opposition was offered, both by Gloucester Commissioners and by traders on the river; but on Mr. Cubitt’s certificate the step of raising tolls was obligatory on the Commission.
The devil's passing-bell tolls on Christmas Eve from the church tower at Dewsbury, and a muffled peal bewails the slaughter of the children on Holy Innocents' Day.
The tolls of the market were devoted to the support of the choristers of Wells Cathedral.
Here the customs or tolls were collected, and the Corporation held its meetings.
He paid his telephone tolls and raced back to his plane.
Jimmy ascertained the amount of his tolls and paid the woman.
There are no tolls or taxes of any kind paid among them by native or foreigner but the aforesaid rent, which every person pays to the parish, according to the quantity, quality, and conveniences of the land .
They belonged jointly to the King and the local earl, who shared, at a proportion of two to one, the proceeds of the tolls upon the sale of salt and methods of carriage on the ancient salt ways according to cartload, horse load, or man load.
The right of redress for tolls exacted was new because the state of the law was that the property of the inhabitants was liable to the King or superior lord for the common debt.
Members were free from thetolls that strangers paid.
The roads were maintained with tolls on carts and horses bringing victuals or grains into the city and on merchandise unloaded from ships at the port.
Toll and team" included the right to levy tolls on cattle sales and to hold a hearing for men accused of stealing cattle.
While ships will be charged tolls on the basis of net registered tonnage, not all ships carry freight upon that basis.
With this in mind, President Taft in 1912 recommended to Congress the passage of a law fixing the tolls and providing for the permanent operation of the canal.
The concession was to run for 99 years, beginning from the date when the collection of tolls on transit and navigation should begin.
A vessel en route from Chile to Europe can save nearly enough in the cost of coal alone to pay the tolls that will be exacted at Panama.
Johnson expressed the opinion that the payment of tolls by ships engaged in coast trade would affect neither the rates of the regular steamship lines nor the charges of the transcontinental railroads.
In his report on the effects of canaltolls on railroad rates, Prof.
No tollsmay be levied on vessels passing through the canal from one United States port to another.
No effort is made to levy tolls that will provide for interest charges, or for the amortization of the principal.
They argued that it would make little or no difference in rates whether tolls were charged or not, and that the only people who would benefit would be the shipowners.
The revenue of the king seems to have consisted chiefly in his demesnes, which were large; and in the tolls and imposts which he probably levied at discretion on the boroughs and seaports that lay within his demesnes.
The Suez Canal tolls were to be paid by the Government as before.
Faintly as tollsthe evening chime, Our voices keep tune and our oars keep time.
The curfew tollsthe knell of parting day, The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea, The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tolls" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.