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Example sentences for "spinning"

Lexicographically close words:
spinneret; spinnerets; spinners; spinnet; spinney; spinose; spinous; spins; spinster; spinsterhood
  1. In one, the Emma Dean [a boat] is caught in a whirlpool, and set spinning about (n.

  2. Again, "The men in the boats above see our trouble but they are caught in whirlpools, and are spinning about in eddies.

  3. The old reliables were all actively engaged, spinning about the room with other partners.

  4. At this moment a dripping sponge came spinning through the air and struck the young irreconcilable squarely between the shoulders.

  5. About to turn, he felt his back touched; and, spinning round, saw Harris panting.

  6. The former became a factory for spinning yarns, and the latter for weaving goods.

  7. Before the end of the eighteenth century, mills were at work spinning yarns, and in 1812, yarns from the mills in Lancashire were brought here and spun in bombazines, which were dyed in various colours.

  8. And after the trade in worsted yarns declined, he imported mohair from Asia Minor, and commenced the spinning of mohair yarns.

  9. During the present century, large Mills have been built in this city for the spinning of silk, woollen, and mohair yarns, and also for weaving those yarns into all kinds of fabrics.

  10. She went on spinning her little machine, and did not contradict him.

  11. Stars and sun, a few bright grains, went spinning round for terror, and holding each other in embrace, there in a darkness that outpassed them all, and left them tiny and daunted.

  12. Clara brought the cards, and sat spinning her wedding-ring whilst he shuffled them.

  13. He seemed to be spinning down the street, everything going round.

  14. This is merely a feat of endurance, resembling the dancing or spinning dervishes of Egypt, and generally ends by the dancer suddenly squatting down upon the floor with his flowing gown fully expanded in a circle around him.

  15. Each house had a sort of walled recess outside the front door, reached by a step or two, where tilling tools rested against the wall, and where the women's spinning wheels were worked during the day.

  16. The current had turned at right angles, sweeping round along with it the tall schooner and the little dancing coracle; ever quickening, ever bubbling higher, ever muttering louder, it went spinning through the narrows for the open sea.

  17. Here and there were flowering plants, unknown to me; here and there I saw snakes, and one raised his head from a ledge of rock and hissed at me with a noise not unlike the spinning of a top.

  18. At the same time the schooner began to turn upon her heel, spinning slowly, end for end, across the current.

  19. Deep Moat certainly became, as it were, a self-contained factory for spinning the money which is the god of this world.

  20. At his death Aphra kept on the spinning mill, and for a time made a brave face to adverse fortune.

  21. For of all the muted mysteries spinning ceaselessly within the silent-functioning cells of twin brain-hemispheres, Science affords us but the scantest and most sketchy information.

  22. The ever finer spinning of the threads secures an ever closer, subtler interweaving.

  23. We have had so long a monopoly of cotton-spinning that we have accustomed ourselves, spite of nature, and spite of fact, to believe that our whole destiny was that of cotton-spinning.

  24. Weak and weary as he was, he drew off after a moment's survey, to get the import of the conversation, and sent the manikin spinning with a blow that brought blood drops from his nose.

  25. In speaking of the instinct of caterpillars spinning cocoons as unintelligent, I am regarding the final purpose of the activity.

  26. Further increase gives a fresh sensation, which in turn subsides, and the man may then be spinning round rapidly, and be perfectly unconscious of the fact.

  27. As the spindle went spinning round in the air, and dropping towards the ground, it drew the thread out longer, twisting it all the time.

  28. As soon as the spindle reached the ground, Dobran’s wife picked it up, wound the thread round it and set it spinning again; and so she went on until she had spun a good ball of yarn.

  29. Dobran’s wife, who was sitting beside her husband, was busily spinning yarn; and when Dobran had finished speaking, she began to hum a song as she drew the thread.

  30. Yet I cannot see why, if they had recognised me, they should have gone to the trouble of spinning an elaborate yarn merely to deceive me.

  31. Within, she was reassured; for there was her familiar spinning frame, with its bobbins ready to be set to spinning and whirling; and the room was full of people, many as small as she.

  32. It was Monday morning, and she would take Lily with her to the mill; for the child's work at the spinning frames was to begin that day.

  33. With a wind that ought to have carried her spinning along, miles and miles in an hour, she was standing stock-still.

  34. When the engines are mended, we shall probably go spinning along.

  35. In ordinary spinning in our country more is accomplished when the wind is in one quarter than in another.

  36. Furniture was knocked spinning in the darkness.

  37. I do think," he added, "it might have occurred to you to hang on to the rope to prevent my spinning round in that absurd fashion.

  38. After being further doubled and twisted, the yarn, or roll, is ready for the mule spinner, which accomplishes by means of hundreds of spindles and wheels what the housewife once did with her spinning wheel.

  39. After washing the material for woolen yarn, it is passed through three carding processes, and from the last of them is taken direct to the spinning frame to be made into yarn.

  40. The short combed-out wool is called noils, and is used in making carpet yarns, ground up into shoddy stock, or utilized in spinning fancy yarns.

  41. The sliver on the bobbins from the card is taken to the mule spinning frame where it is passed through rolls, and the sliver attenuated by means of a traveling carriage.

  42. The silk is put through a number of drawing frames to get the fibers even on the roving frames, where it first takes the form of thread, then on the spinning frames, where it is twisted.

  43. But for fine spinning two operations of the wheel were generally necessary.

  44. The improvement on the distaff and spindle was the spinning wheel.

  45. It must be understood, however, that under the present methods of manufacture, short wools may be combed and spun by the French method of spinning just as the long wools are combed and spun by the Bradford or English system.

  46. When Caesar invaded England, he found in the southern part of the island people acquainted with the spinning and weaving of wool and linen.

  47. The function of mule spinning is to spin on the bare spindle, or upon the short paper tubes, when such are required to form a base for the cop bottom.

  48. Spinning is a process by which long or short fibers are twisted into a continuous thread.

  49. On the other hand, in the spinning of woolen yarns great length of staple is not essential, for the machinery employed will work the small fibers.

  50. Now the spinning frame in the mill has replaced both.

  51. They are the best woodsmen and marksmen, and they have no professional interest in spinning out the war.

  52. Mr. PAGE was sorry to see gentlemen spinning out the time to little purpose; certainly, after having the subject under consideration for nearly three months, they might be able to decide.

  53. Each in his turn went up to the priest (they were all within a large circular railing) and bowed profoundly and then went spinning away deliriously and took his appointed place in the circle, and continued to spin.

  54. When all had spun themselves to their places, they were about five or six feet apart--and so situated, the entire circle of spinning pagans spun itself three separate times around the room.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spinning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.