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Example sentences for "tinkers"

Lexicographically close words:
tink; tinkee; tinker; tinkered; tinkering; tinking; tinkle; tinkled; tinkler; tinklers
  1. If Tinkers may haue leaue to liue, and beare the Sow-skin Bowget, Then my account I well may giue, and in the Stockes auouch-it.

  2. But all the Honor Salisbury hath wonne, Is, that he was the Lord Embassador, Sent from a sort of Tinkers to the King Within.

  3. Haue you no wit, manners, nor honestie, but to gabble like Tinkers at this time of night?

  4. Ross Browne was accused in Syria of having "burgled" onions, and the pursuit of philology has twice subjected me to be suspected by tinkers as a flourishing member of the "dangerous classes.

  5. The men of the Rhagarin are tinkers and blacksmiths, and sell cheap jewellery or instruments of iron and brass.

  6. For besides the Rummany, there's the reg'lar cant, which all tinkers talk.

  7. And as we took our drink she told us of the red tinkers and when they took to the road.

  8. Tinkers do curse, unfortunately, and it will take a good deal of school-board work to educate them out of it, as well as a fair amount of time.

  9. I asked him where most of the tinkers came from that are met with in Wicklow.

  10. Among the country people of the east of Ireland the tramps and tinkers who wander round from the west have a curious reputation for witchery and unnatural powers.

  11. I often seen tinkers before and since, but I never seen such a power of them as were in it that day.

  12. I know one, however, who has lived by herself for fifteen years in a tiny hovel near a cross roads much frequented by tinkers and ordinary tramps.

  13. Sometimes they came on gatherings of tinkers and pedlars, tramps, and trick-men, and in the midst of these they would journey towards a fair.

  14. Two or three generations ago most of our English Gypsies were wandering tinkers carrying their outfits on their backs.

  15. The language of the tinkers is a dialect or jargon exclusively of Celtic origin, though, like one of their own stolen asses, it is so docked and disguised as to be scarcely recognizable.

  16. It’s full o’ tinkers and grinders, Gypsies and sweeps, and the like.

  17. Was it not enough that her days of vagabondage would be over--along with the company of tinkers and such like?

  18. When Patsy awoke her eyes were as serene as the patches of June sky framed by her windows, and she felt at peace with the world and all the tinkers in it.

  19. Wilde observes that stone hammers, and not unfrequently stone anvils, have been employed by smiths and tinkers in some of the remote country districts until a comparatively recent period.

  20. Sir William Wilde informs us that in Ireland[48] “stone hammers, and not unfrequently stone anvils, have been employed by country smiths and tinkers in some of the remote country districts until a comparatively recent period.

  21. For although these were yet rather early days at Lisconnel, the Tinkers had already begun to establish their reputation.

  22. If they're not any of the Tinkers we're right enough.

  23. And the Tinkers that was settled this long while in the boreen at the back of his haggard is quit out of it afore daylight this mornin', every rogue of them.

  24. Yet she did hold the Tinkers in a perhaps somewhat too unqualified reprobation.

  25. The Tinkers gave her a lift in their ould cart.

  26. And this was what now actually took place, the place being the driest end of the un-roofed cabin in Dunne's boreen, where the Tinkers had for some time past made their camp.

  27. Joli Dame: Dont get that confused with Tinkers Dam, Mable.

  28. The tinkers of the rural districts in older countries, were, however, not known in this--they were not adapted to the genius of the people.

  29. You'd like the looks of the fiddler, but the piper was a black-avis'd fellow that kept a troop of tinkers about him.

  30. It took and went on fire yesterday evening; raison good, there was a cartful of Wexford tinkers went by in the afternoon, and stopped to boil their kettle close under it.

  31. By these, we presume, were meant the Calabrians, who are still to be seen upon the roads of Spain, wandering about from town to town, in much the same way as the itinerant tinkers of England at the present day.

  32. And well may they put their houses under the protection of this saint, since the proverb says, "Cobblers and tinkers are the best ale drinkers.

  33. But since "cobblers and tinkers are the best ale drinkers," many alehouses have adopted this sign also.

  34. The Buccaneer now put a climax to his folly by one day making all his tinkers lords, and all his tailors knights.

  35. As we are the very best tinkers in the world, our pots, pans, and camp kettles we make and mend at home.

  36. Were there any itinerant tinkers in England, before the Gipsies settled there?

  37. For what he says of the tinkers is a pure invention, or, at best, a delusion, on his part.

  38. If there were native tinkers in England before the Gipsies settled there, how soon would the latter, with their organization, drive every one from the trade by sheer force!

  39. The tinkers existed in England, at that time, exactly as they do now.

  40. Almost every old countrywoman about the Scottish Border knows that the Scottish tinkers are Gipsies.

  41. Or that he does not believe that the tinkers are Gipsies?

  42. Paget says these tinkers leave their women and children at home when on their travels.

  43. Has any writer on Bunyan ever taken the trouble to ascertain who the tinkers really are; and that, in consequence of his investigations, he has come to the conclusion that they are not Gipsies?

  44. Lord Macaulay says, with reference to Bunyan: "The tinkers then formed a hereditary caste, which was held in no high estimation.

  45. He thought all women like pots of ale, and that tinkers might call for 'um as freely as the finest customer; this crab-tree lecture will teach him better manners hereafter.

  46. Law has scattered into flight Those Drinks that were our sometime dear Delight; And still the Morals-tinkers plot and plan New, sterner, stricter Statutes to indite.

  47. Illustration: And still the Morals-tinkers plot and plan New, sterner, stricter Statutes to indite.

  48. Jack Smith: She was delayed with her washing; bleaching the clothes on the hedge she is, and she daren't leave them, with all the tinkers that do be passing to the fair.

  49. There were tinkers in the town at the time of the fair.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tinkers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.