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Example sentences for "thyng"

Lexicographically close words:
thymus; thymy; thyn; thyncke; thyne; thynge; thynges; thyngis; thyngs; thynk
  1. Fourthly for that the common settyng furthe and printing of euery foolishe thyng in englishe, both of phisicke vnperfectly, and other matters vndiscretly diminishe the grace of thynges learned set furth in thesame.

  2. Summe sey that ze and he both stond howth of the Kyngs good gras, and summe sey that ze kepe hym at home for negard chepe, and wyll no thyng ware [spend] up on hym; and so heche man sey is avyse as it plese hem to talke.

  3. Yf it plese yow to send aney thyng by the berer herof, he is trusty inough.

  4. Item, recomaund me to Master Robert Popy, and telle hym, as for any thyng seid ayens hym in my mater then myn adversaris ment ontrewly, they proved nought but that he is a good man and a worshipfull and a trewe.

  5. I undrestonde verely that Mastre John Salet is all on that partye, and no thyng with you.

  6. Wherffor I pray zow that ze wyll se that the forsay tenawnt be not hurt; and yff there be oni thyng that ys dw for to pay, I wyll se that hyt schall be content.

  7. I send you, and noo thyng leke to the Duk of Suffolks auncesters.

  8. But on thyng I let you know; she hathe demenyd her ful symply bothe for youre worship and also for her awne.

  9. And as I here say, it symyth by hym that in any thyng that he canne doo tochyng the savacyon of the dedys gode,[156.

  10. And I am agast that we get som fray Betwixt vs both; 185 For she is full tethee, For litill oft angr'e; If any thyng wrang be, Soyne is she wroth.

  11. I see toppys of hyllys he, many at a syght, No thyng to let me, the wedir is so bright.

  12. For thay may the avayll when al this thyng is wroght.

  13. Now will I hy me, and no thyng be leder, My wife and my meneye to bryng euen heder.

  14. In The Commandment of Love Rolle explains: For als dede slas al lyuand thyng in [th]is worlde, sa perfite lufe slas in a mans sawle all fleschly desyres and erthly couaytise.

  15. Pristianus sheweth, that this parte of Rhetorike, is as it were a certaine exaggeracion of reason, to induce a manifest probacion of any thyng committed.

  16. Where a comparison is made, betwene a thyng excel- lente, and a thyng more inferiour: the comparison shall pro- cede with like facilitee.

  17. Unto the whiche you maie adde a Narracion, whiche is a exposicion of the thyng doen.

  18. It is a rare thyng to be a good manne, but a more difficult matter, to bee a good Magistrate: and moste of all, to be bothe a good man, and a good Magistrate.

  19. Euen so no vertue, arte, or science, or any other thyng of ex- cellencie is attained, without diligence and labour bestowed thereto.

  20. A narracion is of three sortes, either it is a narracion hi- storicall, of any thyng contained, in any aunciente storie, or true Chronicle.

  21. Wherby in myne opynyon, ye shall not only do the thyng whiche may be right meritorious to yowe, but also right honorable for youre said Felisship, and to me right great pleasure.

  22. Wherfore the kinges pleasure is that ye well consideryng the same may order and devise euery thyng after your discresion, and as ye shall se cause besides theffect of the verdictes of thesame enquestes.

  23. Thys Turpyn, doyng hys maystres commandement, toke the broken bred, broken mete and all such thyng that was left, and put it in hys maysters cloth sak.

  24. By thys ye may se well, it is foly for any man to fere a thyng to moche, tyll that he se some profe or cause.

  25. For he had a thyng to doe, whiche they shoulde know afterwarde.

  26. It chaunced on a tyme (quod he), that she and I dydde suche a thyng to gether, and she tolde hit to her mother.

  27. And when the Ladie had recompted the same at lengthe, the woman of honour sayd vnto her: "Your grace doth say that he got no other thyng of you, but scratches and blowes with your fistes.

  28. The good and vertuous man, without sighte or knowledge we loue, serue, and aunswer for him: wherein the wycked we cannot beleue what he sayeth, and lesse accepte in good part the thyng whych he doeth for vs.

  29. And so hyt ys an holy thyng To bene in habyte reguler; Than, as by owtewarde array in semyng, Beth so wythin, my ladyes dere.

  30. You have saied that littel thynges now a daies can not bee defended, and it seemed unto me to have understoode the contrarie, that the lesser that a thyng wer, the better it might be defended.

  31. You shall doe a thyng moste thankfull, yet I will saie concernyng thesame, that thei accuse it, to the entente you maie the better justifie it.

  32. Item, be well war of Clopton, for he hathe avysed my Lorde to be all to gydre rewled by Heydon, in so moche he hathe reportyd that all thyng and all materys of my Lordes, and in all the contre, scholde guydyd by Heydon.

  33. Item, as for myn oncyll Wylliam, I have grant to have a byll of hym what every thyng lythe for; but all thyng is not yet in rest ayen that was remevyd for the chyrchyng of my Lady Anne.

  34. I can here of no moo that be comyng in serteyn; and in mony he brengyth with hym an hundred thowsand dokets, wheche is but a smalle thyng in regard for that he hath to doo.

  35. Wherfor and eny thyng be ille rewlyd when ye come home, wyet it [impute it to] your selfe for defawt of oversyght.

  36. There fore, send me word be the berere here of wheder ye have assent to any such thyng or nought, and how that ye be disposid to do ther in, for I shall not be quiete in myn hert till I understand yow of the contrary disposicion.

  37. I lette hym have it; for I wold be right sory yf ony thyng schuld come to hym botte good.

  38. For Bekham, he spekyth no thyng comfortably ther in; what he wyll doo, can I nott seye.

  39. Intellectio, Intelleccion whẽ one thyng is vnderstand by another y^t is of the same maner and kynd, and this is done many wayes.

  40. When the place, or that that cõteineth, is put for the thyng that is in it, as: All the round earthe prayseth God.

  41. Hitherto also apperteineth, whẽ we expoũd a thyng not barely, but repete the causes also sumwhat before, and of what begynnynges it came of.

  42. Humiliatio, when the dygnitye of the thyng is diminyshed by basenes of the worde: as if we shuld say to a greate prynce or a kynge: If it please your mastershyp.

  43. The playne and euident speche is learned of Gramarians, and it keepeth the oracion pure, and without all faute, and maketh that euerye thyng may seme to be spoken purelye apertlye, and clerelye.

  44. And suche an oracion can not cause the hearer to take anye heede, when it goeth so in and out, and comprehendeth not any thyng wyth perfecte wordes.

  45. Sidenote: Amplificacio] A greate parte of eloquence is set in increasing and diminyshing, and serueth for thys purpose, that the thyng shulde seme as great as it is in dede, lesser or greater then it seemeth to manye.

  46. When the chiefe master or doar of a thyng is put for y^e thing it self, as: Put vpon you the Lorde Iesus Christ.

  47. Which thyng the woman beholding desired likwise to be bound by the sergeantes with her husband for Christes sake.

  48. Why (quoth the Earle of Huntly) hast thou not a Judge good enough; and trowest thou that we know not God and his worde; Aunswere to that is spoken to thee: and then they made the accuser speake the same thyng ouer agayne.

  49. Maister Norman Gurlay, for that he sayd, there was no such thyng as Purgatory, and that the Pope was not a Byshop, but Antichrist, and had no Jurisdiction in Scotland.

  50. A farre of, to make an estimate, betwene nere termes of More and Lesse, is not a thyng very rife, among those that gladly would do it.

  51. Be ye not ignorant, Astronomie to be a thyng of excellent wisedome.

  52. Which thinges, vnleast one know: he can not perceiue, any thyng at all, the reason of Horologies.

  53. All thyng consydered hit was the best feet.

  54. All the brauery of the market, is the place where golde and feathers ioyntly wrought is solde, for any thyng that is in request is there liuely wrought in golde and feathers and gallant colours.

  55. The newe kyng did appoint those who shoulde die for to serue the king his father, but yet many of them had rather bene without his seruice, notwithstanding some simple soules estéemed that odious death for a thyng of immortall glory.

  56. And also the Mexicans hearyng that the Vergantynes were comyng, they came out in their boates, with fiue hundreth Gentlemen whiche came to sée suche newe kinde of vesselles, and to proue what they were, beyng a thyng of so greate a fame.

  57. Some of these bookes were made of cotten & glewe, and others were made of leaues of a certaine trée called Melt, whyche serue for theyr paper, a thyng straunge to behold.

  58. Cortez commaunded Proclamation to be made, that none of his company shoulde take any thyng away, vppon payne of deathe (onely victuals excepted) to the intente to obtayne the good will and friendship among the Indians.

  59. Or ++who hath gyuen me any thyng afore hande, that I maye rewarde hym agayne?

  60. Doubletys of glas yeve a gret evidence; Thyng contirfet wil faylen at assay: On this mateer concludyng in sentence, Bewte wyl shewe, thouh hornys wer away.

  61. Ande soe if thys thyng do continue longer I shall ripp uppe and leave, for I thoght to wed a man and not a paddler of dytches.

  62. O howe I longe for those happy dayes with thee, before I ever knew such a thyng as a fysshe existed!

  63. The Gled said, “Yit I heir no-thyng bot gude.

  64. Be to me trew, thocht I no-thyng belang yow.

  65. Sore he gan to sihhe and grone, Thei he ne seide wordes none, To loude he moste tee; A wonder thyng he sey thar, A wolf hese other child away bar, He fel doun on swoune on kne.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.