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Example sentences for "smalle"

Lexicographically close words:
smacks; smaht; smal; smale; small; smaller; smallest; smallie; smallish; smallness
  1. Then my companyon Gratian, yet ones agayn, got hym but smalle fauour.

  2. We sawe ther saynt Thomas crosse staffe, ther was seê also a rede ouerlayed with syluer, it was but of a smalle wyght, vnwrought, nor no longer then wold retch vnto a mans mydgle.

  3. My yerly rentes be now so smalle that I am skarsly able to fynde my pore quere kepar to light a wax cãdle before me.

  4. For so moche thay dow take and exacte of euery one for so smalle a way rowynge.

  5. Nat longe after, an other, seynge that the kynge gaue so good a rewarde for so smalle a pleasure, came and kneled downe, and put vp his hande, and made as though he toke and conueyed some what priuelye awaye.

  6. This tale touchethe them, that wolde couer a smalle offence with a greatter wyckednesse; and as the prouerbe saythe: Stomble at a strawe, and leape ouer a blocke.

  7. At which answere all the people fell a laughynge.

  8. The elder Disraeli has a chapter on this subject in his Amenities of Literature.

  9. They sedde our howse was over smalle for our community, and the choir thereof was not long enow for our processions and for the brethren to sitte at the service of the church--for we were three hundred and forty-seven in number.

  10. They say we hadde not hys bonen, but they lie, for we hadde the leg-bones of hym, and certain smalle bones which they took to Canterbury, and Johannes knoweth it of old tyme long syne.

  11. Of smalle houndes had she, that she fed With roasted flesh, and milk, and *wastel bread.

  12. I can here of no moo that be comyng in serteyn; and in mony he brengyth with hym an hundred thowsand dokets, wheche is but a smalle thyng in regard for that he hath to doo.

  13. I lyve, Wylle thyncke too smalle a guyfte the londe & sea.

  14. And vi Rossys of Rubys and viiij smalle perylls for a nother Brasselet that were in a smalle casket of Spaynyshe worke.

  15. When the smalle poxe doth generally abound both in young and old people.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smalle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    smaller number; smaller proportion; smaller quantity; smaller scale; smaller size; smallest independent