Endeuer you hir bondes to louse or to brast Hir raunsome is payde and more by a thousande pounde And yet alas the lady Justyce lyeth bounde.
The xxv^{th} day of July in the yere of our Lorde God a thousande fyve hundreth fyftie and one.
And some, farre off on flowers freshe doe fall, Yet all at nighte vnto their home repaire: And euerie one, her proper hiue doth knowe Althoughe there stande a thousande on a rowe.
The Subbassi of Pera payeth him yeerely fifteene thousande ducats, and so likewise either of the others according as they are placed.
In this lande I behelde with great delight a very strange spectacle, namely a certaine man leading about with him more then foure thousande partriges.
Ye shall have choice of a thousande as good as shee, And ye must pardon hir, it is for lacke of witte.
Een rounde about him, as many thousande sheepe goes, 55 As he and thou and I too, have fingers and toes.
For water coulde I say a thousande thynges mo, Savynge as now the tyme wyll not serve so; And as for that wynde that you do sew fore, Is good for your wynde-myll and for no more.
And now to mynde there is one olde proverbe come, One bushell of marche dust is worth a kynges raunsome, What is a hundreth thousande bushels worth than?
Christian Custance have I founde, Christian Custance have I founde, A Wydowe worthe a thousande pounde, I mun be maried a sunday.
But the jentman[525] had rather spent five thousande pounde, For it disgraced him at least five tymes so muche.
A precher in pulpet whiche prechyd the worde of God, amonge other matters spake of mennes soules and sayd that the soule was so subtyll that a thousande soules myght daunce on the space of the nayle of a mannes fynger.
Anone he came and brought the radysshe roote, and euen as it was folded vp, the kyng with his owne hand gaue it to the courtier, sayenge: we suppose your horse is well recompensed with this iewell, for it hath cost vs a thousande crownes.
Whan dyner was done, he thanked Conon: and whan the kyng sawe that he wolde departe home, he commaunded to gyue hym a thousande crownes of golde for his radisshe rote.
If a thousande soules may dance on a mannes nayle.
Amonge which audyence there was a mery conceyted fellow of small deuocyon that answered and sayde thus: mayster doctour, if a thousande soules may daunce on a mannes nayle, I praye you than, where shall the pyper stande?
I would place all the ordinarie Veliti, in thesame behinde, the extraordinarie, which wil come to be a thousande for a space, and mindyng to have the space that ought to be within the armie, to be every waie Clix.
The prouince of Olam hath three score and sixteene thousand footemen, and twentie fiue thousande fiue hundred horsemen.
Of muske and amber, one million and thirtie fiuethousande Taes.
Of Panizo,[85] fourteene millions and two hundred thousande hanegges.
Of raw silke in bundles, fiue hundred and fortie thousande pounds.
The prouince of Susuan foure score and sixe thousande footemen, and foure and thirtie thousande and fiue hundred horsemen.
These and a thousande toies in like sort, making that the soul dooth mooue out of one into another, as certaine old philosophers did affirme it to bee, who were as blind and as far from the truth as they.
So that with these and others that are punished in the prisons (is of a verie truth) that there do die euerie yeare in one of these principall cities of the prouince more than sixethousande persons.
The prouince of Quincheu, hath fortie eight thousand and seuen hundred footemen, and fifteene thousande three hundred horsemen.
And also a captaine with a thousand or two thousande souldiers for to garde him continuallie, and to beare him companie till hee returne againe out of the kingdome.
The prouince of Foquien hath eight and fiftie thousande and nine hundred footemen, and twentie two thousand foure hundred horsemen.
The citie is very fayre and well inhabited, and conteyneth in rounde fourme syxe thousande houses, as well buylded as ours, and some that cost three or foure thousande peeces of golde: it hath no walles.
Nabi, by which woord is signified the prophet Mahumet; and that he vnderstoode that the price to be admitted to the syght of these mysteries should be foure thousande seraphes of golde.
Therefore, when they intend to sacrifice, some of them kyll three sheepe, some foure, and tenne; so that the butcherie sometyme so floweth with blood that in one sacrifice are slayne above three thousande sheepe.
This is inhabited with Jewes, to the number of fyue thousande [p.
O you madde and insensate beastes, I had thought to haue giuen you three thousande peeces of gold; but now, O you dogges and progenie of dogges, I will gyue you nothing.
Alas, how many tenne hundred thousande times in a day haue I called for death, and yet I cannot make her to recline her eares vnto my cries.
My dere and louinge souldiours, which sith the death of Alexander the great, haue (with mee) atchieued a thousande glorious enterprises: I thincke it meete and conueniente that yee be partakers of that which I purpose to bringe to passe.
And Baiazet likewyse, did not he cut of the head of the greate Tamburlain, which called himselfe the scourge of God, and brought into the field foure hundredthousande Scithians a horsebacke, and sixe hundred thousande footmen?
Coyoacan is a towne of sixe thousande dwellers, Vizilopuchtli is of fiue thousand.
One of them named Iztlixuchilh béeyng a valiant yong man, of the age of foure and twenty yeares, he appoynted generall Captayne ouer fiftie thousande men of warre, well armed and trimmed according to their fashion.
The gouernour Velasques deliuered vnto hym a thousande Castlyns whyche he possessed of the goods of one Pamfilo de Naruaiz in hys absence, alleaging that he had no other money of hys owne proper.
I sweare vnto you I thought his companie the better by a thousande crownes, because he had discarded those nice tearmes of chastitie and continencie.
For lacke and defaulte whereof ye haue forfaited to the kinges highnes the Somme of one thousande markes which me thinketh ye ought substaunciallye to loke vppon for the king is no person to be deluded nor mocked with all.
It seemed that the people that were there did passe in number twentie thousande soules.
This iland was so full of trees and fruite that they gaue it the name of the Guertas;[49] and there were in it sixe hundredth thousande Indios, of the which at this day there remaineth not one.
It hath ordinarily foure thousande men of garde, who are paid with the rent of the temple, the which is rich and verye good.
This citie is of the common sorte in that kingdome, and may haue seuentie thousande householdes.
Fifteene leagues from this prouince, trauelling continually towards the northwest, they came to a great town, called Acoma; it had in it more than sixe thousande soules.
It seemed vnto them to haue much people, and as appeared to be more than tenne thousande soules.
They iudged this prouince to haue nigh vpon fiue and twentie thousande soules, all well apparelled with painted mantles of cotton, and shamwayes skins very well dressed.
Some say, this iourney hath a thousande and seuen hundred leagues, others a thousand and eight hundred; but the opinions of the first we vnderstand to be most certaine.
All those iles conteyne above twoo thousande leagues of lande, and are all dispeopled and laid waste.
I omitt the rehersall of a thousande other trifinge wares, which, besides they may sett many women, children, and ympotent persons on worke in makinge of them, woulde also helpe to the encreasinge of the customes.
And one man onely were able to directe a thousande of our common milwrightes in that trade; and carpinters and joyners, the realme may spare thousandes for a nede.
M234) I say almoste sixe hundreth thousande poundes sterling, besides the gaines they had for sondry other thinges, that were of marvelous somes.
And if this come aboute, that worke may be had for the multitude, where the realme hath nowe one thousande for the defence thereof, the same may have fyve thousande.
At Constantinople perished under Zenon by one common fire, a hundred and twentie thousande bookes.
Christian Custance haue I founde, Christian Custance haue I founde, A Wydowe worthe a thousande pounde, I mun be maried a sunday.
Woulde I might for your sake, spende a thousandepound land.
Ye shall haue choise of a thousande as good as shee, And ye must pardon hir, it is for lacke of witte.
But the ientman had rather spent fiue thousande pounde, For it disgraced him at least fiue tymes so muche.
For I tell thee, she is worthe a thousande pounde.
Thritty thousande of my menie, 256 Of Gallopes, Ethiopes and Aufricanes, Take hem to the walles witħ the.
X thousande Saresyns waiten vppon̄ me, And therfore go take my stede.
Kanstowe gete me that gyrdill by craft, to attempt to steal A thousande pounde than̄ shal I gefe the; 2336 it at night.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thousande" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.