The prouince of Gonan, fortie foure thousand footemen, and fourteene thousand fiue hundred horsemen.
They doo pay him in peeces of silke, of fourteene vares long the peece, two hundred fiue thousand and fiue hundred ninetie peeces.
Of Panizo,[85] fourteene millions and two hundred thousande hanegges.
It is in fourteene degrees towardes the pole artico.
Also a reredosse bearing the roodloft, departing the quiere and the bodie of the church conteining in length fortie foot, and in breadth fourteene foot.
The earle Riuers, and with him two hundred men, landed at a place called Pole, fourteene miles from the hauen where the king came on land.
He was also brought thither all the way blindfold, led by the Indians, vntill he came to the entrance of Manoa it selfe, and was fourteene or fifteene dayes in the passage.
Fourteene leagues from this city there is another called Chiapa, where are the finest gennets in all the Indies, which are carried hence to Mexico, 300 leagues from it.
They growe fourteene or fifteene fadome deepe vnder the water, their tops reaching foure or fiue fadome aboue the water.
It is situated at the foot of certaine hilles, which conteine in compasse by estimation aboue twenty leagues, compassing the sayd city on the one side, and a lake which is fourteene leagues about on the other side.
It is distant from the city of the Angels foure leagues to the Northward, and fourteene from Mexico.
These Indians from fourteene yeeres olde vpwards, pay vnto the king for their yerely tribute one ounce of siluer, and an hannege of maiz, which is valued among them commonly at twelue reals of plate.
Ile lay fourteene of my teeth, And yet to my teene be it spoken, I haue but foure, shee's not fourteene.
But saying ore what I haue said before, My Child is yet a stranger in the world, Shee hath not seene the change of fourteene yeares, Let two more Summers wither in their pride, Ere we may thinke her ripe to be a Bride Pari.
There is more newes: I learned in Worcester, as I rode along, He cannot draw his Power this fourteene dayes Dowg.
No by my troth, not long: For we cannot lodge and board a dozen or fourteene Gentlewomen that liue honestly by the pricke of their Needles, but it will bee thought we keepe a Bawdy-house straight.
For that I am some twelue, or fourteene Moonshines Lag of a Brother?
The French king required to haue Calis raced, and to haue againe fourteene hundred thousand franks, which were paid for the ransome of king Iohn.
The like did Nunnez de Tonar, and Lewis de Moscoso, and Iohn Rodriguez Lobillo, each of whom had brought from Peru fourteene or fifteene thousand Duckets.
They sought the graues of the towne, and there found fourteene rooues of perles, and little babies and birdes made of them.
Except Iohn D, all the rest came with him from Peru: and euery one of them brought fourteene or fifteene thousand Duckets: all of them went well and costly apparelled.
Conceiue wel here, that Englishmen at martes Be discharged, for all her craftes and artes, In Brabant of her marchandy In fourteene dayes, and ageine hastily In the same dayes fourteene acharged eft.
After we had sailed some fourteene dayes, we vvere brought to Cape S.
The breadth of his forefoot from one side to the other was fourteene inches ouer.
Capu: What should I say more than I said before, My daughter is a stranger in the world, 5 Shee hath not yet attainde to fourteene yeares: Let two more sommers wither in their pride, Before she can be thought fit for a Bride.
The Vre therfore riseth in the furthest parts of all Richmondshire, among the Coterine hilles, in a mosse, toward the west fourteene miles beyond Midleham.
A carcase was taken vp at Iuie church neere Salisburie but of late yeares to speake of, almost fourteene foot long, in Dictionario Eliotae.
With the sayd ships and two pinnesses (wherof the one was drowned on the coast of England) we went forward on our voyage, and stayed at Douer fourteene dayes.
The turret was large enough to seat six, 'and round about roome for fourteene more.
The Grand Signiors annual reuenue is said to befourteene Millions and an halfe of golden ducats, which is sterling fiue millions, eight score thousand pounds.
The Capagi Bassas head porters foure, one hundred and fiftie aspers to ech, and maketh out in sterling money by the yeere, one thousand, three hundred, and fourteene pounds.
The Master Dassi shipwrights and kalkers, one thousand at fourteene aspers, which amounteth by the yeere, to thirtie thousand, sixe hundred threescore pound.
The second of December we burned our sconse, and fourteene of our men going further into the Islande brought certaine of the countreymen prisoners, and being abord our ships taught them what they shoulde doe.
But afterward when they should deliuer the money, it was concluded by the justice, that both the money and goods should be deliuered into the positors hands, where they remained fourteene dayes after my comming out prison.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fourteene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.