He has them now foure yeres be/iegd to make th{e~} thrall.
There is one of these Autem Mortes, she is now a widow, of fyfty yeres old; her name is Alice Milson: she goeth about with a couple of great boyes, the yongest of them is fast vpon xx.
Vnto which tryumphant place, after many good, happy, and fortunat yeres prosperouslye here dispended.
Also he shall fynd in yeres after that, or in that yere, or ther aboutes, that Sir John Fastolf reseyved mony of my Lord Revers[189.
By processe and by lengthe of certeyn yeres Al stinted is the moorning and the teres (2110) Of Grekes, by oon general assent.
First, it moot been in sorweful bitternesse of herte, as seyde the king Ezekias to god: 'I wol remembre me alle the yeres of my lyf in bitternesse of myn herte.
Lord Phebus, dooth this miracle for me; 1065 Preye hir she go no faster cours than ye; I seye, preyeth your suster that she go No faster cours than ye thise yeres two.
Certeyn he knew of bryberyes mo Than possible is to telle in yeres two.
Ye shul nat plese hir fully yeres three, This is to seyn, to doon hir ful plesaunce.
And therfore seith Ezechie: 'I wol remembre me alle the yeres of my lyf, in bitternesse of myn herte.
And though povere men profre yow Presentes and giftes, Nyme it noght, an aventure Ye mowe it noght deserve; For thow shalt yelde it ayein 3880 At one yeres tyme, In a ful perilous place, Purgatorie it hatte.
I myghte noght ete many yeres As a man oughte, For envye and yvel wil Is yvel to defie.
The Tempest Chantry with Thomas Thomson as incumbent 70 yeres old and "unlearned.
Rychard Carr, incumbent, xxxijti yeres of age, well learned and teacheth a grammer schole there, lycensed to preache, hath none other lyving then the proffitts of the seyd chauntrie.
But Pandarus thoughte, `It shal not be so, If that I may; this nyce opinioun Shal not be holden fully yeres two.
I saw", the poet says: I saw the Quene whose will occurant with her yeres was wone[139] to worke oft that she wold by counsaile of her peres.
Item to the eytthe we saye that the copyholder may make a grante of hys copyholde for three yeres wythoute the lord's lycense, and the lorde to take nothing for the same.
Item to the xvith we saye that a copyholder dying his heir being wythin the age of xiiii yeres the custody of the body and lande oughte to be comytted by the lorde to the nexte of the kyn to whom the inheritance may not dyscende.
The conference which they haue with the Indians of the citie of Granada which they had taken, which had fiftie yerespast foreseene the comming of the Christians into their countrey.
Thus to make an end, I have heere set downe the summe of all the chiefest things that I haue obserued and noted in my seventeene yeres trauell in those parts.
And so if any Indian haue twenty children in his house, he payeth for euery one of them, being aboue fifteene yeres old, after that rate.
They liue very long: for I haue seene men that haue beene an hundredyeres of age.
Hereof the Spaniards make great profit: for buying a maid of twelue or thirteene yeres for three or foure hatchets, they sell them againe at Margarita in the West Indies for fifty and an hundred pezos, which is so many crownes.
I had an hallucination of Uncle Landon, coming at me with a club.
They loaded me down with their accoutrements to carry.
For I liked them in their funny, kilt-like, swinging dresses.
What is this to say, but that againste the nature of maidens of my yeres I will not, or cannot be quiet day nor night, but take my repast and feeding vpon cares and thoughtes?
Gather your wits then together from henceforth my Lord, and call againe reason, which so many yeres you haue banished from you.
I am then as you be, begotten of fleshe, and my yeres so few, as yet but yonge, and thereby full of lust and delight.
For after certein yeres beyng at cambrige, I of the age of XX.
Footnote 3: “The names and Armes of the Chancellors collected into one Catologue by ffrancis Thynn declaring the yeres of the reignes of the kinges and the yere of our Lorde in whiche they possessed that office.
Jewes were broughte fro{m} Lincolne, and hanged for crucyfyinge a childe of eightyeres olde.
Thilke deeth of men is weleful that ne cometh not in yeres that ben swete, but cometh to wrecches, often y-cleped.
But Pandarus thoughte, 'it shal not be so, If that I may; this nyce opinioun Shal not be holden fully yeres two.
And at the londes ende lath A little crom-bolle, 870 And theron lay a lytel chylde Lapped in cloutes, And tweyne of tweie yeres olde Opon another syde.
Fabian says, "In the sommer of this xxvii yeare, it was so drie that it was many yeres after called the drie sommer.
She was Sir Patricke Hamelton's doughter, and her brother was brent in Scotlande 3 or 4 yeres past.
Seuen yeres after Patrik Hamelton, whose history is before passed, there were v.
And y^t if neyther loue nor reason can teach vs howe greate care we ought to take for y^e first yeres of our children, at y^e least waies let vs take example of brute beastes.
Themistocles within a yeres space lerned perfitely the Persians tong because he wolde the better cõmen wyth the kyng.
I pray you what motherlye hertes haue those women, whiche dandle in their lap their chyldren tyl they be almost seuen yeres old, and in maner make thẽ fooles?
Neyther for thys muste we call chyldren to lerne the tonges after sixtene yere olde, because that the elder Cato lerned latine, and Greeke, when he was thre score and ten yeres olde.
It nedeth not to rehearse that in those first yeres certen thinges be easely lerned, which be more hard to be lerned whẽ we be elder.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yeres" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.