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Example sentences for "prescience"

Lexicographically close words:
presbyterial; presbyteries; presbyters; presbytery; preschool; prescient; prescribe; prescribed; prescriber; prescribes
  1. Yeo's knowledge of his work gives him more than the dexterity which overcomes difficulties as it meets them; it gives him the prescience to avoid them.

  2. The measures taken from all eternity by the wisdom and prescience of a God who should find against his plans no obstacles have been overthrown.

  3. It was apparently prescience of the fact that the greatest laurels were still to be won which led him to refuse, and return to his headquarters at Wetzlar.

  4. He passed under Cherrie's window; but no prescience of the flashing black eyes above troubled the serenity of his mind.

  5. Captain Cavendish had seen Tom Oaks follow Olive Henderson off the grounds, and knew, by the prescience of jealousy, as well what was going to happen, as he did after the scene was over.

  6. Some prescience that something out of harmony with the scene was near, made her restless.

  7. But few of them have been fulfilled in any sense, and those few required no divine prescience to foresee the result.

  8. By the discernment of events lying in the future which no human sagacity or prescience could have foreseen, unless aided by Omniscience; the display of such power being called Prophecy.

  9. In her secret soul, Aunty Nan, sweet and frail and timid under the burden of her seventy years, felt with mysterious unmistakable prescience that it was to be her last summer at the Gull Point Farm.

  10. Mrs. George experienced that subtle prescience whereby it is given us to know that we have put our foot in it.

  11. Suppose--Nancy whirled around with a sudden horrible prescience of what she was going to see!

  12. Yet, infatuated as I am, prescience avails not; the voice of prudence warns, the hand of Heaven beckons me in vain.

  13. Surely if "coming events cast their shadows before," both the guilty Harold Colville and the wronged Lily Lawrence were gifted with a momentary prescience of that which was hastening to them in the near future.

  14. With a wild prescience of the truth, he rushed forward and with a ringing cry of joy caught his darling to his heart.

  15. Subsequent experience has amply proven the value of Edison's prescience at this time.

  16. A tall, half-lanky lad he was with the eager prescience of youth, its dreams and something of its shyness hidden in the dark alertness of his mien.

  17. It seemed almost as though a prescience of what was to come lay in that curious communion of heart and mind.

  18. Some prescience had told her that if the words seemed random, Truth spoke through my lips, although, and this was the worst of it, she did not know what weapon would deal the stroke or when and where it was doomed to fall.

  19. Some soldierlike instinct, or perchance some prescience of danger, caused him to choose a place particularly suitable to defence.

  20. This I argue, for the obvious reason, that of the mode, nature, and degree, of the Divine prescience of human conduct we are profoundly ignorant.

  21. THE argument on which Necessitarians chiefly rely, against the doctrine of Liberty, and in support of that of Necessity, is based upon the Divine prescience of human conduct.

  22. The Divine prescience is not the truth to which the appeal should be made, to determine the philosophy of the Will pre-supposed in the Bible.

  23. The Divine prescience is a truth of inspiration, and therefore a fact.

  24. These we must know with perfect clearness, before we can affirm, with any certainty, whether this prescience is or is not consistent with the doctrine of Liberty.

  25. I know, indeed, that the divine natural prescience of beauty which is the inalienable inheritance of Greek and Italian is not our inheritance.

  26. And thanne nis ther no prescience of thilke thinges; and yif we trowe that prescience be in thise thinges, thanne is ther no-thing that it ne 60 bitydeth by necessitee.

  27. Or elles how mochel is worth the devyne prescience more than the opinioun of mankinde, yif so be that it demeth the thinges uncertein, as men doon; of the whiche domes of men the bitydinge nis nat certein?

  28. But now is this abusion to seyn, 1060 That fallinge of the thinges temporel Is cause of goddes prescience eternel.

  29. For ne drawestow nat arguments from elles-where of the necessitee of thinges to-comen (as who seith, any other wey than thus) but that thilke thinges that the prescience wot biforn ne mowen nat unbityde?

  30. For right as science of thinges present ne bringeth in no necessitee to thinges that men doon, right so the prescience of 80 thinges to comen ne bringeth in no necessitee to thinges to bityden.

  31. But thou wolt seyn that, al-be-it so that prescience nis nat cause of the necessitee of bitydinge to thinges 40 to comen, algates yit it is a signe that the thinges ben to bityden by necessitee.

  32. There were not lacking men of prescience and courage who looked beyond the misfortunes of the hour, and who saw in the dominions still vested in the crown an opportunity to repair the shattered empire and restore it to a modified splendour.

  33. Indeed the record of that man's prescience in realizing what the West would become, how it would be quickly populated, and how rapidly its acres would increase in value, is one of the most remarkable single facts in his history.

  34. With remarkable prescience all through the war, and the period of reconstruction, Miss Dickinson took the advance position.

  35. Now, did this mean it was incumbent upon me to rejoice, because of some blessing I already had, and did not appreciate, or did their prescience show them some prospective happiness I was to enjoy?

  36. Had I any doubts as to your prescience and power, they would be dispelled now.

  37. Then was it once more brought home to him that he was a spirit, for darkness and light were alike, and he felt the beginning of that sense of prescience of which the bishop had spoken.

  38. Concerning prophecy, it was the opinion of some of the Fathers that intuitive prescience was a Divine prerogative, and that the prescience of the daemons was only acquired by observation.

  39. Even in that moment he had a sharp prescience of the unwisdom of his rejection.

  40. He felt as if he had never fully lived until now, when every breath was informed with the sharp prescience of danger.

  41. My mind for some time previous had been much afflicted with considerations and doubts respecting the free agency of man, and the truth of the Scriptures so far as they relate to everlasting punishment, and to the prescience of GOD.

  42. Or does your justice, power, or prescience fail, 480 When the good suffer, and the bad prevail?

  43. Freedom was first bestow'd on human race, 540 And prescience only held the second place.

  44. Vespucius, were not without a certain prescience of the fact.

  45. It is a striking fact that the Portuguese had pursued their quest for India with an intelligence and prescience which geographical truth confirmed.

  46. His eyes with divine prescience looked on to the impending end, and then they dimmed, and filled with tears; and He wept over the city.

  47. We owe to John the knowledge that the exigency was not first pointed out by the disciples, but that His calm, loving prescience saw it, and determined to meet it, long before they spoke.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prescience" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.