He was comelie of stature, but of looke and countenance displeasant and angrie, somewhat cruell of nature, as by the writers of his time he is noted, and not so hardie as doubtfull in time of perill and danger.
These two were learned in the lawes of the realme, who meaning to satisfie their princes pleasure, and to see their commission executed to the vttermost, seemed little to respect the perill that might insue.
Therfore (saith he) you which may not put your persons in perill by seruice in the warres, it is good reason you should aid vs with your goods.
For the which cause order was taken, that our men should no more come forth of their holde, committing themselues to manifest perill to bid their enemies the base.
But sith ye be come for a good intent into this Countrey, ye be right welcome; but sir, as for any firme answere ye can haue none of vs, for as now we be not of the Councell, but we shall conuey you to the king without perill or danger.
Thereto (if you respect their position) they are situat in maner of a circle or ring, hauing an huge lake or portion of the sea in the middest of them, which is not without perill to such as with small aduisement enter into the same.
Alle the seyd lerned men telle me trewely ther is nother perill ne doubte in the takyng doun of the instrument and the bille to no creature.
Whereupon the Generall landed his companies not farre from the Cloister called San Domingo, but not without perill of the shot of the castle, which being guarded by 65 Spaniards, held still against him.
Then the towne being entred in three seuerall places with an huge cry, the inhabitants betooke them to the high towne: which they might with lesse perill doe, for that ours being strangers here, knew not the way to cut them off.
Note, that if it passe the 10 of May before the sayde ships be arriued in Goa, they cannot come thither that monson, and if they haue not then fet the coast of India, they shall with great perill fetch S.
In fyne, with those relickes he was sure from all perill and daunger.
And woulde you nowe that it should be said, that Cortes and his company fledde, being in securitie, and without perill or daunger?
The maior and aldermen of the citie were glad to submit themselues, though the commons, without consideration of the great perill which they were in, would haue stood still at defiance with the king, and defended the citie against him.
Great slaughter was made on ech hand, and in the meane while the Nobles and gentlemen sought to get out of perill by flight.
XXXII But she all vowd unto the Redcrosse knight, 275 His wandring perill closely did lament, Ne in this new acquaintaunce could delight, But her deare heart with anguish did torment, And all her wit in secret counsels spent, How to escape.
XXVII And you fresh budd of vertue springing fast, 235 Whom these sad eyes saw nigh unto deaths dore, What hath poore Virgin for such perill past Wherewith you to reward?
Oh for such meanes, Though perill to my modestie, not death on't I would aduenture Pis.
Come on, since the youth will not be intreated His owne perill on his forwardnesse Ros.
This day we were againe in the yce, and like to be in as great perill as we were at the first.
And further I can assure you vpon the perill of my life, that this voyage may be performed without further charge, nay with certaine profite to the aduenturers, if I may haue but your fauour in the action.
Giue me leaue, Ile go to him, and vndertake to bring him in peace, Where he shall answer by a lawfull Forme (In peace) to his vtmost perill 1.
The iustice of our cause is this: that obseruing the thing which we vowed to our king before God, we stand to the same against those that haue falsified their faith, euen to the perill of death.
Symon Fishe, yat she might boldly send for her husband, without all perill or daunger.
The Wolfe deuoureth and ea- teth of his praie all in feare, and therefore oftentymes he ca- steth his looke, to be safe from perill and daunger.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perill" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.