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Example sentences for "thats"

Lexicographically close words:
thatched; thatchers; thatches; thatching; thatcht; thatt; thatte; thau; thaumaturgic; thaumaturgical
  1. Thats more than twenty years ago; and she has never made use of her power or caused me a moment's uneasiness.

  2. No: thats what you thought of afterwards.

  3. You can't marry her; and thats all about it.

  4. It will not make much difference to us: instead of meeting one another for perhaps a few months in twenty years, we shall never meet: thats all.

  5. Wind up a business thats paying 35 per cent in the worst years!

  6. I don't mean anything wrong: thats what you don't understand: your head is full of ignorant ideas about me.

  7. VIVIE [indulgently] Thats all you have to say on the subject, is it, mother?

  8. VIVIE [nodding placidly with one eye on a wreath of smoke] Thats all right.

  9. Thats right: they might hear us from the window.

  10. Thats a very practical way of looking at it.

  11. THE BOYS [tumultuously rushing at Blanco] Thats it.

  12. Thats how He caught me and put my neck into the halter.

  13. What they call justice in this place is nothing but a breaking out of the devil thats in all of us.

  14. I say thats the law; and if you are a proper United States Sheriff and not a low-down lyncher, youll hold up the law and not let it be dragged in the mud by your brother's kept woman.

  15. THE WOMEN [murmuring] Thats always the way.

  16. The greatest of your Sinns Mercy will smile at, when you doe implore Its unconsuming grace: the dullest cloud Will, when you pray, be active as the ayre In opening to receive that breath to heaven Thats spent to purge your ills.

  17. He studies now the law, And thats the high way to preferment, Sister.

  18. I can talke loud to a Theorbo[233], too, and thats cald singing.

  19. Revenge may slumber but can never sleep: He that lets slip an Injury thats done Takes the next course to draw a greater on.

  20. I have it here thats sattisfaction for the lustiest widdow twixt this and London.

  21. Thats another matter: I will orelooke you all presently.

  22. Thats not it, but cause I would not tempt my destinie: thy sight Would inflame marble, much more me whose heart Is prompt enough to fly into thy breast And leave mine empty.

  23. Thats to say A Fleete of Shipps not to be overcome By any power of man.

  24. He was layin on his back with one arm still floppin a little like a fello thats restless in his sleep.

  25. Thats about all you can take off unless you want to get eaten.

  26. It isnt the part thats gone we mind so much as the part thats left.

  27. Dont get the idear Im on some kind of a track team cause theres one thing a runner dont do an thats run.

  28. Thats about all there was to the end of the war as far as I was concerned.

  29. I suppose today theyll look at my tongue an tell me its my stummick thats out of order.

  30. The nite before the attack we went up to a tunnel thats dug right under a hill an has got rooms in it an everything.

  31. Then if you do somethin awful good like drivin a General fast past a place thats been shelled they let you wear a silver rubber plant on the ribbon.

  32. Thats some old pirate they blame everything on over here.

  33. A German bed is like a loaf of bread thats rose to much.

  34. If everybody wore all the stuff thats been nitted for them since the war started this would look more like an ice carnival than an army.

  35. Thats all Ive wanted to do since November.

  36. Right away I started to make myself uncomfortable cause I knew thats probably what the trouble was.

  37. Thats partly sos you wont worry an partly so that if I get knocked off you will have something to amuse you in case you go into a convent.

  38. No matter how scared I ever get Mable Ill never be as scared as these Fritzes an thats sayin a goodeel.

  39. Whence sprang this inference; He too, thats Lord of all Will thee beloved call, Though all else prove unkind; Then chearfull may I sing Sith I enjoy the Spring, Though Sesterns dry I find.

  40. Thats exactly what I want to arrange with you to do, if you will only be reasonable.

  41. You think it will profit you: thats plain enough.

  42. I had to work hard at first; and they wont fill my place, very readily: thats one comfort.

  43. As a looker-on, I see most of the game; and thats my advice to you as a friend.

  44. Well, thats what he said, sir," said the clerk, speaking in official Board School English.

  45. And, as for you, I dont know what they reckon you in England; but youre the best-looking woman in Noo York: thats surtn.

  46. Thats very easy to say; but I cant drag her child away from her if she insists on keeping it.

  47. Thats all right: she will be able to hold out until she hears from us.

  48. Cap: Come brother Mountague giue me thy hand, There is my daughters dowry: for now no more Can I bestowe on her, thats all I haue.

  49. Moth: Thats well said Nurse, set all in redines, The Countie will be heere immediatly.

  50. And an olde hare hore, and an olde hare hore 115 is verie good meate in Lent: But a hare thats hoare is too much for a score, if it hore ere it be spent.

  51. Thats true, therefore Ile thrust the men from the wall, and thrust the maids to to the walls: nay, thou shalt see I am a tall peece of flesh.

  52. Mer: Oh thats as much to say as such a case as yours wil constraine a man to bow in the hams.

  53. Fri: Thats my good sonne: but where hast thou bin then?

  54. The astronomer observes this and that; adds his this and that to the this-and-thats of a hundred predecessors, infers an invisible planet, seeks it and finds it.

  55. The instances of the horse, the gull, the mother bird, and the elephant show that those creatures put their this's and thats together just as Edison would have done it and drew the same inferences that he would have drawn.

  56. She thought her white folks do better by her than anybody so she went back to em during her pregnancy and thats how come I was born in der kitchen a white mid-wife tended on er.

  57. They say thats where the saying "He won't last longer than John Moore did when he went to war" sprang up but I don't know about that part of it for sure.

  58. Such charitie will never have reward, Unlesse it be with sting of conscience; And thats a torment worse than Sisipus, That rowles a restlesse stone against the hill.

  59. But Cicero is, his neere friend, thats as good.

  60. Shewes it well In one thats of thy yeares and gravity, That ought to bee in lyfe and government To others an example, nowe to doate So neere the grave!

  61. Williams is fled, perchaunce to utter all; Thats but perchance, naie rather flatlie no.

  62. Thats prettie in good truth; & must Diana, be naked?

  63. You talke to one thats deaf; I am resolv'd.

  64. Sirra drawer, for the other thats a sleepe; let him so remaine; for the Dog, let him be bound to a post for his appearance, till I take order for his undooing.

  65. And then bespake him gentle gawaine, said, Lady thats but a skill; And because thou art my owne lady, thou shalt haue all thy will.

  66. And welcome more common, for thats nothing but words Bal.

  67. Enter Katerina Good morrow Kate, for thats your name I heare Kate.

  68. Thats a vile sinne, then sayd the king; May God forgive it thee!

  69. Thats a vile sinne, then sayd the king, May God forgive it thee!

  70. And thats the cause that Guise so frowns at us, And beates his braines to catch us in his trap, Which he hath pitcht within his deadly toyle.

  71. But thats prevented, for to end his life, And all those traitors to the Church of Rome, That durst attempt to murder noble Guise.

  72. And thats because the blockish Sorbonests Attribute as much unto their workes, As to the service of the eternall God.

  73. He shalbe sorrye for the wronge thats past And promyse thee to second it with other.

  74. Thats my hope: Bate me the pleasure, and, beleive it, Sir, I shall crye out oth bargayne.

  75. Right, sir, thats the questyon, but can a favoryte be so easylie contented?

  76. Thats sooth Captaine, but doe you heare honest friend, pray take a light, and see if the moone shine, I have a Sunne Diall will resolue presently.

  77. Thats the next way to have all our throats cut.

  78. Foole, indirectly thou describ'st another, Thats Prince Navar: Pembrooke his plume is Azure A little intermixt with spotlesse white, Prefiguring the temper of the Sky With whose hye motion his great mind doth move.

  79. Thy pardon, Richard: love thats too vyolent Is evermore with some straunge myscheifs spentt.

  80. Thats strange indeed, but what is your faire Lady Sir?

  81. No, thats not so good: May all theire soundnes tourne toth poxes foode.

  82. But yet I knowe your father loves you not, And thats good too.

  83. Blest is the wooing thats not long a dooing.

  84. A flatterye drawes toth lees, and more corrupte Then a disease thats kyllinge.

  85. Thats decreed For in such tearms I meane to sett hym fourthe As shall even burst hys gall with agonye: Nay, it shall make hym never darre t'apeare Where men resorte, or knowe ought but hys feare.

  86. That wasn't enough to live on either so more "mouthin" about it until they gave them a half, "and thats what they still gits today.

  87. I thought so (says he) and thats the Reason I think I shall never get out of this place.

  88. With merry solaces, quite voyd of all malice, with honest good fellowes thats here, No cursing nor swearing, no staring nor tearing, amongst us do seeme to appeare.

  89. Ime only fifty, but I had three years in the Army of the Potomac; and fighting and sleeping in the swamp and laying out all day and all night with a wound in your leg--thats fun you got to pay for sooner or later.

  90. Thats natural enough I suppose--hes the father of her children--but that hurts too.

  91. Downe fell he, in thy Beauties Ocean drenched, Yet there he burnes in fire thats neuer quenched.

  92. With these she steales mens harts for her reliefe, Yet happy he thats robd of such a thiefe!

  93. Red says thats one thing where the Russians have got it on us and they don't have to be scared of dying from gastritis because the Germans haven't no gas fast enough to catch up with them.

  94. I don't want to loose no non commission officers because I haven't got none now thats worth a dam.

  95. I'll say thats a whole lot better then a private at $1.

  96. If it hadn't been for setting a example to my command I believe I would of pretended like I was sick and when you are sick they make somebody else carry your junk and leave you ride in a wagon thats O.

  97. I just happened to think Al that Camp Logan is in Texas and thats where that little girl lives but you can bet I won't leave her know where I am because in the 1st.

  98. Florrie and little Al and that would come in handy Al if I got my right arm shot off and couldn't pitch but at that I know birds in the big league now thats drawing $400.

  99. Well Al thats the kind of a bunch to have under you and it makes a man think of Napoleon and how his men looked up at him.

  100. Sometimes I pretty near wish I had a wife like Sebastian's thats so homely you can't hardly look at her but still and all you get a chance to once in a while.

  101. If you dream about teeth, if one falls out thats another sign of death.

  102. Us always made a big oak fire and thats where us got mos' of our light from.

  103. Well Ethen thats the way it goes & when you do put one over on the wife they want to hit you with a Tommy Hawk with best rgds.

  104. The streets sent the only thing about Boston thats crook it.

  105. Thats but your melancholike old disease, That neuer are disposde but when ye please.

  106. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thats" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.