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Example sentences for "pray take"

  • While you are learning Italian, which I hope you do with diligence, pray take care to continue your German, which you may have frequent opportunities of speaking.

  • If you have any Hanover 'refugies' among them, pray take care to be particularly attentive to them.

  • I am sure they must fall often in your way; pray take care to catch them.

  • Pray take care of Murray and Robert, and tell the boy it is the most fortunate thing for him that he did not accompany me to Turkey.

  • Pray take care of my boy Robert and the old man Murray.

  • Pray take care of my books, and believe me, my dear mother, Yours very faithfully, BYRON.

  • What you said about poor Flora was comforting--pray take care of her.

  • Pray take care of yourself, and do not go out in this dreadful weather.

  • I hear it is very cold in England, pray take care of yourself, I shall send you more in a few weeks.

  • Pray take my arm, and tell me to what happy chance I am indebted for the pleasure of seeing you again?

  • Take a seat, sir, pray take a seat, and express your feelings freely.

  • Pray take them out of the way," she said to the landlady; "pray take them to their room.

  • I have eaten and am satisfied; Mr. Arabin, pray take my chair.

  • Do pray take Mrs. Grantly down to supper.

  • What you said about poor Flora was comforting—pray take care of her.

  • Whenever you set foot in Ratisbon again, pray, pray take up your abode in my house .

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pray take" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    ancient and modern times; deep impression; exactly opposite; great weight; had acquired; little larger; never take; personal adornment; pray don; pray forgive; pray remember; pray send; pray thee; pray what; prayer and; prayer meeting; prayers were; quarter teaspoonful; reduced scale; royal proclamation; spend money; though less; twice daily; what effect; will suppose; work should