While you are learning Italian, which I hope you do with diligence, pray take care to continue your German, which you may have frequent opportunities of speaking.
If you have any Hanover 'refugies' among them, pray take care to be particularly attentive to them.
I am sure they must fall often in your way; pray take care to catch them.
Pray take care of Murray and Robert, and tell the boy it is the most fortunate thing for him that he did not accompany me to Turkey.
Pray take care of my boy Robert and the old man Murray.
Pray take care of my books, and believe me, my dear mother, Yours very faithfully, BYRON.
What you said about poor Flora was comforting--pray take care of her.
Pray take care of yourself, and do not go out in this dreadful weather.
I hear it is very cold in England, pray take care of yourself, I shall send you more in a few weeks.
Pray take my arm, and tell me to what happy chance I am indebted for the pleasure of seeing you again?
Take a seat, sir, pray take a seat, and express your feelings freely.
Pray take them out of the way," she said to the landlady; "pray take them to their room.
I have eaten and am satisfied; Mr. Arabin, pray take my chair.
What you said about poor Flora was comforting—pray take care of her.
Whenever you set foot in Ratisbon again, pray, pray take up your abode in my house .
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pray take" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.