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Example sentences for "syntheses"

Lexicographically close words:
synovitis; syns; syntactic; syntactical; syntax; synthesis; synthesise; synthesised; synthesize; synthesized
  1. Whence came the causes of the syntheses to higher unities, the reasons for the combination into higher resultants of energy?

  2. But how the chlorophyll makes use of these to effect the breaking up, and how it starts the subsequent syntheses of the carbon into the most complex organic compounds remains a mystery.

  3. As is shown by the various syntheses of the base, it is the methyl hydroxide of dimethyl glycocoll.

  4. All the brilliant syntheses of colouring-matters effected of late years are living witnesses of the fertility of Kekule's conception.

  5. In all these syntheses the fundamental change is the same, viz.

  6. Such various syntheses comprise a larger meaning than what ordinarily happens from moment to moment in connection with the relation of the individual to the external world or, indeed, within the individual's own ordinary life.

  7. Without the ideals or syntheses which are, in their very nature, universal and absolute, progress comes to a standstill, and degeneration soon sets in.

  8. It is the presence of various syntheses which express the [p.

  9. The interpretation forms here again, as on the level of natural science, syntheses and generalisations larger than any one individual.

  10. And what are the hypotheses which science frames in order to explain phenomena but syntheses of factors framed in consciousness?

  11. Things occupy space; processes occupy duration, because they are mental syntheses and are unextended.

  12. If our syntheses disregard fewer data than do opposing syntheses--which are often not syntheses at all, but mere consideration of some one circumstance--less widely synthetic things fade away before us.

  13. They are wholly transcendental, representing pure syntheses unified through categories in accordance with the form of inner sense.

  14. He further recognises that all arithmetical processes are syntheses according to concepts.

  15. It can never be empirically represented, for the reason that in experience we proceed from the parts through successive syntheses to the whole.

  16. The transcendental syntheses are declared to condition the pure representations of space and time no less than those of sense-experience.

  17. The same confusion is also caused throughout these sections as a whole by Kant's description of the various syntheses as being transcendental.

  18. For only upon the completion of such syntheses do consciousness of self and consciousness of objects come to exist.

  19. We have no immediate knowledge of the transcendental syntheses that condition all consciousness, and in our complete ignorance of their specific nature they cannot legitimately be equated with any individual or personal agent.

  20. Thus Kant speaks of the transcendental syntheses of apprehension, reproduction, and recognition, and of the transcendental faculties of imagination and understanding.

  21. Even if we could do this we should still be unable to say why certain syntheses should appear in living matter and resolve themselves into others at death.

  22. From that time on the history of Christianity might be written as a series of syntheses with the thought and practice of the Roman world, beginning with the circumference and moving to the centre.

  23. To trace the whole of these syntheses would be a reasonable programme for many volumes.

  24. Of other syntheses of true benzene derivatives, mention may be made of the formation of orcinol or [3.

  25. Formula (4) is symmetrical and based on Kekule's formula: it is in full accord with the syntheses and decompositions of the naphthalene nucleus and the number of isomers found.

  26. Furthermore, it is in accordance with certain simple syntheses of benzene derivatives (e.

  27. But to throw the work of effecting individual syntheses upon the imagination is only to evade the difficulty.

  28. Relations then, or, in Kant's language, particular syntheses must be said to be given, in the sense in which the elements to be combined can be said to be given.

  29. The formal unity' means not the unity peculiar to any particular synthesis, but the character shared by all syntheses of being a systematic whole.

  30. The analysis of Deduction is of worth as clarifying and confirming thought, and thus extending its field as often as the syntheses of Induction stand the proof of the process of clarification.

  31. The inability of the reason to grasp all sides of the complexity of natural processes at once, even where these are known, is a thing to be kept in mind in our future investigations; we are apt to take our analyses for the syntheses of nature.

  32. Grasser gives a short review of the necessary forerunner of any work upon synthetic tannins: the investigations and syntheses of the natural tannins.

  33. Preparation of Didepsides A simple application of these syntheses is offered by p-hydroxybenzoic acid.

  34. For storage purposes, the soluble forms are usually, though not always, condensed again into more complex forms, these latter changes requiring much less energy than do the original syntheses from raw materials.

  35. It should be the first of the three powers of the world, and it should face the organizing syntheses of Europe and Eastern Asia with an intelligent sympathy.

  36. But these syntheses or other similar synthetic conceptions, if they do not contrive to establish a rational social unity by sanely negotiated unions, will be forced to fight for physical predominance in the world.

  37. As a synthetical agent in organic chemistry, aluminium chloride has rendered possible more reactions than any other substance; here we can only mention the classic syntheses of benzene homologues.

  38. The simplest syntheses are undoubtedly those in which a carboxyl group is obtained directly from the oxides of carbon, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

  39. Carbon monoxide takes part in the syntheses of sodium formate from sodium hydrate, or soda lime (at 200 deg.

  40. During recent years (1900 onwards) many brilliant syntheses have been effected by the aid of magnesium-alkyl-haloids.

  41. In the preceding instances the carboxyl group has been synthesized or introduced into a molecule; we have now to consider syntheses from substances already containing carboxyl groups.

  42. Gene expression and protein syntheses are many working centuries-the total of the years contributed by researchers to the advancement of their respective fields-ahead of everything that science has produced in the past.

  43. In medicine, or in the research for syntheses of new substances, and in space research, words have proven to be not only misleading, but also inefficient in many respects.

  44. The standpoint of the classical economists, in their higher or definitive syntheses and generalisations, may not inaptly be called the standpoint of ceremonial adequacy.

  45. Still, the animistic element is the controlling factor in the higher syntheses of both; and for both alike it affords the definitive ground on which the argument finally comes to rest.

  46. The task remaining to the nineteenth is to discover the false syntheses which prevail, and to analyse their contents anew.

  47. Such an attitude might easily lead to the formation of syntheses of life that would be much too hasty and far too narrow; and the necessary breaking up of these would arouse a keen distrust of the whole undertaking.

  48. So that our work may not be split up and destroyed, we need definite syntheses that establish a structure of life.

  49. It reveals a far finer texture of life; it shows syntheses from the whole to the elements; it indicates clearer limits and makes us more definitely recognise what differentiates the individual departments.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "syntheses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.