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Example sentences for "clarifying"

Lexicographically close words:
clargy; clarification; clarified; clarifies; clarify; clarin; clarinet; clarinets; clarion; clarionet
  1. We are shown the clarifying pans and the coolers in which the boiled liquid, after being skimmed, is transformed into sugar grains or crystals.

  2. One benefit is that as the nurse raises the issue of caring, patients are helped to understand that caring is of immediate importance to nurses, thus clarifying the service and value of nursing among the health disciplines.

  3. A new theory adds some knowledge and it transforms what was previously known, clarifying it and giving it new meaning as well as more confirmation.

  4. Dunphy was concerned with clarifying the disciplinary identify of advanced practice nursing as nursing.

  5. Chemical analysis proves the contrary; and the practice of clarifying spoiled white wines by means of lead, must be pronounced as highly deleterious.

  6. The gypsum had the property of clarifying wines, was known to the ancients.

  7. Roach, or Roman alum, is also employed, without any other addition, for clarifying spiritous liquors.

  8. If this be true, the first question that presents itself is, Why is the respiratory system utilized for such a clarifying purpose?

  9. It is obvious that the body under emotion might be clarified by active muscular exercise, but the subject of the emotion is so strongly integrated thereby that it is difficult for him to engage in diverting, clarifying exertion.

  10. The best English manufacturers who have adopted this process are in the habit of filtering or clarifying their fermented wash, and also of storing it away for several months before they subject it to acetification in the graduator.

  11. It may also be obtained from the expressed juice of wood or sheep's sorrel, by clarifying it with eggs or milk, and evaporating, &c.

  12. When the soup is to be served clear, it is well to remove the scum as it rises, but this is not essential, for much of it comes off when the soup is strained, and perfectly clear soup requires clarifying in any case.

  13. Boiling dissolves the lime in the bones, and this gives a cloudiness which clarifying will not entirely remove.

  14. Rossetti was not always open to suggestions as to the need of clarifying obscure phrases in his verses, but on one or two occasions, when I was so bold as to hint at changes, I found him in highly tractable moods.

  15. I ventured to think that the second and third lines wanted a little clarifying in the relation in which they stood.

  16. Then take the clear, and dissolve in it a sixth part of honey, doing as above for the boiling and clarifying it.

  17. And this she holdeth the best way of clarifying the Liquor, and making it look pale.

  18. When you have put these things together, set it over a quick fire, and let it boil as fast as you can for half an hour or better, skiming of it very clean and clarifying it with the whites of two or three Eggs.

  19. As the first attempt in this direction the work will render a great service in clarifying the indefinite views in vogue at present among Jewish Social workers.

  20. It is apparent from the uses to which this reagent was put in separating gold and silver, from the method of clarifying it with silver and from the red fumes, that Agricola could have had practical contact only with nitric acid.

  21. Greek title Pseudodoxia Epidemica, as a criticism, a cathartic, an instrument for the clarifying of the intellect.

  22. But it is better to have the soup clear by making it carefully, than to depend on clarifying it afterward, as the white of egg weakens the taste.

  23. After the first time, you have only to boil and reboil the syrup; as it is not probable that it will require any further clarifying if carefully skimmed.

  24. Put it into a saucepan cold, without clarifying it; add the remaining ingredients, and stir them well together before the saucepan is placed on the fire.

  25. The rising of the hardened albumen has the same effect in clarifying stock as the white of eggs; and, as a rule, it may be said that the more scum there is, the clearer will be the stock.

  26. The power of clarifying muddy water is common indeed to saline solutions.

  27. Of the Manner of clarifying Sugar, and the different Ways of boiling it.

  28. But it is his concern, by questions, suggestions, and criticisms, to aid in clarifying the thought, to put the children upon the right track.

  29. To what extent shall geographical, historical, or biographical facts be gathered for the enrichment and clarifying of the poem?

  30. We shall therefore try to simplify matters, and begin by clarifying the two concepts of nationality and of knowledge, in order to define the concept of the "nationality of knowledge.

  31. But now by truth we understand the value of thought in which the subject becomes an object to itself and thus realises itself; and in clarifying this new conception of truth, we discover that morality is identical with it.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clarifying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    critical; definitive; demonstrative; editorial; enlightening; explanatory; illuminating; illustrative; rationalistic; refinement