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Example sentences for "fundamental change"

  • I doubt whether Mr. Gladstone himself would maintain that with a majority say of ten or twenty, a Minister would be morally justified in attempting a fundamental change in the constitution.

  • It is a right to carry through a fundamental change by lawful means.

  • Until the end of the first world war there was no fundamental change in the situation in the country, owing to the rivalry between Great Britain and Russia.

  • At the same time as this revolution there took place another fundamental change in the language.

  • It was no less than a fundamental change in the plan of government, involving a great modification of institutions.

  • But another act is ascribed to Theseus evincing a more radical plan, as well as an appreciation of the necessity for a fundamental change in the plan of government.

  • It required time and a vast experience, beyond that of the American Indian tribes, as a preparation for such a fundamental change of systems.

  • Nor is it the Legislature of Great Britain alone which would suffer a fundamental change.

  • But at a period when a fundamental change in the constitution is advocated on grounds of faith, benevolence, or generosity, a good deal is gained by bringing into relief the business aspect of constitutional reforms.

  • The inertia of past pragmatics has not yet been annihilated by the dynamics of a fundamental change of direction.

  • A fundamental change, resulting from the increased productivity of the newly settled communities, is accounted for in writing.

  • Media labs that are covered by dust because they convey the same useless information as the classes they were supposed to enhance only prove that a fundamental change is necessary.

  • What was needed was an infusion of whites, but this remedy, like an increase of black officers, would require a fundamental change in the racial attitudes of Navy leaders.

  • To go further, as Wofford and the civil rights advocates demanded, meant a fundamental change in the department's commitment to equal treatment and opportunity.

  • By the end of the 1930's this concept had produced a fundamental change in civil rights tactics and created the new mood of assertiveness that Myrdal found in the black community.

  • But this extension of local self-government to Ireland would require, in Lord Hartington's opinion, a fundamental change in the fabric of Irish Government.

  • Nevertheless, their emergence marked a fundamental change of direction that would increasingly open participation to a wide range of states and institutions.

  • What the struggles of the twentieth century achieved was the fundamental change of direction the Divine purpose required.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fundamental change" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being generally; fundamental change; fundamental importance; fundamental laws; fundamental principle; fundamental principles; high heaven; hour longer; house officers; hurried down; industrial development; kingly power; levy taxes; magic square; means easy; moral purity; more comprehensive; ordinary matter; other forms; parliamentary government; presidential election; provided for; ranch house; territorial government; through ignorance; when young