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Example sentences for "synnes"

Lexicographically close words:
synge; synguler; synne; synned; synners; synod; synodal; synodic; synodical; synods
  1. For, for hire synnes there God hathe taken hem in to oure hondes, noghte only be strengthe of our self, but for here synnes.

  2. And men gon up to that Golgotha be degrees: and in the place of that morteys was Adames hed founden, aftre Noes flode; in tokene that the synnes of Adam scholde ben boughte in that same place.

  3. For what synnes can unable the sworn servandis of Simonye, and of his father the devill?

  4. I am called, Madam, to ane publict functioun within the Kirk of God, and am appointed by God to rebuk the synnes and vices of all.

  5. He wants no advice, and instead of inviting them to speak their minds with freedom, he concludes his address with the words And synnes ye have heard all mine intent, I pray you to my wille ye assent.

  6. But synnes I had them wholly in my hand And synnes they had me given all their land, What should I take keep them for to please But it were for my profit or mine ease?

  7. I have maad avowes fourty, And foryete hem on the morwe; I perfournede nevere penaunce As the preest me highte; Ne right sory for my synnes Yet was I nevere.

  8. Yis redily," quod Repentaunce, And radde hym to the beste, "Sorwe of synnes Is savacion of soules.

  9. To the last I aunswer: The goodnes of Godd which doth forgyue synnes vnto them that be truly penitẽt / doth not diminishe at all the gretnes of the synne.

  10. But the scripture teacheth / that there is but one only propiciatorie sacrifice / able and auaylable to take awaie synnes / whiche Christe Iesus offered in his owne fleshe vpon the Crosse.

  11. And that the priestes do saye Masse in the remẽberaunce of sayntes / that they do sacrifice for the synnes of the quicke and the deade / and to be short that they do say masse for euery thinge / for filthie lucres sake.

  12. But this place of Iames / is not to be vnderstõded / as thoughe that all synnes wer equall and like.

  13. The synnes that he hath done / shall not be thought vppon.

  14. Furst / bicause that they do teache / that other mens synnes ar lyke vnto pitche / which doth stycke vnto the fingars and garments of them that do touche it.

  15. Thus satisfactions / are signes of the forgyuenes of synnes and of true repẽtaũce.

  16. Come awaye from her my poeple / that ye be not partakers of her synnes / that ye receyue not of her plagues.

  17. They saye morouer that in their Masse / they do offer vpp the sonne of godd vnto the eternall father for the synnes of the quicke and the deade: And this they do call the principall point of their masse.

  18. Christe our Sauiour when he did forgyue synnes sayed.

  19. Thanne seide the Prest, i will the telle, For alle my good i wele the selle, For alle the synnes that thou hast don, I graunte the hem alle sone anon.

  20. The cause of al thys caitifte Cometh of meny bisshepes, That suffren suche sottes And othere synnes regne.

  21. Ac in poverte, ther pacience is, Pride hath no myghte, Ne none of the sevene synnes 9360 Sitten ne mowe ther longe, Ne have power in poverte, If pacience folwe.

  22. The power of the apostles Thie pasen in speche, {493} For to sellen the synnes For selver other mede.

  23. For sevene synnes ther ben, That assaillen us evere; The fend folweth hem alle, And fondeth hem to helpe.

  24. Cryst on the rod, in hys swet passyon, Toke the hys moder as to hyr sone; For owr synnes gett grace and pardon, Per tua sancta merita.

  25. The fyrst day of 3ole have we in mynd, How God was man born of oure kynd: For he the bondes wold onbynd Of all oure synnes and wykednes.

  26. Forgyue vs our synnes done to the as we forgyue them that trespas agaynste vs.

  27. Thys frere that shroue him examyned hym of dyuers synnes, and asked him amonge other whiche were the gretteste synnes that euer he dyd.

  28. We should do no good werkis, for that intent to get the inheritance of heavin, or remissioun of synnes throw thame.

  29. Heir, Confessioun signifieth the secreat knowledge of our synnes befoir God: when I exhorted the people on this maner, I reproved no maner of Confessioun.

  30. But such as with thare eyis saw the hole progresse, knew that to be a lye, and dois repute it amonges the veniale synnes of that race, which is to speake the best of thameselves thei can.

  31. And consequentlie, thei which beleve to be saved be thair werkis, or to gett remissioun of synnes be thair awin deidis, beleve not God, bot raccompt him a liear, and so utterlie denye him to be God.

  32. Butt yitt I spack more generalie then necessitie required: for when the synnes of men ar rebucked in generall, seldome it is that man discendeth within him self, accusing and dampnyng in him self that whiche most displeaseth God.

  33. Yf I shall say, our synnes and formar unthankfulness to God, I speik the treuth.

  34. What said they save the very thing thou wouldst fain utter--to wit, `Who may forgyve synnes but God aloone?

  35. And Jhesus seyde to hir, Thi synnes ben forgiuen to thee.

  36. But he saith, `Manye synnes ben forgiuen to hir'--yet not too many to be forgiven!

  37. For the which thing I seye to thee, manye synnes ben forgiuen to hir, for sche hath loued myche; and to whom is lesse forgyuen to hir, he loueth lesse.

  38. Soe was Abraham in Chaldea, Moses in the Court of Pharao, and yet noe partakers of the synnes of those places, "vexed with the uncleane conversacion.

  39. For our tresspasses are many before thee, and our synnes testify against us, for our trespasses are with us, and we knowe our iniquities.

  40. There be synnes personall, and synnes naturall; these wee derive ofttymes from our parents, as a synne in us, and punishment of them.

  41. Yf our synnes come out with a newe addicion, Gods punishments will come out with a newe edition.

  42. Soe soone as the Arke came into the Temple the idol Dagon fell downe and brake its necke; when God enters into our harts our idol synnes must be cast out.

  43. Synnes in our thoughtes are like a snake in our bosome, which may kill us yf wee nurse it; it is like fyre to gunpowder.

  44. What the spies undertooke and promised according to their commission was firme and ratified by Joshua; whose synnes the disciples, and nowe the ministers, according to their power, remitt or binde on earth, shalbe remitted or bound in heaven.

  45. But God awoke hym out of his dreame/ and sett his synnes before his face.

  46. Whoesoever synnes yee remitte, they are remitted unto them; and whoesoever synnes yee retaine, they are retained.

  47. Knowe your owne synnes & wayle them & medle [with] none other.

  48. Mercyful lorde I haue a good wyll to make an hole confessyon of all my synnes whan place & tyme cõuenient may be had acordynge to thy cõmaûdement & all holy chirche.

  49. Make ofte confessyon of thy synnes / and that with greate contrycyon.

  50. And whan ye praye be sory for the Ignoraûce of the people & theyr synnes / & mynde the soules that ye be specyally boûde to praye for with all other crysten soules.

  51. And moost in especyall gyuynge vs thy blessyd body & blood for destruccion of our synnes encreace of vertue & grace / and synguler comforte to all that ben on lyue and deed.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "synnes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.