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Example sentences for "syncretic"

Lexicographically close words:
syncline; synclines; syncopated; syncopation; syncope; syncretism; syncretistic; synd; syndic; syndical
  1. This reached its greatest strength in Egypt, the special centre and source of the syncretic tendencies of the age.

  2. Least of all could Judaism outside of Palestine, the diaspora, living amid the influences of heathen or Hellenic culture and ways of viewing things, withdraw itself from the syncretic current of the age.

  3. The =Heresies= of the previous period were mainly of a syncretic kind (ยง 26).

  4. He might have described, in the same words, the local gods of the Egyptian nomes, for a similar state of things preceded, and to some extent survived, the syncretic efforts of Egyptian priesthood.

  5. Among the Church sects, as distinguished from the philosophic, the syncretic tendency was hardly less the vogue.

  6. Parallel to the loss of the syncretic nature of the human being at the level of the individual, we notice the composite syncretism of the community.

  7. The relatively undifferentiated, syncretic human experience at the time of the inception of notation and writing testifies to awareness of very unusual connections.

  8. This syncretic condition evolved under the need for labor division, and one of the main early demands of labor division resulted in the establishment of the semi-professional and professional warrior.

  9. There is no distinct political dimension in the syncretic pragmatics of immediacy.

  10. The syncretic character of language as it is formed in a particular pragmatic framework corresponds to the syncretic character of human activity in its very early stages.

  11. Future aspects of these activities, and the associated moral values, make us sometimes forget that the syncretic nature of human beings, i.

  12. To deal with some aspects of this extremely difficult problem we can start with the original syncretic condition of the human being.

  13. At this threshold, syncretic human interaction was already rooted in well defined patterns of practical experience.

  14. Rituals changed; they integrated verbal language and gained a new status-syncretic projections of the community.

  15. It takes place in the context of the evolution from the syncretic to the analytic.

  16. The syncretic nature of the signs of practical experiences were reflected in the syncretism of tools and signs.

  17. The syncretic stage of human activity was dominated by observations and short cycles of action- reaction.

  18. In the syncretic phase of human practice, the relation was based on identity.

  19. In syncretic forms of social life, with low efficiency, and limited self-consciousness, there is little need for or possibility of mediation.

  20. He blames Gunkel for imprudence in declaring Christianity to be a syncretic religion, and demands that the historical works of liberal theology "should be clearer in their results and more convincing in their methods" (16).

  21. Gunkel also takes the view "that before Jesus there was a belief in Christ's death and resurrection current in Jewish syncretic circles (op.

  22. Through its syncretic origin Gnosticism introduced for the first time into Christianity a whole mass of sacramental, mystical ideas, which had hitherto existed in it only in its earliest phases.

  23. Paul's battle against the law and the narrow national conception of Christianity found a willing following in a movement, the syncretic origin of which directed it towards a universal religion.

  24. Why could it not have created its portrait of Jesus out of nothing, or at least out of the social strivings and religious needs and practices of a syncretic age?

  25. The gospel which conquered the Roman Empire was no syncretic product growing from Graeco-Roman soil, no melange of oriental religions and Greek philosophy, no cunningly devised fable or myth for the myth-loving Greeks.

  26. Syncretic Tragedy, with fireworks and tumbling, according to law, between the acts; to be followed by a lecture on the Unactable Drama.

  27. Osiris, the god whose worship was thus renewed, was more adapted than any other to lend his authority to the formation of a syncretic faith.

  28. Moreover, the syncretic tendencies of Egypt responded admirably to those that began to obtain at Rome.

  29. It was this syncretic religion that came to Rome after having enjoyed popularity in the eastern Mediterranean.

  30. Perhaps Dogen felt this too, for his later writings became increasingly strident in their denunciation of the Salvationist sects and the syncretic Rinzai schools.

  31. But Dogen politely declined, perhaps believing the Salvationist sects and the syncretic Zen of Eisai were still too strong among the samurai for his pure meditation to catch hold.

  32. The warriors in Kamakura would most likely have been familiar with the syncretic Rinzai Zen of Eisai, which focused on the use of the koan.

  33. The Syncretic march of mind rectifies the above error--with them, weakness is strength.

  34. Pray mark the syncretic force of the above line.

  35. At seven precisely the doors were opened, and a tremendous rush of four persons was made to the pit; the boxes had been previously occupied by the "Dramatic Council" and the "Syncretic Society.

  36. Before the "Syncretic Society" publishes its next octavo on the state of the Drama, it should send a deputation to the Victoria.

  37. The syncretic epoch of Babylonian religion had truly arrived when Ea and En-lil were thus interchanged, and the teaching of Nippur and Eridu united in the solar cult!

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "syncretic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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