The reports and the discussions of the Congress showed that the syndical program outlined by Barberet was accepted by almost all the delegates.
To complete the series of measures which were to impart a peaceful character to the syndical movement, M.
The non-socialist workingmen, on the other hand, contributed to the foundation of the "General Confederation" because they felt the economic importance of a central syndical organization.
It takes "all measures necessary for the maintenance of syndical action in the field of economic struggle.
What the delegates demanded was the right to organize and to form "syndical chambers".
Though trade-union meetings were not prohibited, the workingmen avoided the places which had been centers of syndical activity before the Commune.
Though not refusing to make use of all methods, "for the disorganization of capitalism," all delegates emphasized the necessity for the workingmen to rely mainly upon themselves and upon their syndical organizations.
The Committee feared that the Bourses were constituting themselves without sufficient syndical strength and that they were putting themselves at the mercy of a dissolution or of an unsuccessful strike.
The report concluded: This summary outline gives those who live in the syndical movement an idea of the role which falls and will fall to the Bourses du Travail.
The people of New Zealand have throughout their history been accustomed to manage their own affairs, and within four days of the declaration of war by the syndical Federation, steps were taken to meet the emergency.
The Syndical Council was made up of a syndic employer, a syndic employee, and a syndic workman from each of these firms, and of a syndic workman, M.
Then you would prefer to organise a pension fund in yoursyndical chamber?
A delegation from the Syndical Chamber of Conductors, Enginemen, and Stokers, which contributed through a subscription toward the erection of the statue, was present at the ceremony with its banner.
The rest of the number is composed of articles by the members of the syndical council.
This is already the sixth year of publication of the Voyageur Forain,[2] the organ of the syndical chamber of forain travellers, a fortnightly newspaper, published on the 1st and 15th of each month.
A commission of inquiry named by the Syndical Chambers was to draw up the statistics and the inventory of the deserted workshops to be given back into the hands of the workmen.
Also the journals of the Commune and the delegates of the Syndical Chambers in vain summoned the electors to the ballot-box.
On the 4th April some manufacturers and tradesmen had created the National Union of the Syndical Chambers, and taken for their programme, maintenance and enfranchisement of the Republic, acknowledgment of the municipal franchises of Paris.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "syndical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.