I found the sylph bathing, as it were, with an expression of pleasure animating her features, in the brilliant light which surrounded her.
The sylph took it in her delicate hand, and began to eat.
Now for the Butterfly," said Captain Sedley, as he placed the Sylph in charge of Uncle Ben, and directed William Bright to steer up the lake.
The Rovers were all asleep; the fresh breeze would soon drive the Sylph to the land, and he could return home, and perhaps not be missed.
As the Zephyr approached, the Sylph luffed, and came up into the wind, to wait for her.
The Sylph immediately commenced drifting away from the island.
At last they reached the island, and the Sylphwas anchored near the shore.
About nine o'clock the guests began to arrive, and were conveyed to the island by the two club boats--the Sylph having gone down to Rippleton after the band.
A Sylph too warn'd me of the threats of fate, 165 In mystic visions, now believ'd too late!
The sylph took it in her delicate hand and began to eat.
Evidently the sylph had phoned her housemaid friend to be "on the lookout".
The sylph of the blond coiffure skipped in, shrinking away playfully as she closed the door.
The sylphdrew out of her coiffure a thin pencil that had been skewered there.
Ariel glided under my roof in the form of a sylph who foresaw every want of mine.
Heart As 'twere some magic Glass the magic child Transfused his Image and full counterpart; And then he left it like a Sylph beguiled To live and yearn and languish incomplete!
The sylph kept his word, and with what success, what enthusiasm!
There was also the aristocracy of artists and amateurs, happy to seize in his flight this musical sylph who had promised to let himself once more and for a few hours be approached, seen, and heard.
As my Sylph says, such men (under the circumstances I am in) are infinitely more dangerous than a Biddulph.
I felt my cheeks glow while he spoke; but, as I was a mask, I did not suppose the Sylph could discover the emotion his discourse caused.
Enclosed my Louisa will find some letters which have passed between the Sylph and your Julia.
Suppose thy Sylph had recommended you to bestow your hand on Woodley?
I shall now act with more confidence, as my Sylph tells me he will watch over and apprize me of every danger.
TO THE SYLPH "Grateful for the friendly admonition, the receiver of the Sylph's favour is desirous of having the power of expressing it more largely than is possible through this channel.
I am uneasy, and perhaps in some instances my Sylph would solve my doubts; not that I think him endued with a preternatural knowledge; yet I hardly know what to think neither.
The slender rush o'er the glassy rill, As a marble shaft, was erect and still, And no airy sylph on the mirror wave, A dimpling trace of its footstep gave.
While Theodora and Ellen, who had accompanied us to the village, were entertaining Mrs. Kennard indoors, the old Squire and Addison and I smuggled the colt into the little stable and put her in the same stall where Sylph had once stood.
In her grief she not only reproached herself bitterly for allowing Sylph to be turned out in so wild a place but held the old Squire and all of us as somehow to blame for her pet's death.
On the way home she said over and over to Addison and me, "Be sure to go up often and see that Sylph is all right.
And, oh, do you think that poor Sylph lay there, suffering, a long time?
Previously she had often visited us at the farm, but since the death ofSylph she had not come near us.
On the afternoon that we took Sylph up to the clearing, Mrs. Kennard walked all the way with us, because she wished to see for herself what the place was like.
The blue-tailed sylphhas a wide range along the temperate regions of the Cordilleras.
The genus of sylph to which it belongs is among the most beautiful and graceful in form of the humming-birds.
Could you not be so good as to give me the means to evoke, if necessary, some Sylph librarian as expert as that of Dijon?
We did not know but that the sylph you escorted away had made a supper of Hemstead, with you as a relish.
Her face is bathed in lovelier light Than ever flow'd from eyes Of Ocean Nymph, orSylph of Air!
The Sylph in viewless ether dwell, In clouds her beauty shading!
The sylph in the trailing gown held volubly that it did not fait rien; the man with the open purse said he couldn't see that it figured much, but the small American held firm.
And when she saw who was in command the sylph as volubly acquiesced that naturellement it must be tout a fait perfect.
Altogether, Mrs. Vrain looked like a sylph or a dainty shepherdess of Dresden china, and should have been arrayed in gossamer robes, rather than in the deep mourning she affected.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sylph" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: banshee; dwarf; elemental; elf; fairy; gnome; goblin; hob; leprechaun; pixie; salamander; sprite; sylph