He could discover no tracks; he began to fear the night would foil him, when at last luck guided his aimless footsteps to a slide of loose rock banked against a seamy ledge.
So far as he could discover he had felt the call to higher endeavor, and just naturally had heeded it.
He was informed that the Commission had convened once, and therefore was not entirely an imaginary body; beyond that he could discover nothing.
After obtaining the stone, he began to publish abroad what wonders he could discover by looking in it, and made so much disturbance among the credulous part of the community, that I ordered the stone to be returned to me again.
All this while he never left his post for a single minute, and I thought I could discover a gravity in his deportment, not discernible in those by whom he was addressed.
The good qualities I could discover in myself I wished to have noticed; and if nobody else would notice them I must.
I was ashamed to retract, had not learned to prevaricate, and Philip, to whom as a footman I could discover no rational objection, was hired.
I was Acting British Consul-General at the time, and before leaving the Commodore informed me emphatically that he could discover no American interests in Borneo, "neither white nor black.
The first was a man of about fifty; and, after I had heard him named as the Duke of Vendome, I fancied I could discover in his face a strong likeness to the busts of Henri Quatre.
Whilst he spoke I thought I could discover a likeness in his face to my father.
At night the beds may be separated by drawing the flimsiest of cotton curtains--the only concession to privacy that I could discover.
So far as I could discover, the purpose of these parasol holders was purely ornamental, like the palms that flank a concert stage, for they never stirred throughout the four hours that the dancing lasted.
And the only guide book on Siam which I could discover--quite an excellent little volume, by the way--was published by the Imperial Japanese Railways!
I could discover that my person in this crowd attracted attention as a stranger.
The whole of the island indeed appeared to be a perfect garden, and yet, as far as we could discover, not a single inhabitant did it contain.
I could discover no variation of colour in the sea to indicate the existence of hidden reefs in our course, but my eye fell on a dark object, a mile, or it may have been less, from the shore.
He had seen her once or twice in the lake; but as far as he could discover, she had not been in it any more at night.
The robber, finding he could discover no more from Baba Mustapha, thanked him for the trouble he had taken, and left him to go back to his stall, while he returned to the forest, persuaded that he should be very well received.
These were the only indications we could discover of the existence of primordial man upon the scene.
The soil was reasonably good and moist, and on tasting it I could discover no taint of salt, nor had the surface the same sparkling incrustation of saline particles that I had noticed upon all the other lake-beds.
I could discover Lacheneur; even if he were dead and buried a hundred feet under ground, I should gain the reward.
Bavois looked with all his eyes, but from where he was standing he could discover only a confused group of moving figures.
These two questions tormented Jean's mind continually; but he could discover no satisfactory answer.
We drew towards that silent shore, where signs of man and his labours we could discover none; and in an hour or so a small bay opened under the vessel's bows.
But I could discover no sign that they felt the real significancy of the words they had just heard.
Leon Karff was, as far as we could discover, a hard-working foreigner, driven by force of circumstances into adopting the lowly calling of a greengrocer's assistant.
Vera had watched Fowler on several occasions, but beyond the fact that he was an electrical engineer, occupying a responsible position with a well-known telegraph construction company, we could discover nothing.
As far as we could discover, however, he had been told nothing about the factory in Hull.
Yet, looking through the little windows, when the noises were at their loudest, I could discover nothing.
My slight endeavor to assist them by such counsel as had suggested itself to me was actuated by the purest human sympathy, and upon further reflection I could discover no other means of help.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could discover" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.