The sutrasdescribe how the kings at festivals march out on elephants to the sound of all kinds of instruments, amid the scent of perfumes and clouds of frankincense, accompanied by their ministers and multitudes of people.
Neither the book of the law nor the sutras of the Buddhists mention the Pariahs, often as they speak of the Chandalas.
The Grihya-sutras of Acvalayana from the middle of the fourth century B.
That the oldest Grihya-sutras and Crauta-sutras are older than the first Dharma-sutra is allowed; but this does not prove the modern origin of the latter.
Lassen has rightly perceived that the Narayana of the ancient sutras and of the law-book was not yet Vishnu, but Brahman, and Narayana was not transferred to Vishnu till later ("Alterth.
We have already learnt from the sutras the circuit, equipment, and wealth of the royal citadels.
According to the sutras the man who desired a woman in marriage sent two of his friends to her father to ask for her.
In any case, preference must be given to the simple sutras (Burn.
According to the statements of the sutras the merchants go by hundreds over the sea.
According to the sutras of the Buddhists, the Brahmanic law was then in full force; in fact in the districts mentioned in the text stricter rules were in force than those of the laws of Manu.
The oldest sutras of this kind, which have come down to us, are supposed to have been written about the year 400 B.
According to the statement of the sutras the Brahmans caused the communities to inflict fines on such persons as listened to Buddha's words, and from the kings of certain districts they procured edicts forbidding his doctrine.
China to procure the Buddhist Sutras as well as some teachers of the Indian faith.
Buddhist images were cast; Buddhist Sutras were copied; offerings were made to the Kami, and an amnesty was proclaimed.
The warden Shinshu was in control of 500 monks, gave lectures, and could discourse upon thirty-two differentSutras and Shastras.
You may know by heart all the Sutras of the twelve divisions, and yet be unable to escape from the Wheel of Life and Death.
To the former, however, they acquiesced as many times as they could manage, so that we see now here and there volumes of the sutras which had been sent as presents by the Korean government before the seventeenth century.
The event which happened in that year, therefore, has an importance only on account of the pompous presentation by Kutara of Buddhist images and sutras to our imperial court.
Then he made public the fact that he was at fault, and had the holiest among the priests of Buddha sent for to fetch the sutras from the Western Heavens.
At last he took the shape of a lame Taoist, who sat on a mat, beat a block of wood and read sutras before the house.
Three thousand six hundred holy priests of Buddha must read the sutras in order to deliver the old dragon so that he may rise again to the skies, and keep his original form.
In these days the Buddhist monks run to the houses of the rich, read their sutrasand pray for pay.
Reading Buddhist Sutras was equally ineffectual, but prayers by the Mikado to the four quarters of Heaven in Chinese fashion were more successful.
An oracle of Inari, near Kioto, speaks of this polluted world (a Buddhist phrase), and recommends the reading of Sutras and Dharani.
In the Veda-sutras I make him the receiver (in such sacrifices) of a share similar to that which he has himself offered one in this sacrifice.
In the Gautama-sutras it is said that yamarthamadhikritya pravartate, tat prayojanam.
Swasastra sutra means the sutras of his own sastras--i.
In the Buddha’s time the Brahmans had theirsutras in Sanskrit, already a dead language.
Such sutras were therefore the recognised form of preserving and communicating opinion.
Shall they not be comforted any more by the Sutras of the Tathagata?
Over mountain and stream he passed, and as he went his spirit was wrapped in contemplation, and he recited the Holy Sutras aloud in a singing voice.
And I scoured it not an hour since," said another novice, and he fell to reciting the Holy Sutras on his knees.
For instance, in one of the Sutras it is said that if you meditate on a certain part of the tongue you will obtain astral sight.
The other part of the Yoga literature is a small book called the sutras of Patanjali.
Both are included in the directions that you may read in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Yoga, in order to prepare the student to take up, for practical purposes, the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the chief treatise on Yoga.
Alike in the Bhagavad-Gita and in the Yoga-sutras of Patanjali the terms are Samkhyan, and historically Yoga is based on the Samkhya, so far as its philosophy is concerned.
Footnote 314: These compounds occur in Panini's own sutras (i.
There are twenty-four qualities; seventeen are mentioned directly in Kanada's Sutras (i.
His Commentary on the Brahma-sutras has been printed in Calcutta.
As every Hindu student (and every Hindu had to be student for a definite number of years) had to learn these Sutras by heart, it may safely be predicted that they faithfully reflect the general conduct of affairs.
Regarding the social life of this time the Dharma Sutras give us endless laws--which are the originals of later and codified laws--concerning almost every subject under the sun.
Then ceremonies of purification are performed; candles are lighted and incense is kindled before the ihai; and prayers or parts of sutras are recited; and offerings of flowers and of rice are made.
There was a tiny copy of thesutras on a tiny reading-desk, and tiny screens and bells and kakemono.
Mr. Weber thinks, however, that the author of the Yoga Sutras might be a different man from the author of the Mahabhashya, though he does not venture to assign any reason for his supposition.
From the fact that Patanjali must have composed his Mahabhashyam after the composition of Panini's Sutras and Katyayana's Vartika, we can only infer that it was written after Buddha's birth.
At this time O-lo-lam hearing the question asked by the prince, briefly from the various Sutras and Sâstras quoted passages in explanation of a way of deliverance.
He says[2] "Those who worship Bodhisattvas and read Mahayana Sutras are called Mahayanists, while those who do not do this are called Hinayanists.
If translations of the Vinaya and complete collections of sutras are late in appearing, it does not follow that the corresponding Indian texts are late, for the need of the Vinaya was not felt until monasteries began to spring up.
The writer adds that there are "hundreds of myriads of similarsutras classified in groups and categories.
As early as the Anguttara Nikâya[121] we find references to the danger of a taste for ornate and poetic sutras and these compositions seem to be the outcome of that taste.
Specially characteristic of Mahayanist Buddhism are the Vaipulya[120] sutras, that is sutras of great extension or development.
Their contempt for sutras may have been due to the fact that many of them discountenance the Vaibhâshika views and also to a knowledge that new ones were continually being composed.
The sutras about Amitâbha's paradise, which were composed about the time of the Christian era and owe something to Persian though not to Christian influence, preach faith in Amitâbha as the whole of religion.
There are a great number of other sutras which are important for the history of literature, although little attention is paid to them by Buddhists at the present day.
Not only is the combination of devotion and metaphysics found in this work similar to the tone of many Mahayanist sutras but the manifestation of Krishna in his divine form is like the transformation scenes of the Lotus.
The Sutras are here brief to obscurity; only a few words, for example, are given to the great triune mystery and illusion of Time; a phrase or two indicates the sweep of some universal law.
Through the Sutras of the first book, Patanjali is concerned with the first great problem, the emergence of the spiritual man from the veils and meshes of the psychic nature, the moods and vestures of the mental and emotional man.
The very study of Patanjali's Sutras is an exercise in spiritual reading, and a very effective one.
The Sutras of Patanjali are as closely knit together, as dependent on each other, as the propositions of Euclid, and can no more be taken out of their proper setting.
The murmuring sound of waters mingles all the night through with the never-ceasing recitation[3] of sutras which appeal more to one's heart as the breezes grow cooler.
It is common to suppose that men read sutras when they are old, yet really they are not read, for minds grow more and more relax with age.
The preachers and interpreters of the sutras were twenty in number.
The Lord Prime Minister and his Lady went away to give offerings to the priest who had read sutras and performed religious austerities during the past months, and to those doctors who were recently summoned.
In those days people learned to recite sutras and practise austerities of religious observance after the age of seventeen or eighteen, but I could scarcely even think of such matters.
The holy voices of the priests reciting sutras in their morning service could be heard from my house and I opened the door.
Although I was tired out, I recited sutras and went to sleep.
The after-birth was delayed, and all priests crowded to the south balcony, under the eaves of the magnificent main building, while those on the bridge recited sutrasmore passionately, often kneeling.
Formerly even the reading ofsutras was not encouraged for women.
Whatever others may say of me I will recite sutras kneeling before Amitabha Buddha.
The joints of the screens were curtained and priests were appointed to cry sutras there.
The Sutras state that agriculture, the keeping of cattle, and engaging in merchandise, as well as learning the Vedas, sacrificing for himself and giving alms, are the duties of a Vaishya.
The works of middle antiquity such as the Epics, Puranas, and Mahayanist sutras were also not produced by one author.
The former is superseded by modern manuals, the latter by Mahayanist Sutras such as the Lotus and the Happy Land, which are however of respectable antiquity.
Many of the sutras read like tracts and diatribes of vegetarians.
Of those shastras and sutras we must frequently speak.
In practice, however, the Saddharma Pundarika is the book most honored by this sect; the other sutras being employed mainly as commentary.
Even the earth was embroidered, as it were, with sutras and shastras.
In India and China some of those sutras are exponents, of schools of thought or opinion, or of views or methods of looking at things, rather than of organizations.
Then a king of Hiaksai in Korea, sent over to the court and to the Mikado golden images of the Buddha and of the triad of "precious ones," with Sutras and sacred books.
One of his disciples was the author of a hundred commentaries on sutras and shastras.
They were manifestations to the Japanese, before Gautama had become the enlightened one, or the jewel in the lotus, and before the holy wheel of the law or the sacred shastras and sutras had reached the island empire.
In most of the other sutras the burden of thought is ontology.
The system, however, seems never to have had more than one text-book, the lost Sutras of Brihaspati, its mythical founder.
In the opinion of that authority, the Culva Sutras were influenced by the Alexandrian geometry of Hero (215 B.
Of the seven Grihya Sutras of the Black Yajurveda only three have as yet been published.
To the Sutras is attached a very extensive literature of Paricishtas or "supplements," which seem to have existed in all the Vedic schools.
In some of the Grihya Sutras she again appears as a genius of the ploughed field, is praised as a being of great beauty, and is accounted the wife of Indra or Parjanya, the rain-god.
Among the many commentaries on the Brahma-sutras subsequent to Cankara, the most important is that of Ramanuja, who lived in the earlier half of the twelfth century.
Such references to the fourth Veda are here, it is true, more frequent and formulaic; but this appears to mean nothing more than that the Grihya Sutras belong to a later date.
The term Dharma Sutra is, strictly speaking, applied to those collections of legal aphorisms which form part of the body of Sutras belonging to a particular branch (cakha) of the Veda.
The Grihya Sutras give the rules for the numerous ceremonies applicable to the domestic life of a man and his family from birth to the grave.
Neither the Vaiceshika nor the Nyaya-sutras originally accepted the existence of God; and though both schools later became theistic, they never went so far as to assume a creator of matter.
Three Crauta Sutras to the Samaveda have been preserved.
We have every reason to believe that Mahayana sutras began to appear (perhaps Prajnya sutras being the first) early in the first century A.
The Hinayana sutras were written with a plain style in Pali, while the Mahayana books, with brilliant phraseology, in Sanskrit.
Nagarjuna, and that some of Mantra sutras were composed so late as the time of Vajrabodhi, who came to China in A.
Some Mahayana sutrasalso enumerate the ten stages of Bodhisattva, while others give forty-one or fifty two stages.
Finding all the monks reciting the sacred sutras with the single exception of the master, the Ring questioned Prajnyatara: "Why do you not, reverend sir, recite the Scriptures as others do?
The narratives given in the Hinayana sutras in reference to Shakya Muni seem to be based on historical facts, but those in the Mahayana books are full of wonders and extravagant miracles far from facts.
The Hinayana sutras say nothing of the Mahayana books, while the latter always compare their doctrine with that of the former, and speak of it in contempt.
This shows that the Mahayana sutraswere composed after the establishment of early Buddhism.
The contents of the Mahayana sutras often prove that they were, composed, or rewritten, or some additions were made, long after the Buddha.
The dialogues in the Hinayana sutras are in general those between the Buddha and his disciples, while in the Mahayana books imaginary beings called Bodhisattvas take the place of disciples.
For example, the author of Mahaparinirvana-sutra says: "Wicked Bhiksus would say all Vaipulya Mahayana sutrasare not spoken by the Buddha, but by the Evil One.
These Sutras are of the utmost importance, as nearly all Hindu sects base their belief and practices on them.
Ramanuga, on the other hand, has leanings towards the dualism of the Sankhya philosophy, and endeavours to make the Vedanta Sutras support his opinions.
The Sutras teach, on the whole, the doctrine that the enfranchised soul, being identical with Brahman, is inseparable from him just as a mode of substance is incapable of existing apart from the substance of which it is a mode.
It is usual to accept the interpretation put on the Sutras by the Sanscrit commentator Sankara, commonly called Sankara Karya, who flourished about A.
Ramanuga points out, however, that some of the Sutras in this book give it clearly to be understood that the freed soul can exist in isolation and in separation from the great All.
Some of the Sutras say it is, others say it is not.
But in other Sutras in this book the opposite view is stated and defended, according to which the vidvan, or knower, goes direct to the highest Brahman without halting anywhere short of that god.
It should be remembered that these Sutrasform a collection, and that they are the work of many hands, and belong to different periods.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sutras" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.