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Example sentences for "substitutions"

Lexicographically close words:
substitutes; substituting; substitution; substitutional; substitutionary; substrata; substrate; substratum; substruction; substructions
  1. Any one of the substitutions enumerated in 2581 is admitted in any foot except the last.

  2. Substitutions are much rarer in this verse than in the ordinary trochaic octonarius.

  3. Substitutions are most frequent in the first foot.

  4. The same substitutions are admitted in every foot that are allowed in the first two feet of the Ternarius (2644).

  5. Such substitutions will be mentioned below in their appropriate places.

  6. Resolutions and substitutions are less common in the choliambus than in the ordinary trimeter.

  7. In the early dramatists, substitutions are very numerous, and lines which follow the normal scheme are rare.

  8. Substitutions are much less common than in the senarius, especially in the even feet.

  9. The substitutions enumerated in 2581 are admitted in the first seven feet; but the last foot is always an iambus.

  10. That a false testimony can cause significant errors is as obvious as the fact

    that such substitutions are most frequent with nervous and imaginative persons.

  11. More generally any function unaltered by all the substitutions of a group of linear substitutions of its variable is called an Automorphic Function.

  12. A pun is a grotesque example of such diremption, where ambiguities belonging only to speech are used to suggest impossible substitutions in ideas.

  13. To make substitutions and extensions in expression is to give the soul, in her inmost substance, a somewhat new constitution.

  14. We have stated that the neurotic symptoms are substitutions for sexual satisfactions, and I have given you to understand that the proof of this assertion by means of the analysis of symptoms encounters many difficulties.

  15. You can also see that in this manner it becomes possible to create substitute formations for a great number of abstract thoughts in the manifest dream, substitutions that serve the purpose of further concealment all the same.

  16. Do any imagine these fashionable substitutions to be morally objectionable?

  17. The mysteries of cocoa substitutions are a little above me.

  18. As multiplication is ordinarily written, such substitutions cannot be made; but the partial products must be written down in order, placed in column according to their value, and finally added.

  19. All the substitutions of atoms for the real thing, and of energies for the real changes, are merely conceptional schemes to satisfy this demand.

  20. And each of these substitutions and supplementations becomes, as material of knowledge, itself a part of the world of experience.

  21. This combination (of pyrrhic and spondee) is of course very frequent; and where both substitutions occur together, the general average of accents is maintained, only with exchange of position.

  22. Thus the vitalized teacher by knowing how to make substitutions wins for society a valiant champion.

  23. All the substitutions we hope to make presuppose a knowledge of their wants.

  24. Describe methods by which the tactful teacher may secure helpful substitutions in the child's life.

  25. We step to a higher level upon the experiences of the past and make substitutions as we move upward.

  26. The progress of civilization is measured by the character of these substitutions and the rapidity with which they are made.

  27. Now, the reasoning, or rather the assertion, that these substitutions are unaccountable as the results of design, appears to me to be singularly inconclusive.

  28. In what way, then, are these substitutions unaccountable as results of design, and why are they any more congruous with the supposition that the mammalian type arose out of the lower vertebrate type?

  29. But how are these metamorphoses and substitutions any more accountable upon the supposition that the mammalian type arose by generation out of the lower vertebrate types which in their embryonic life exhibited the same changes?

  30. A representation of a group of finite order as an irreducible group of linear substitutions may be presented in an infinite number of equivalent forms.

  31. To every group of finite order which can be represented as an irreducible group of linear substitutions on n variables will correspond a class of irreducible linear differential equations of the nth order whose integrals are algebraic.

  32. Here the number of distinct substitutions is necessarily finite; and to each operation S of a group G of finite order there will correspond a linear substitution s, viz.

  33. Complete the table below, making a series of alcohols, by substitutions as above from the previous table.

  34. A large number of other substitutions can be made in each symbol, thus giving rise to as many different compounds.

  35. From one point of view mathematics may be defined as the science of successive substitutions of simpler concepts for more complex.

  36. For it is in this secondary character rather than in any first intention, so to speak, that Transpositions, together with Omissions and Substitutions and Additions, have become to some extent independent causes of corruption.

  37. Yet the class of Substitutions is a large one, if Modifications, as they well may be, are added to it[347].

  38. It will be readily concluded that some substitutions are serious, some of less importance, and many trivial.

  39. No more need be said: substitutions and omissions are too common to require justification.

  40. During this time many substitutions had been made, some nineteen or twenty men, so that every player Buffalo brought with them had at one time or another participated in the game.

  41. It will be noted that we have made two substitutions in Binet's list of absurdities.

  42. There are many other substitutions by which such integrals can be determined.

  43. Every function of the roots invariable by the substitutions of the group is rationally known.

  44. Reciprocally every rationally determinable function of the roots is invariable by the substitutions of the group.

  45. Many of the substitutions shown were made after researching other later editions or the cited quotations.

  46. With these substitutions the verse reads thus:— In the beginning was the Son; and the Son was with the Father; and the Son was the Father.

  47. If you're not used to the low fat substitutions for rich sauces and gravies, some of the recipes in this chapter may seem downright Spartan to you the first time you try them.

  48. To be honest, the taste isn't as rich, but if you're watching calories and cholesterol, these substitutions make a substantial difference.

  49. It does not admit of frequent substitutions, for many substitutions destroy the trochaic effect.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "substitutions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.