The vitelline membranes are either simplestructureless membranes or present numerous radial pores.
Certain of these cells grow large and project outwards, invested by the structureless membrane of the ovarian wall.
In both Phascolosoma and Sipunculus a vitelline membrane with radial pores--zona radiata--is formed, and in Phascolosoma the external part of this is separated off as a structureless vitelline membrane.
After leaving the chorion the embryo Julus remains connected with it by a structureless membrane which is probably the outer of the two cuticular membranes.
The whole egg-tube is invested in a structureless tunica propria.
Each ovum was enclosed in a structureless membrane, within which it floated in a colourless albumen.
Between the epiblast and hypoblast a structureless lamella appears always to be interposed.
The ventral surface is very narrow towards the posterior end of the animal; it is formed of thin, structureless membrane.
The cement itself presents the same transparent, brown, laminated, structureless appearance, and the same chemical reaction, as described in my former volume.
The fertilized egg of any animal consists of a single cell, a little mass of protoplasm containing a nucleus and surrounded by a structureless membrane.
They are usually unicellular, and their protoplasm is surrounded by a thin, structureless membrane.
The ovum is, the reader will remember, first surrounded by the transparent structureless ovolemma or zona pellucida (Figures 1.
At the same time, small structureless tufts or warts are deposited on the surface of the outer ovolemma or prochorion, which has been raised above the embryonic vesicle (Figures 1.
Immediately underneath it thestructureless yelk-membrane is secreted from the yelk.
The yellow yelk is also enclosed in a delicate structureless membrane (the membrana vitellina, a).
They disappear as quickly as they come, and are nothing more than temporary projections of the semi-fluid and structureless body.
The thick, outer, structureless envelope that encloses it is the original ovolemma or zona pellucida, modified, and clothed with a layer of albumin that has been deposited on the outside.
It was structurelessto all miscroscopic examination.
Clear (unmodified) protoplasm, as found in white of egg and in the white cells of the blood, is the structureless substance called albumen.
The function of this pouch is to form the spermatophore, which is an elastic tube formed of structureless secretion and invaginated into itself.
The lens forms as a structureless growth, secreted by both the internal and external surfaces of the front wall of the optic vesicle (fig.
When about to reproduce, the creature retracts its pseudopodia, and forms around its exterior a structureless coat or cyst, an action which takes place frequently in lowly organisms, and is called their process of encystment.
It is generally admitted already that there are living structureless protoplasmic organisms of no definite shape, and of which detached particles can live and grow.
The corneal corpuscles make their way through the structureless corneal layer, and divide it into two strata, one adjoining the epiblast, and the other adjoining the inner epithelium.
The optic chamber would appear to contain a structureless lens, but it is possible that what I regard as a lens may, on fuller investigation, turn out to be only a coagulum.
This egg is contained in a capsule formed of a structureless wall lined by a flattened epithelioid layer.
The derivation of the original structureless layer of the cornea is still uncertain.
It is mainly formed of an opaque nearly white yolk, invested by a membrane composed of an inner perforated layer, and an outer structureless layer.
The lens is a nearly spherical body composed of concentric lamellae of a structureless material.
The posterior segment of the lens arises as a structureless rod-like body, which is shewn in fig.
Again Galton states—‘Out of thestructureless ovum the embryonic elements are taken .
The following diagram shows clearly ‘that the span of each of the links in the general chain of heredity extends from one structureless stage to another, and not from person to person:— Structureless elements {.
Thus A B, or a collection of cells united by simple structureless solid, is seen to be extensively employed in the body under the name of cartilage.
It is its structureless character that gives to tin its value.
In the interglobular spaces there is a substance which is called amorphous or structureless, and a filling to be in harmony with this substance should be amorphous or structureless in its composition.
The belief held at first was that there existed in the bodies of animals and plants a structureless substance which formed the basis out of which the cells develop, in somewhat the same way that crystals arise from a mother liquid.
From thisstructureless fluid the cells were supposed to arise by a process akin to crystallization.
But this was a minor detail, the essential point being that from a structureless liquid containing proper materials the organized cell separated itself.
In these seemingly structureless creatures every part does everything.
It is a mere sac of transparent structureless jelly for which organization has done almost nothing, and hence it can only communicate with the smallest possible area of Environment.
If we analyze this material point at which all life starts, we shall find it to consist of a clear structureless jelly-like substance resembling albumen or white of egg.
The animals belonging to this class consist of thestructureless colourless substance to which reference has been made as sarcode, and they exhibit no organs.
The ovum is a structureless bit of organic matter, and, in acquiring structure along with its growth in volume and mass, it proceeds through a series of differentiations, and the result is a change from homogeneity to heterogeneity.
The starting-point of these investigations was a study of the nitrates obtained from the structureless cellulose obtained from the sulphocarbonate (viscose).
The conversion of these products into the structureless homogeneous solid or semi-solid form has the effect of controlling their combustion.
The product from the structureless dibenzoate or tetrabenzoate on the C{12} formula, was prepared and analysed with the following results: Calc.
The structureless guncotton prepared as above described is of quite exceptional character, and entirely distinct from the ordinary fibrous nitrate or the nitrate prepared by precipitation from actual solution in an undiluted solvent.
Dense structureless or non-fibrous cellulose nitrates can be industrially prepared (1) by nitrating the amorphous forms of cellulose obtained from its solution as sulphocarbonate (viscose).
Structureless celluloses of the 'normal' type, and insoluble therefore in alkaline lye, treated under similar conditions to those described above for the fibrous celluloses, yield a higher proportion of dibenzoate.
The dibenzoate, even when prepared from the fibrous celluloses, is devoid of structure, and its presence in admixture with the fibrous monobenzoate is at once recognised as it constitutes a structureless incrustation.
Mechanically all resolve themselves into the preparation of a structurelessfiltered solution of cellulose or a cellulose derivative, and forcing through capillary orifices into some medium which either absorbs or decomposes the solvent.
In its simplest form protoplasm appears to be a homogeneous, structureless material, somewhat resembling the raw white of an egg.
Examined by the microscope, the fat cells consist of a number of minute sacs of exceedingly delicate, structureless membrane filled with oil.
In the first place, I emphasize the fact that the structureless plasm-body of the simple monera has no sort of organization and no composition from dissimilar parts co-operating for definite vital aims.
The formation of a thin membrane at the surface of the structureless plasma granule may be explained as a purely physical process--that of surface strain.
The organism of the simplest chromacea is really nothing more than a structureless globular particle of plasm; we cannot discover in them any composition of different organs (or organella) for definite vital functions.
They are phylogenetic outcomes of the manifold differentiations which the originally homogeneous and structureless plasm has undergone in the course of many millions of years.
The bacteria multiply, like the chromacea, by simple segmentation; as soon as the structureless plasma-granule has reached a certain size by simple growth, it is constricted and splits into two halves.
The more I have studied these structureless beings--cells without nuclei!
The social cells secrete a structureless mass of jelly, and remain associated in the common gelatinous mass, without actual contact.
On the other hand, the monera, at the lowest stage of organic life, the structureless organisms without organs that live on the very frontier of the inorganic world, are very simple.
We can see no vital movement in these structureless particles of plasm except slight changes of form, which occur when they multiply by cleavage.
The homogeneous and structureless globules of protoplasm, which represent the whole frame of these primitive protophyta (chroococcus, aphanocapsa, etc.
In the simplest case (aphanocapsa) the social cytodes secrete a structureless gelatinous mass, in which numbers of blue-green plasma globules are irregularly distributed.
These structureless plasma bodies show unmistakably that their vital activity is a purely chemical phenomenon.
No real nucleus can be discovered in the structureless plasma body.
Each organized thing commences as an almost structureless mass, and reaches its ultimate complexity by the establishment of distinctions upon distinctions,--by the divergence of tissues from tissues and organs from organs.
In such types as the Foraminifera, which, almost structureless internally though they are, secrete calcareous shells, it is clear that the nature of this outer layer is determined by inherited constitution.
But the ladies are trembling with fear, and loudly calling for a light.
On the following day we dined at Velletri and slept in Marino, where, although the town was full of troops, we had two small rooms and a good supper.
From my landing in Chiozza up to my arrival in Naples, fortune had seemed bent upon frowning on me; in Naples it began to shew itself less adverse, and on my return to that city it entirely smiled upon me.
I proceeded to the Villa Negroni; the moment he saw me the cardinal stopped to receive my letter, allowing two persons who accompanied him to walk forward.
Besides, I was satisfied that Cordiani would confess everything to the monk, and I was deeply sorry.
I would have been ashamed to let her see my bashfulness; I let her do as she liked, not foreseeing what would happen.
In Amphioxus the notochord is immediately surrounded by a structurelesscuticular layer, the chordal sheath.
The notochord is immediately surrounded by a structureless cuticular layer, the chordal sheath, and outside this comes the mesoblastic skeletogenous layer, which also surrounds the nerve cord.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "structureless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.