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Example sentences for "daemon"

Lexicographically close words:
dads; dadurch; daedal; daedala; dael; daemones; daemonic; daemons; daemonum; daer
  1. It is much easier to face the notion, or the fact, of a daemon or spirit such as Socrates felt to be in him, than to face what St. Paul seems to be meaning.

  2. Or did some divine cause or some daemon or other impart this way of philosophizing to Socrates, whereby constantly interrogating others, he cleared them of pride, error, and ignorance, and of being troublesome both to themselves and to others?

  3. He describes Eros as not a God, but an intermediate Daemon between Gods and men, constantly aspiring to divinity, but not attaining it.

  4. The daemon filled him, and he filled her sons; Strung them to stature over human height, As march the standards down the smoky fight; Her cherubim, her towering mastodons!

  5. In many respects it degenerated into a wild vagary; as, for example, when he placed an overruling daemon in the centre of the phenomenal world.

  6. A subordinate daemon was supposed to possess every individual at his birth, but he was cast out by baptism.

  7. As the soft sibilant tones of the Fire-daemon flutter away, slowly the spheres recede and vanish in the clasp of Night.

  8. Damascus means the revolt of the Magi from the evil daemon who misdirected their arts to evil.

  9. Most people think the daemon only comes to men when they are asleep, but this is due to their want of harmony.

  10. He can believe that God would not disdain the society of a specially good and holy man, but as for the idea that god or daemon would have anything to do with a human body--"that would indeed require some persuasion.

  11. Isidore the Gnostic "in the first book of the expositions of Parchor the Prophet" dealt with the daemon of Socrates and quoted Aristotle's authority for such tutelary spirits.

  12. The daemon may migrate from one place to another, and with its disappearance, the oracle will become silent, as that of Teiresias at Orchomenus has long been, just as the lyre becomes silent when the musician ceases to strike the strings.

  13. And thus a Socrates may even here below have a spiritual vision denied to us; a Pythia may be inspired by the daemon of the shrine to read the future of a campaign.

  14. If a malign genius was seated beside every god to account for the evil in nature or myth, might not a day come when both friends and enemies would confound the daemon and the god?

  15. This question is illuminated in Apuleius and Plutarch and Maximus of Tyre by a discussion of the daemon of Socrates.

  16. The daemon is a necessary mediator between the human soul and God, a messenger of the divine purpose.

  17. He was captivated by its doctrine of the migrations of the soul, of its ordeal in a future life, and its chastisement or elevation to lofty spiritual rank as daemon or hero.

  18. The daemon of Socrates does not belong to the crude materialism of divination, although the philosopher could forecast the disaster of Syracuse.

  19. Dionysus, the daemon of tragedy, is one of these Dying Gods, like Attis, Adonis, Osiris.

  20. The second night after our interview, so brief and so little foreseen by either of us, some daemon of mischief seized me.

  21. To this was to be ascribed a design in which his pen was, at this period, engaged, of collecting and investigating the facts which relate to that mysterious personage, the Daemon of Socrates.

  22. Many other strange and fantastical freaks have been done by the said daemon or spirit in the view of divers persons; a barrel of salt of considerable quantity hath been observed to march from room to room without any human assistance.

  23. The swift stride of civilisation is leaving behind individual effort, and turning man into the Daemon of a machine.

  24. The Daemon continued to soar aloft, till reaching a dreadful height, He released the sufferer.

  25. Ambrosio started, and expected the Daemon with terror.

  26. Instantly the Thunder was heard to roll horribly: Once more the earth trembled with violence: The Dungeon resounded with loud shrieks, and the Daemon fled with blasphemy and curses.

  27. She seemed to insist upon something which the Daemon was unwilling to grant.

  28. Instantly the Daemon grasped one of Ambrosio's arms, spread his broad pinions, and sprang with him into the air.

  29. Nevertheless he is not required to suffer so severe a punishment, inasmuch as an auspicious Daemon and Fortune have interposed to ward off the worst results of his criminal purpose.

  30. Respecting the soul in our head, the grandest and most commanding of the three, we must bear in mind that it is this which the Gods have assigned to each man as his own special Daemon or presiding Genius.

  31. Should he be slain in battle, he shall be recognised as having become a Daemon or Demigod (according to the Hesiodic doctrine), and his sepulchre shall be honoured by appropriate solemnities.

  32. I trembled and my heart failed within me, when, on looking up, I saw by the light of the moon the daemon at the casement.

  33. As the memory of past misfortunes pressed upon me, I began to reflect on their cause--the monster whom I had created, the miserable daemon whom I had sent abroad into the world for my destruction.

  34. Such was my sentence, and on that night would the daemon employ every art to destroy me and tear me from the glimpse of happiness which promised partly to console my sufferings.

  35. Shall I, in cool blood, set loose upon the earth a daemon whose delight is in death and wretchedness?

  36. If I returned, it was to be sacrificed or to see those whom I most loved die under the grasp of a daemon whom I had myself created.

  37. I followed, when I could, the courses of the rivers; but the daemon generally avoided these, as it was here that the population of the country chiefly collected.

  38. And this daemon is every man's understanding and reason" (v.

  39. And reverence of the daemon consists in keeping it pure from passion and thoughtlessness, and dissatisfaction with what comes from gods and men.

  40. I had so ingratiated my self by my great Skill in the occult Sciences with a Daemon whom I used to converse with, that he promised to grant me whatever I should ask of him.

  41. This he told me was within his Power, and accordingly promised on the word of a Daemon that he would grant me what I desired.

  42. Daemon is the love that unites a soul to matter, iii.

  43. Daemon may remain after death or be changed to Daemon superior to predominating power, iii.

  44. Guidance of Daemon does not interfere with responsibility, iii.

  45. It must be so, some Daemon has possest Our Land, and we have never since been blest.

  46. This Daemon lately drew in many a Guest, To part with zealous Guinea for--no Feast.

  47. Is this the scene Where the old Earthquake-daemon taught her young Ruin?

  48. But soon, the guardian angel gone, The daemon reassumed his throne In my faint heart.

  49. These lines serve to explain the conception, existing in the poet's own time, of Oedipus as a daemon or ghost haunting Mount Kithairon.

  50. He had never heard of Shelley, nor did he learn for a long time that the "Daemon of the World", and the miscellaneous poems appended thereto, constituted a literary piracy.

  51. I am persuaded that the Daemon delivers and deceives us, and that he wove that netting from the stars and threw the net from his shoulder.

  52. So always it is an impulse from some Daemon that gives to our vague, unsatisfied desire, beauty, a meaning and a form all can accept.

  53. Then my imagination runs from Daemon to sweetheart, and I divine an analogy that evades the intellect.

  54. XVI Daemon and man are opposites; man passes from heterogeneous objects to the simplicity of fire, and the Daemon is drawn to objects because through them he obtains power, the extremity of choice.

  55. XVII Each Daemon is drawn to whatever man or, if its nature is more general, to whatever nation it most differs from, and it shapes into its own image the antithetical dream of man or nation.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daemon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.