Illustration] [Sidenote: Note that in such feats as this, it were necessarie to have a piece of spunge with some sheepes bloud in it to be retained privately.
Because if thou come of the bloud of the Slippers, you should haue a Shoomakers Alle thrust through your eare.
I have drawne bloud at ones braines with a bitter bob.
If Nunio de Gusman had bin so good a gouernour and Iudge, as he was in bloud a Gentleman, he had then enioyed the best plot of all the West India, but he behaued himselfe euill, both with the Indians and Spanyards.
Yea and when any such goeth in, they are bounde to offer some man to be sacrificed, that those bloudy hangmen and ministers of the Diuell may washe their handes in bloud of those so sacrificed, and to sprinkle their house therewith.
And after these warres we will goe vnto your countrey and spoyle your Towne, & leaue no memory of your bloud or generation.
He instituted fasting and drawing of bloud out of their eares and tongs, and lefte a precepte, that they shoulde sacrifice but onely Quayles, Doues, and other foule.
And in token that he had receyued that cömission from his Lorde, he commaunded fiftie men to be sacrificed for ioy, whose bloud they sawe newe and freshe.
The Spaniardes saw the floure couered with bloud like a iealy in a slaughter house, it stonke horribly.
The Indians affirme that he was of the greatest bloud of all his linage, and the greatest kyng in estate, that euer was in Mexico.
His Circumcision bore sinne, payne, and shame, Young bloud new budd, hence bloomd a sauiours name.
I cool my bloud Till I both be, and find one wise and good?
Cleare droppe, deare seede, the corne had bloudy eares, Rich harvest reapd in bloud and sowne in teares.
While thou thy lively voice didst loud advance Their tickled bloud for joy would inly dance.
A noble Picture of Thorismund King of the Goths as he was killed in his Palace at Tholouze, who being let bloud by a Surgeon, while he was bleeding, a stander by took the advantage to stab him.
Rightly to understand how they made Serpents out of Rods; Froggs and Bloud of Water, were worth half Porta's Magick.
The bloud of which seelie and litle babes dailie crie to God from the earth for vengeance.
Would'st see a man whose well-warm'd bloud 35 Bathes him in a genuine floud?
Eate not the Bloud, for the Bloud is the Soule;" that is "the Life.
Teach her the way: oh, heauens Why doe's my bloud thus muster to my heart, Making both it vnable for it selfe, And dispossessing all my other parts Of necessary fitnesse?
Why should a man whose bloud is warme within, Sit like his Grandsire, cut in Alablaster?
And so after he had receiued the sacrament of the bodie and bloud of our Lord, he departed this life as afore is said, about the 28.
My father in doing it, thinketh it not more than becommeth him, he being borne of princelie bloud onlie on the mothers side, serueth me that am a king borne hauing both a king to my father, and a queene to my mother.
Dunstable by diuerse persons a figure of the crosse verie long and large in the aire, with the shape of a crucifix thereon, and streames of bloud to their sight seemed to run out of the wounds of the feet, hands and sides.
If I prove not With evident proofs her hand was in the bloud Of my dear Brother, (too good a Husband for her) Give your revenge the reins, and spur it forward.
And where thy bloud wants heat to sin thy self, Force thy decrepit will to make me wicked?
You see I am a Statue, I could not stand else as I had eaten Ice, Or took into my bloud a drowzie Poyson, And Natures noblest, brightest flame burns in me; Midnight?
You are right, Some of his noble bloud runs through these veins, Though far unworthy of his graces knowledge.
Was't not enough When I was young, to lose my bloud in wars, But the poor remnant that is scarcely warm And faintly creeping through my wither'd veins Must be let out to make you sport.
We had no thought to waste, but reconcile Your bloud this way, and we did prophesie This happy chance, spring into eithers bosom, Arcadius and Seleucus, what can now Be added to this days felicity?
By all the bloud that euer fury breath'd, The youth saies well.
Heere haue we war for war, & bloud for bloud, Controlement for controlement: so answer France Chat.
And therefore the fleshe of yong weathers be better, and ingender better bloud than the sucking lambes.
Whether the Bees drawe breath, or haue anybloud in them.
Whether the Bees draw breath, or haue anybloud in cap.
But when I sawe her in that woefull case, 65 With teares of bloud I wet mine aged face: For my Lavinia I lamented more Then for my two-and-twenty sonnes before.
I cut their throates, my daughter held the pan 105 Betwixt her stumpes, wherein the bloud it ran: And then I ground their bones to powder small, And made a paste for pyes streight therewithall.
The bloudie Jew now ready is 25 With whetted blade in hand, To spoyle the bloud of innocent, By forfeit of his bond.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bloud" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.