The lots which these sorters make are known to spin comparatively definite qualities of yarn.
The commission men have their store rooms around this central room; when the sorters finish with Mr. A's lot they commence to sort for Mr. B.
I want some longshoremen to help unload these boxes," said Helen, "and a set of sorters and a set of distributors.
Inspectors board the train at unexpected stations, and travel for a while with the sorters, and look into their affairs; but the sorters are generally ready for them, and no sign of irregularity is visible.
In the interval between station and station, which in some of the mail trains is often an hour or two, the sorters know that they are secure from interruption.
Having satisfied himself that a separate office was necessary, he forthwith established one, appointed to it eighteen sub-sorters and fixed their wages; and not even the postmasters-general were aware of what he was doing until it was done.
At the present time, when, owing to the system of prepayment, there is comparatively little taxing to be done, no less than 2800 clerks and sorters are engaged every evening in despatching the letters into the country.
Upon him and him alone devolved all the duties which now, at all but the smallest towns, a body of sorters and letter-carriers is maintained to perform.
The sortersreceived L40 a year, and the general post letter-carriers 11s.
Some sorters get through between forty and fifty letters a minute, whilst a new-comer will not be able to manage more than twenty or thirty.
At Aden, two sorters come on board and spend their days in some postal cabins sorting the mails for the different parts of India, &c.
At closing time the letters are simply poured by thousands into the baskets waiting to receive them, and each one as soon as full is wheeled off in an instant to the sorters and other officials waiting to deal with them.
These bundles are cut open by the respective sorterswho work at the several sets of boxes, the letters being laid in a row on the desk, and the men then proceed to sort them in accordance with the addresses they bear.
It is recorded that every available space in the premises was filled with letters piled as high as they could be got to stand, and great was the joy of the sorters when the flood of letters subsided.
The wool received by the master-clothier is by him delivered to the wool-sorters to be sorted.
As soon as the count began, the sorters started sorting the ballot papers according to the names marked 1, placing in each candidate's compartment the papers in which his name was so marked, and setting aside spoilt or doubtful papers.
Printed instructions to the sorters had been issued, thus:-- 1.
The superintendents brought a statement of the totals for each candidate to the returning officer, and if the aggregate of these figures did not agree with the number of ballot papers distributed to the sorters a fresh count was ordered.
A similar condition existed in the contract with the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, but the Companies contended that the conveyance of mails did not include the haulage of sorting carriages in which sorters were employed.
This number could be easily provided from among the sorters already employed in the sea post office, in the Bombay General Post Office, and in sections of the Railway Mail Service working into and out of Bombay.
In the new contract with the Peninsular and Oriental Company provision was made to accommodate a postal sorting office and give free passages to sorters on the vessels east of Suez.
The Government of India decided to take advantage of this arrangement and authorized experimental sea-sorting establishments on the scale of six sets of sorters for fifty-two voyages annually in each direction between Bombay and Suez.
Supervision is better, and the sorters can be used for other work.
Salaries have been greatly increased, and the best sorters are picked for appointments as inspectors and Assistant Superintendents.
What a merry time the poor sorters would have if the sentiments expressed in the last sentence were given effect to!
In explanation of the Bradlaugh episode, it should be added, that dual duty men are those who are able to act as letter sorters as well as telegraphists; while single duty men are able to act only as sorters, or as telegraphists.
Lord Stanley next made lengthy comparisons between the wages received by letter sorters and telegraphists on the one hand, and employees of equal intelligence and attainments in the service of private companies on the other hand.
The Tweedmouth Committee suggested a new scale of pay for the several kinds of letter sortersin London.
For example, in 1896, the Post Office required the telegraphists and sortersemployed in the Oxford Central Post Office to work at the pleasure of the Oxford postmaster at letter sorting or at telegraphing.
Of course the sorters and carriers don't pay much attention to the pieces of mail, except to see that they are properly stamped and addressed, but it's worth trying.
I want to ask the sorters and clerks in charge if they remember having handled it.
But, above all, it behooves the sorters to be assiduous in their labours.
He ought to know," replied her guide, "because all the sorters have to undergo a strict examination once a year as to their knowledge of towns and villages throughout England.
The sorters you are now looking at sort the letters for the large towns into separate sections, and all the rest into divisions representing the various parts of the country, such as northern, southern, etcetera.
The immediate supervision of the Women Sorters is to be met by the establishment of the Senior Sorters (who at present receive a supervising allowance of 3s.
The Committee recommended the abandonment of the tentative new grade of Female Assistant Clerks on the ground that there is no need for a class intermediate between the Women Sorters and the Girl and Women Clerks.
Women Sorters have a right to proceed to the maximum of 30s.
Since the salary was fixed at that figure, the work of the Sorters has greatly improved in character.
There was a general protest from postmen, telegraphists, and sorters against the employment of casual and auxiliary labour on the ground that it dealt a blow at thorough work and trade unionism.
In addition three sortersand three window-men were employed.
The ratio of sickness among the Post-Office clerks and sorters engaged upon railways is certainly not greater, we are told, than among the same class of officers employed at the London establishment.
Large numbers of letters are posted daily with superscriptions which the sorters cannot decipher, and which the great majority of people would not be able to read.
Sorters and letter-carriers may be promoted to clerkships.
The sorters have to divide letters into the several London districts by reference to the street addresses which the letters bear.
Yet the sorters of the present age, forming a very large body, are ever engaged in doing an important and by no means simple duty.
There is, of course, a strong resemblance between the names of the two places as written, yet the missent letters must have passed through the hands of two or three sorters before reaching Edinburgh.
Some offices are never closed: at all hours the round of duty goes on without intermission; but in these, as also in many other cases where the periods of duty are long, relays of sorters are necessarily employed.
This may possibly be due to two causes--that sorters are comparatively a modern institution, and that their work is carried on practically under seal.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sorters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.