Den de fust annex is de Swamick Chu'ch, based on de mystic teachin' of Swami de Indian Budda.
As I said befo' does a seven comefust Befo' you makes yo' point, it means you's bust.
When I come to the top, I lit eout fer the fust thing I c'd see to lay holt of, which wuz old squarhead himself, deader 'n pork.
Fust she started to answer, then she stopped an' her eyes filled up.
Some days he'll lie--make up big lies to thefust man comes in at the door.
That's how I fust come acrost Mr. Diggle; I may be wrong, but I says it again: look out for squalls.
If I cotch ya at your tricks I'll leather ya fust an' clap ya in the stocks afterwards, sure as my name be Randle Malkin.
There was none of the doldrums that trip, dodged 'em fair an' square; a topsail breeze to the Cape, and then the fust of the monsoon to the Hugli.
Our jaws were just a-droppin' arter our teeth when fust mate busts out in a laugh; by thunder, I remember that there laugh to-day!
Fust off, lemme wipe de rain an' de cinders offen you--yore face is powerful dirty.
People had went back to fust principles--wild, reckless fust principles they were, too.
Who wuz you at de Fust Ward Cullid Baptis' Church wid last Sunday night?
Dat's de fust I knows 'bout her livin' on de Futrell place.
However, he'd been a-fishin' and he knew fish and after the firm was fust started and needed an extry bookkeeper he applied and got the job.
The fust day they had biled eggs and the next day they had soup made out of the shells.
Never had a fust mate aboard drove harder'n she does.
Certes je ne cuidoie point que la table fust covered nor the clothe layde, and ye have alredy eaten your porage.
Andrew, hisfust name was; and look how his hair stands up.
Now, my view is, that every man ought to have a picture of that Patriarch so's to see how the fust settlers looked and what kind of weskets they yoused to wear.
Why, Jim, when we was fust married she was so jealous we couldn't keep a hired girl.
Fust thing ah kin member is a bad storm an mah ma put us undah de baid.
He wus er ingeneer in a big saw-mill on de Tucker place, en he had er son by his fust wife, killed in de wah.
Yo mus' jes' sider dat Sis' Lizer wants ter marry, now fer de fust time, en live like er Christon in her ole days.
At fust I put my foot right down an' swore I would n't budge.
They was from away north somers--she kep' school when shefust come.
I told Will then that Woodhull'd murder him the fust chancet he got.
I fust come away from Missouri to git shet o' mules.
It's me, Jim Bridger, that fustdiskivered the Great Salt Lake.
I tell-ee, boy, he'll murder ye thefust chanct he gits!
He give me some more when I told him I'd lost that fust piece he give me.
And so I give ye this, thefust gold from Californy.
It's me, Jim Bridger, fust went through Colter's Hell up in the Yellowstone.
This aint the fust time you've been fooled to-night, is it?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fust" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: age; date; fade; fust; idle; molder; perish; rust; sleep; slumber; smolder; stagnate; vegetate