I hae never heard o' ane that sleepit the night afore trial, but of mony a ane that sleepit as sound as a tap the night before their necks were straughted.
Whaur said ye the captain sleepit whan he was at the castle?
But he lay still and sleepit sound, Albeit the sun began to sheen; She looked between her and the wa', And dull and drowsie were his een.
Ye maun be, for ye've sleepit the better pairt o' twal 'oors.
A jail wad be comfort tae me compared wi' the hole I sleepitin the nicht I left Drumsylie, and the road I hae travelled sinsyne!
I hae never heard o' ane that sleepit the night afore the trial, but of mony a ane that sleepitas sound as a tap the night before their necks were straughted.
So she ate her bread and drank her tea, and then she lay down in my bed and sleepit the hale day.
Allie sleepit on, and had nae appearance o' having moved when the sun was near set, which wasna early, for the days were near their langest.
I wonner gin the room was onything like this whan my mamma sleepit in 't?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sleepit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.