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Example sentences for "slacked"

Lexicographically close words:
slabery; slabes; slabs; slack; slacke; slacken; slackened; slackening; slackens; slacker
  1. He slightly slacked the reins on the restless, head-tossing animals, and without need of chirrup they took the weight of the light vehicle and passed up the hill and apprehensively on the inside of the purring machine.

  2. The leaders slacked back an' darn near sat down on their singletrees when I threw the back into the wheelers an' slammed on the brake an' stopped on the very precise spot.

  3. So it is slacked with water, which it drinks in, heating itself and the water till it steams and swells in bulk, because it takes the substance of the water into its own substance.

  4. Slacked lime, as we all know, is not visibly wetter than quick-lime; it crumbles to a dry white powder in spite of all the water which it contains.

  5. Slacked my work, helped myself to a bit more play and come down on the Governor for an extra cheque now and again.

  6. But the habit of years was too strong for him, and he slacked his posture.

  7. One had only to look at his bloated, pouchy face to see how drink and sloth had fouled his joints and slacked his muscles.

  8. Captain Hahn slacked his military gait at one of the formal openings in the wall of yews that shut them from the lawns before the great housed serene white front.

  9. The black flea on very young plants can be conquered with air-slacked lime or wood ashes.

  10. The asparagus slug, the larva of the well-known beetle, may be kept down by occasionally dusting with slacked lime containing Paris green.

  11. Clean the brooders and runs daily, then dust white with air-slacked lime and cover the lime with a sprinkling of clean sand.

  12. Gypsum is greatly superior to air-slacked lime for the hen houses, as it has every beneficial effect of the latter, while the air-slacked lime will set free much of the fertilizing value of the manure, which the gypsum will not do.

  13. Politics had slacked down--to give it a turn.

  14. And Challis immediately felt chilly, illogically; rather as though the soul-brush had slacked off.

  15. Slept a lot that day and night; and at eight this morning slacked off my spanker and main sheets, checked in my foreyard and topsail by taking the the braces to the donkey engine, and was off for home.

  16. Gordon had often in the past slacked in exams, but never had he treated them in quite the same indifferent way as he did this term.

  17. He had slacked most abominably the whole term.

  18. France slacked at work and cribbed; and they weren't all in the Fifteen.

  19. He thought Caruthers tried for his house and slacked with the Colts.

  20. I played hard and all that, while the rest slacked and funked!

  21. The wind slacked gradually, however, and before long we managed to get out our main-topmast staysail.

  22. They tried him at waltzing, all his legs cord-fastened and dragged and jerked and slacked under him.

  23. She approached him tentatively, without further racket; and the boy who had her in charge slacked the thin chain that held her.

  24. Nothing is of more importance than to keep steerage-way on the boat, as it is only in the utmost emergency that the sheet should be slacked wholly off, and the headway lost.

  25. It should be first slacked and stirred up in a few gallons and then thoroughly mixed with the entire quantity.

  26. An excellent substitute for white oil paint may be made of fresh curds bruised fine, and kneaded with an equal quantity of slacked lime.

  27. To prevent the ill effects, powder some glass fine, mix it with slacked lime, dry the mixture well in an iron pot, and pass it through a flour sieve.

  28. A great variety of apparatus has been at different times contrived for favouring the combination of chlorine with the slacked lime for the purposes of commerce.

  29. But the Commodore, noting the strengthening breeze which since midnight had been working back into the east where it belonged, deemed the effort worth making, and accordingly ordered the sheets slacked off and more sail set.

  30. On the occasion in question Aloha had just cleared the passage and sheets were being slacked away for the run before the blustering Northeast Trade down to Maui.

  31. After repeating this manoeuvre twice more, the Commodore ordered the sheets slacked off and gave the man at the wheel his bearing for the first leg of the run in.

  32. By noon of the 18th, having gained but sixty-two miles in the day's run, we gave up trying to make Fanning Island and slacked off sheets for Honolulu.

  33. When the offing was sufficient sheets were slacked off and we headed down the coast on a broad reach, making good speed in spite of heavy rollings in the wrench of the quartering seas.

  34. Clearing the harbour of Taio-haie, sheets were slacked off and, with a strong beam wind, we bowled away on a S.

  35. Kirsty Paterson, as Games Captain, made it her business to see that nobody slacked without justifiable cause.

  36. What matter if slacked My speed may hardly be, for homage to crag and to cave No deity deigns to drape with verdure?

  37. High and low looked Count Victor as he slacked his pace, seeking for some way out of this sack, releasing as he did so the small sword from the tanglement of his skirts, feeling the Mechlin deucedly in his way.

  38. Only once he slacked his pace, and that was when the garden path joined the more open policies of the Duke, and another step or two would place a thicket of laburnums and hawthorns between him and the sight of the litten windows.

  39. If slacked lime be applied to a plant, its growth will be impaired, until the lime shall have recovered the carbonic acid it lost by calcination.

  40. If we put a plant and a quantity of slacked lime under the same receiver, the plant will perish; because the lime will take from the atmospheric air all the carbonic acid it contains, and thus starve the plant.

  41. If they had slacked it in the past, they bucked into their job with a thoroughness which did them credit.

  42. Double," he roared, as they slacked a little.

  43. Air-slacked lime is also useful to the peach in small quantities; and so, no doubt, would be a little salt from time to time.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slacked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.