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Example sentences for "greatly superior"

  • As I had to deal with an enemy of greatly superior force, I was under the necessity of closing with him, to prevent the advantage which he had over me in point of manoeuvre.

  • It is always a serious matter to exchange, without the most pressing necessity, a once-settled and well-devised plan for a new and unprepared scheme.

  • On the 25th the Army of the Meuse formed a line from Sommeille to Dombasle, while the heads of columns of the IIIrd Army were already executing the march prescribed for the following day, on the Ste.

  • From the latter place on the 27th, a detachment of two battalions, one squadron, and two guns marched through Montoire on Souge on the Braye, and there met a greatly superior force.

  • Thus General von Manteuffel had at first to confront with a small force a greatly superior enemy.

  • The 14th Division was extended over a distance of about three and a half miles, its left wing had been repulsed by greatly superior forces in the wood of Gifert, its right wing was hard pressed at Stiering.

  • The 7th Company of the Landwehr Battalion was surrounded by greatly superior numbers, and after a brave struggle was for the most part made captive.

  • They came up just at the critical moment, and they materially assisted us in beating off the attack of the French; who were in greatly superior force, and nearly succeeded in capturing, or exterminating, the light division.

  • Regnier's division of Marmont's army had joined Massena, and it would be impossible to besiege Ciudad while a force, greatly superior to his own, was within easy striking distance.

  • With a couple of batteries of artillery to sweep the passes, one might make a fair stand for a time against a greatly superior force; but with only infantry, one could not hope to maintain one's position.

  • Floyd has been attacked at Gauley, by greatly superior numbers.

  • Our men, though opposed by greatly superior numbers, made a brave resistance, and killed and wounded 1000 of the invaders.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greatly superior" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    captain over; disturb them; finding themselves; found elsewhere; greatly admired; greatly diminished; greatly distinguished; greatly improved; greatly increased; greatly interested; greatly magnified; greatly mistaken; greatly pleased; greatly reduced; greatly surprised; heart will; jolly glad; north wind; other spirits; persons were; then certainly; this event; totally depraved; varicose veins; will dissolve; will teach