One of de slabes wuz bakin' bread an she tok a pan full ob biscuits an hid it under de cushion of de chair.
De master had a polly-parrot an dese parrots ud be plac'd ta hear an watch wat de slabes did.
Wen de rebel soldiers come de slabes ud hide but wen de Union soldiers com de slabes ud run to dem.
Dey war not always seen by deslabes an wen de master wuz away de parrots wud member wat had happ'n'd an report it.
A master or slabe holder wud loan or sublet slabes ta a man fur so many months at so much money.
Yes sir, I tell yo, Capn, de slabes dey fared well wid Marse Tom Davis, en dere wudn't neber ben no war ober de slabery question iffen every body ben lak Marse Tom.
I tell yo, Capn, my marster he sho treated his slabes fair.
All de slabes fum de udder plantation dey cum ta our barn an' jine in an' if dey had a gal on dis plantation dey lob, den dat wuz da time dey would court.
De slabes never had preachers lak dey do at weddin's dese days.
Will eny man or ooman call deysefs free w'en dey's slabes ter some mean, nasty vice?
Sech folks al'ays be slabes, en dey orter be slabes ter a man wid a big whip.
Deir place of residence would be known to de slabes ob de neighborhood, but de masters had no suspicion dat de emissaries ob de association were so near.
By dis time Sam arribe at the conclusion berry strong, dat de burning ob villages and carrying off ob slabes berry bad affair altogether.
More and more runway slabes come, and at last we hear dat great 'spedition going to start to search all de mountains.
Ebery one take slabes and send dem down de river, and sell to white men dere to carry ober sea.
To deir houses at night fugitive slabes would come, guided by dose from de next post.
Me fear dat broder Dick ruined--de plantation andslabes to be sole;' and wid dat she bu'st out crying wus dan eber.
Now dat de slabes are masters, for suah dey not want to go near dat place, and neber dream dat Madame and Mam'selle Myra know of dat place and go and hide dere.
He hab a broder on anoder plantation; dere bery bad oberseer, he beat de slabes bery much.
Nigger come in half an hour ago wid news dat slabes rise last night in many places all ober de country and kill all de whites.
When dey in der senses all de slabes lobe her because she allus speaks kindly to dem.
Slabes dat escape here keep all de way in de water.
I neber tell anyone till now, cause dere no occasion for it; slabes treated too well at our plantation to want to run away.
If de slabes all running into de wood de danger of passing troo would be much greater dan it hab been.
He sharp as a needle, and often take messages from one of our slabes to anoder on plantation eber so far away.
But dere am no doubt dat dere am slabes in oder plantations dat know of him, but me no tink dey tell.
You see he was wid me and all de oder slabes when de girl hoed off, an' I don't t'ink eben a Englishman kin be in two places at one time.
We kin wait a bit here while deslabes are gittin' ready to work.
I mean dat you an' me's out for a holiday--two slabes out for a holiday!
In de fuss place I was sotin' wid de oder slabes in de kitchen, enjoyin' ourselves arter supper, w'en we hear a cry!
Some slabes yar hab waited patiently for ten-fifteen year, an' more.
There are thirty-five States, and how many slabes does he own?
De plantation and all de slabes went to his brudder, who had de big house yo' sees ober dar on de road put up.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slabes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.