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Example sentences for "seyng"

Lexicographically close words:
seye; seyen; seying; seyn; seyne; seynge; seynte; seyntes; seys; seyth
  1. For seyng the kynred of the body and mynde is very straytlye knytte, it can not be but that the one thynge eyther muste be holpen or hurte of the other.

  2. Or what other thinge shuld chyldrẽ do rather whẽ they be more able to speake, seyng nedes thei muste do sumwhat?

  3. And it is no maruell if we haue them not verye apte to learne honestye, seyng they are nowe already taught to myschiefe.

  4. And seyng that I have begun of the artillerie, I will finishe all this question, to the intente I nede not to reason therof any more.

  5. Seyng that it is so your pleasure, I will begin to intreate of this matter from the beginning, to the intent it maye be better understode, being able by thesame meane, more largely to declare it.

  6. We would be moste glad, that you should procede, but seyng that you will not, yet tell at leaste, whiche of us shall succede in your place.

  7. I have a little afore tolde you, but seyng that you have not understoode it, I will rehearse it againe.

  8. Seyng that if we have no regard to the artillerie, in puttyng our selves close together, as the Suizzers, what other orders maie make us more to feare thesame?

  9. I rehessyd myn oncle Clement, yow and Arblaster, and than he chase yow, seyng he thoght that ye were good and trewe.

  10. And after the juges undrestod the trouthe he gave the baly of Cossey befor me and many other a passyng gret rebuke, seyng without he amended hes condicion and governaunce, thei wuld enforme the Kynge and helpe that he schuld be punyschet.

  11. Dukes men, and forwith comaunded the sheryf to delyver the seide Bone withoute any fyne m[aking], seyng that he out non to make.

  12. And in the meene tyme my Lorde sent a man to me, and axed me where ye were, and I tolde hem ye were with the Kyng; and so he sent me worde that an answere schulde be made be Sothwel to the King, seyng that ii.

  13. Lorde, seyng they have had gret wrong, besechyng my Lorde that it myght be reformed.

  14. We ther fore, Lord, prey to The to be oure confort and Defender, seyng the word afore seyde, Domine sis clipeus defensionis nostrae.

  15. And, cosyn, I praye yow that he have none favore other wyse than lawe wole, seyng he is so contraryows for any fayer promyse of his behalf, &c.

  16. His mayster, seyng that, made a token to hym.

  17. At the which seyng the people dyd laughe, because they felte but lytell frute in hys sermonde.

  18. The drawer, seyng and perceyuyng by their wordes that they were but blont felowes, he brought them a pinte of clere water.

  19. So streyt that to scape col{us} had noo space ¶ This seyng Colus be styll wythin abode.

  20. That seyng vyce his hoost began to shout & cry.

  21. Finallie, God did so multiplie our number, that it appeared as men had rayned from the cloodis.

  22. There was no soche cause, seyng that the kyngdome of Grece, fell by no title of succession to Helena, for them to moue warre, for, the bringyng backe of that beutifull harlotte Helena.

  23. When the Lady hearde them saye so, she tare the attirement from her head and body, she cried out, and all her maides skriched with her.

  24. For my progenitours haue left me none other inheritaunce but honestie, whiche I meane to kepe, so long as my life indureth.

  25. But they rapt with an incredible admiration, to see so faire a thing, sayde that he had with greate reason passed his time wyth her.

  26. By William Painter Clarke | of the Ordinaunce and | Armarie.

  27. With whiche wordes, Cyrus was driuen into greate sorowe, clapping him selfe vppon the thighe, and by and by mounted on his horse, and taking with him M.

  28. The raysers vp of heauenly loue, amonges the humaine kinde: Were good Chariton and Menalippe, whose like vnneths we finde.

  29. Behold here one of the effects of humane follie: this was the firste acte of the Tragedie, wherein loue maketh this brainlesse man to playe the first and principall parte vpon the Stage.

  30. But nowe I cannot reuiue the memorie of your father Amurate, but to my great sorow and griefe, who by the space of XL.

  31. I will not any longer delaie the time, but depriue my selfe of the decemuirate.

  32. Who little esteeming his good aduise, vnderstoode before his death, that no man (but by vertue) can in this life attaine felicitie.

  33. Alexandro then riding with them frendlye, demaunded what Monkes they were that rode before with so great a trayne, and whether they went.

  34. Gyges seyng that by no meanes, hee could auoyde the vayne requeste of the king, was readie at the tyme appoynted.

  35. Albeit[812] she told youe that she had shewed her reuelations concernyng the kinges grace to the king herself, yet her seyng or others discharged not you but that ye were bound by your fidelite to shewe to the kinges grace .

  36. But now if he reply, and say hee careth not or regardeth not, what other men think, seyng hee hath no maner of euil or naughty meaninge in himselfe.

  37. And than Howleglas seyng them lyinge together by the eares in the bodi of the churche, went his way out of the village, and came no more there.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.