The grouth therof need not to be doubted when as in the Ilandes of the Asores it groweth plentifully, which is in thesame climate.
There could at no time happen any strange sicknesse, losses, hurtes, or any other crosse vnto them, but that they would impute to vs the cause or meanes therof for offending or not pleasing vs.
So likewise by the help of hops therofmay bee made as good Beere.
The vse of the breade and wyne by christis instituciõ is only / that the congregacion shuld eate and drincke therof in the remembrance of christe / But the papistes in their Masse do most shamefully abuse them both.
And that eiche one in the drincking therof shuld apply vnto himself by faithe / the fruite of that Sacrifice.
I avyse you that ye in no wyse take no charge therof tyll ye know more than ye doo yet; for ye may verely knowe by that your unkell Will.
Item, he that shall speke with the fermours of Akthorp, whos name is Langham, he must inquere generally what mony he hath payd to all men sith Sir John Fastolff dyed, and see his billes of payment, and take therof a titelyng.
As for on letter ye send to me by Rychard Playtorys man, and therof I send you an awnswer in a letter by a man of the Prior of Bromholm; and as for other letters, ther com no more to me but that on.
Kyng Herre that was, and therof infeffid diveris persones to execute and performe his will, and mad his will in especiall that a college of vij.
I xuld kownsell zou to maken other menys than ye have made to other folks, that wold spede your materys better than they have don thatt ye have spoken to therof be for this tym.
And for lak of copies of the plee, I am fayn to sewe for newe copies therof for your counsell.
And I wote well that the payment of my prestis and other charges that I have for Fastolffis livelode is not so gret as the livelode is, thow part therof be in trobill.
Item, I have spoke to John Adam and to Playter of your entent of the last bylle that ye sent me, and they sey they wolle do after your entent as moche as they may, and ye shall have a answer therof in hast.
Kyng, by colour of the Kynges lettres patentes, entret into theym, and hymtherof put owte, and now my Lorde of Essex[310.
I harde yow onys speke of the same; ye tolde me ye hade be mevyd to therof by other.
I pray Jesu gef hem grace to repent hem therof that the [they] that caused it may stand out of perel of soule.
Straunge this is to heare of, but more mervailous to behold then these my wordes cam signifie; and neverthelesse by demonstration opticall the order and cause therof is certified; even so, as the effect is consequent.
Thus Haukyn the actif man Hadde y-soiled his cote, Til Conscience acouped hym therof In a curteis manere, Why he ne hadde whasshen it, Or wiped it with a brusshe.
Ac grace is a gras therof Tho grevaunces to abate.
The sonne for sorwe therof Lees light of a tyme, Aboute mydday whan moost light is, 3480 And meel-tyme of seintes, Feddest with thi fresshe blood Oure fore-fadres in derknesse.
Certified of this opinion, before he would open the matter, he considered what way were best to geue knowledge therof to king Seleucus.
What ioye the sequele therof doth bring, let the historie insuing reporte.
Then in particuler, hee wrote his letters to the Earle, whereby he did greatly allow his fidelitie, for the which he hoped to make him suche recompence, as both he and his should taste therof during their liues.
Iohn de Grijalua was y^e first Spaniard that apported there, and named it the holy Roode, bycause hee fell in sighte therofon holy roade daye.
And from thence he went to another towne foure leagues from thëce, the one half therof was builte vpon the lake, and the other halfe vpon the lande at the foote of a ragged hill.
Also the Spanishe Captaine of Segura, sent a letter to Cortez, the which letter he had receyued of another spaniard, the effect therofwas as foloweth.
For as well shail dye the ryche as the poure/ deth maketh alle thynge lyke and putteth alle to an ende/ And therof made a noble versifier two versis whiche folowe Forma.
Wardeyns of the saide Crafte of Barbours for the tyme beyng havyng knowleche therof put not the said penaltie of v{li.
It was ordered that if-- The Clercke of the Company doo evile mysuse any of the Clothinge or of the yomanry w{th} unsemely words & dewe proofe therof had and proved he shalbe dismyssed clere from the having of the Office of clercke.
Sidenote: An Article that any man desyring to have his prefermẽt of grace shall paye to the Clarcke for y{e} wryting therof viij{d.
And for as moche that by the holy ordynaunce the consecracyon therof & offerynge vp to thy hyghe mageste for the quycke and deed oonly belongeth to the order of preesthode.
What soeuer befall the or ony other of thy frendes gyue no charge of it / yf it be prosperyte reioyse not therof / yf it be trouble or aduersyte be not sory for it.
Knowleche your self at all tymes carayne and erthe / & the glory therof is as a floure in the medowe.
For example of the whiche I wyll make therof a conjugation full requisyte and necessary to the frenche tonge.
The herbe brused with vineger and holden to the nose of suche as are faynt and fallen into a sound bringeth them againe to themselues, and the seede therof giuen to be smelled upon causeth the sternutation or niesing.
Togeder then went thes two yemen, Het was a god seyt to se; Therof low Robyn hes men, Ther they stod onder a tre.
Some vsed to burne a bundell of consecrated herbes, that with the smoke therof they might chase away diuels.
But that this doctrine of theirs, and the whole state therof may be the more euidently perceiued, we will more largely repeate the same out of their owne bookes.
Whereupon our souldiers discharged their Caliuers, and followed them, thinking the noise therof being heard to our boats at sea, our men there would make what speede they might to that place.
And men useth therfore in spryngynge tyme and in haruest to slyt the ryndes and to gader ye humour that comyth oute therof and drynkyth in stede of wyn.
We read that it "hath a large floure and in the myddle therof a lytell reed prycke.
Also puttherof in thy doores or in thy howse and thou shalbe without daunger of Adders and other venymous serpentes.
The reader is directed to "take the flowres and make powder therof and bynde it to the ryght arme in a lynen clothe, and it shall make the lyght and mery.
Also make the a barell therof and drynke thou of the drynke that standeth therin and thou nedes to fere no poyson that shall hurte ye, and yf thou set it in thy garden kepe it honestly for it is moche profytable.
The "devylles bytte" is said to be "so called by cause the rote is blacke and semeth that it is iagged with bytynge, and some say that the devyll had envy at the vertue therof and bete the rote so for to have destroyed it.
Carausius taking oftentimes manie of the enimies, neither restored the goods to them of the countrie from whome the enimies had bereft the same, nor yet sent anie part therof to the emperours, but kept the whole to his owne use.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "therof" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.