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Example sentences for "demaunded"

Lexicographically close words:
dematerialize; dematerialized; dematous; demaund; demaunde; deme; demean; demeaned; demeaning; demeanor
  1. At which time the witches demaunded of the devill why he did beare such hatred to the Kinge?

  2. Which when Psyches did understand, shee caused that her sister had knowledge of her comming, and so they met together, and after great embracing and salutation, the sister of Psyches demaunded the cause of her travell thither.

  3. He being demaunded howe long he had the vse of the Familiar: He sayd one yeare by his sayd maister's life, and iiii yeres after his death.

  4. In 1566 John Walsh, the Dorset witch, 'being demaunded whether he had euer any Familiar or no: he sayth that he had one of his sayde mayster.

  5. At which time, the witches demaunded of the Divell, 'why he did beare such hatred to the Kinge?

  6. He being demaunded how he knoweth when anye man is bewytched: He sayth that he knew it partlye by the Feries, and saith that ther be .

  7. Then he demaunded of mee what wares wee brought into Russia, and what we carried from thence.

  8. For which cause two Tartarians, which were then of the kings Stable, were sent for, and an interpreter was gotten to be present, by whom they were demaunded touching their Countrey and the maners of their nation.

  9. In the ende she was demaunded in mariage by a Gentleman of name and armes, to her estate and bloud not inferior.

  10. He demaunded further: "Tell me, Lamia, what is the thinge that moste tormenteth the louing man?

  11. Wherof vppon a day being demaunded the question, she answered: "I gyue my body to prynces and noble Barons, that they may deale with mee lyke Gentlemen.

  12. The Countesse which partely beleued, and partelye mistrusted his talke, went vnto her daughter, and demaunded wherfore she cried out so loud.

  13. A Theban knighte demaunded of Lais, what he might doe to enioy a ladye wyth whose loue hee should bee surprised: Shee aunswered thus.

  14. Demetrius demaunded of her: "Tell me, Lamia, what is the thing wherewith men doe content you best?

  15. Mistresse Dianora demaunded of maister Ansaldo a garden so faire in Ianuary, as in the moneth of May.

  16. Of whom one of them demaunded what Ventura?

  17. Touchynge the electyon of the Empyre, it was done by Nerua, it was demaunded by the people, approued by you, and accepted by me.

  18. I inuited the same to dinner, and dinner beinge done, I demaunded of hym some newes of these[86] parties were hee dwelte.

  19. And if I had not demaunded of others, bothe men and women, that commonly walketh as he doth, and knowen by them his deepe dissimylation, I neuer hadde vnderstand the same.

  20. The printer, vewing him well, did mistrust him to be the counterfet Cranke which deceuied him vpon Alhollen daye at night, demaunded of whence he was and what was his name.

  21. I called hym vnto me, and demaunded of hym what he ayled.

  22. The Counstable agreed there vnto: they had him in, and caused him to washe him selfe: that donne, they demaunded what money he had about hym.

  23. Being demaunded further by his Lordship, Whether she knew Iohan a Style?

  24. So after this, our Negros came aboord with other Negros which brought a weight with them, which was so small that wee could not giue them the halfe of that which they demaunded for it.

  25. I demaunded of one of our company, who did direct vs the way?

  26. The cause of sending them was to learne what ransome they demaunded for Bats and Day whom they detained.

  27. Yea, I myselfe have bene demaunded of them, how many infidells have been by us converted?

  28. In the ende Ottigni demaunded of them by signes if they had any Golde or Siluer among them.

  29. The Spaniards haue all demaunded leaue at their owne costs, to discouer these mountaines, which the King denyeth, for feare lest the English or French would enter into the same action once knowen.

  30. Being demaunded why the men of their countrey doe inhabite vnder the ground, they sayd, that at a certeine time of the yeare, when the sunne riseth, there is such an huge noyse, that the people cannot endure it.

  31. Many gifts also are demaunded of them, both by dukes and others, which if they do not bestow, they are basely esteemed, and set at nought.

  32. It is reported, that when his Chamberlaine vpon a certaine morning brought him a new paire of hose, the King demaunded what they cost; and the Chamberlaine answered, three shillings.

  33. The king espying a third Monke standing by, who came with the other two, either to accompany them, or to obtaine some inferiour place vnder him that should preuaile, demaunded of him what hee would giue?

  34. This penytente acceptynge his penaunce departed, and that tyme twelfe monthe after came agayne to be confessed of the same confessoure, whiche demaunded of him whether he had fulfylled his penaunce that he hym enioyned the laste yeare.

  35. A woman demaunded a questyon of a little chylde, sonne unto a man of lawe, of what crafte his father was; whiche chylde sayde, his father was a craftye man of lawe.

  36. And as he wente he smiled and laughte to hym selfe; wherfore hys neyghbours demaunded of hym, why he so smyled.

  37. Whan they came before the iudges, the yonge man demaunded of hys mayster, what was the effecte of the scyence?

  38. Wherefore to the nexte company that mette him and demaunded whose man he was, he answered: kyng Henries.

  39. He demaunded where it was; she sayd: in a plesaunte grene herber.

  40. Whan they were tofore me in passynge, I sayd to them, and demaunded who they were, and what they bare.

  41. At which time the witches demaunded of the Diuel why he did beare such hatred to the King, who answered, by reason the King is the greatest enemy he hath in the worlde: all which their confessions and depositions are still extant vpon record.

  42. Being demaunded wherfore he added that King Richard II borowed money by privy seales, sayth that he thinketh he had it out of Walsingham.

  43. And giuing him liberty to aunswere, he demaunded whether his Bondwomen being once manumised, could not be knowen carnally without violation of the lawes?

  44. Of him Roderico demaunded what he was, and which was the way to Barcelone.

  45. Aloisio being hereupon demaunded by the Lordes of the articles, which she in hir tale had recited, confessed them al to be true: who also at the same instant was discharged.

  46. And when he saw no man else, but the seat royal, where his father was wont to sitte readye furnished, with a sorrowful heart stode stil, and at length demaunded where his Father was.

  47. Fallyng in loue then with this faire Gentlewoman, he demaunded hir in mariage of hir brother, and with hir had but a very little dowrie.

  48. Gate attending for hir: And in good deuotion demaunded if shee continued still in hir former follies?

  49. And the sayd Basha demaunded in the Turkes behalfe, that they should send to him in hostage foure and twentie knights, whereof two should bee of the great Crosse, and two and twentie citizens.

  50. And if by any it were demaunded wherefore the sayde lord great master hath yeelded the towne to the great Turke, requesting it with treatie and couenaunts, which was a signe that he feared and would no more fight, but goe his way.

  51. And for that it is a thing of great weight, and that he had to doe and say with many men of diuers nations, and because the time of answere was so short, hee might not doe that that hee demaunded so soone.

  52. And when hee arriued at the sayd place of le Fisco, he demaunded of the Turkes wherefore they had made the token of fire.

  53. And among all other things our ambassadour demaunded of Acmek, and prayed him to tell for trueth how many men died of the campe while the siege was laied.

  54. The Queene nominated our King for hir successor: for being demaunded whom shee would haue succede, hir answere was there should noe rascals sitt in hir seate.

  55. One Merredeth, a notable coward, when he was in field, and demaunded why he did not fight and strive to kill his enemies?

  56. Mr. Curle demaunded of Wake a marke which he layd out for him when they rede with the reader; his aunswere was he lived upon exhibicion, he could not tell whether his friends would allowe him soe much for that purpose.

  57. After all this communication, Mutezuma demaunded whether the bearded men whiche came with him, were eyther his vassals or his slaues, bycause he would entertayne eache one according to his estate.

  58. Cortez went vp into a Tower to descry the Countrey, and there espyed a moste greate population: he then demaunded what it was: aunswere was made that it was called Tlaxcallan, and the Townes therevnto apperteynyng.

  59. Cortez demaunded the cause of their comyng thither, they answered to behold and sée so straunge a sight, but why fledde you then (quoth he?

  60. Cortes demaunded of Qualpopoca if he were subiect to Mutezuma, why (quoth he) is there any other Prince to whome I might be in subiection?

  61. And demaunded of Francisco Fernandez notarie appoynted, that he shoulde gyue vnto him by testimonie in writing, all the actes done therein.

  62. The Indians demaunded one nyghtes space to doe the one and the other, and departed towarde the towne.

  63. Cortes enformed them (by his enterpreters) of the cause of his comming into that countrey, as he had vsed in other places, & demaunded whether he the Lorde of this towne were tributary to Mutezuma.

  64. But I aske thée this question O thou Papist, mighte not the Gentils in ancient time haue obiected the same to the Christians, when they demaunded of them why their Oracles ceassed?

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "demaunded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.