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Example sentences for "stolen goods"

  • St. Petersburg as a receiver of stolen goods, and managed her felonious business with remarkable astuteness.

  • We searched his house here after that, and found it crammed full of stolen goods.

  • Some did business under the guise of licensed and outwardly respectable pawnbrokers, who sub rosa were traffickers in stolen goods.

  • But Mrs. Solomons could not resist the temptation to dabble in stolen goods, and she was found shipping watches of the wrong category to New York.

  • He was known to the whole criminal fraternity as a high-class receiver of stolen goods, a negotiator more especially of stolen paper, cheques and bills, of which he made a particular use.

  • A person taking money or reward for helping any other person to stolen goods or chattels is guilty of felony unless he brings the thief to trial.

  • Buyers and receivers of stolen goods may be prosecuted and punished if they knew the goods to be stolen, even if the principal felon has not been convicted.

  • A receiver of stolen goods, or a place where they are received.

  • When you have once learned to know all the thieves' quarters and the most notorious receivers of stolen goods, you will be able to go about your work on your own account.

  • The most likely men to be able to tell you about the doings of such a fellow would be receivers of stolen goods, but it would be dangerous to question any of them--they would be sure to put him on his guard.

  • That very morning, I gathered, they would rid themselves of the car to a big receiver of stolen goods, whose headquarters were in Lyons, the largest receiver of stolen goods in the whole of Europe, so they said.

  • The plumber was sent for, and was induced to make a charge against Heep and value the stolen goods at ten shillings.

  • To get rid of the bonds in America was impossible, except by sacrificing them to a stolen goods receiver, who would have given but a small percentage of their value.

  • The man on whose premises they are found may sue the latter, though innocent of theft, in an action for the introduction of stolen goods.

  • That he had under his care and direction several warehouses for receiving and concealing stolen goods, and also a ship for carrying off jewels, watches, and other valuable goods to Holland, where he has a superannuated thief for his factor.

  • That he hath not only been a receiver of stolen goods, as well as of writings of all kinds, for near fifteen years last past, but frequently been a confederate, and robbed along with the above-mentioned convicted felons.

  • He was indicted on the afore-mentioned Statute, for receiving money for the restoring stolen goods, without apprehending the persons by whom they were stolen.

  • His baneful wings seemed spread from one end of the skittle-alley to the other, and to embrace even the chairman, who being a Jew, and merely a receiver of stolen goods, might reasonably have been supposed to be less susceptible than the rest.

  • IT is quite true that, counting prostitutes and receivers of stolen goods, there are twenty thousand individuals eating the daily bread of dishonesty within the city of London alone; there are many more than these.

  • My mother enjoys a reputation for being a Receiver of Stolen Goods--a reputation well deserved, as I have reason to believe.

  • The landlady of the Black Jack, even the landlady of the Black Jack, that most notorious receiver of stolen goods, and harbourer of rogues, to give evidence against her own customers?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stolen goods" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    arrest thee; away again; chemical reactions; chief priests; crew were; current account; different opinion; each head; evil effects; fair cousin; former president; free course; giving spirit; glass eyes; him that; life were; little strength; naval base; poor heart; potable water; stolen goods; stolen property; tiger among