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Example sentences for "will cost"

  • I can’t tell precisely what it will cost, but I think Mrs. Gordon Grahame’s did not cost less than a hundred and twenty.

  • You can board for half the money it will cost you.

  • Although this affair amounts to nothing at all, it will cost me my situation, and perhaps my reputation, if the president knows of it,” said he.

  • I can’t tell exactly what it will cost,” she answered, biting her finger nails, as though she feared even to express an opinion.

  • If you serve it with a quart of plain boiled potatoes it will cost twenty-five or twenty-six cents.

  • This receipt makes a good large pudding for ten cents; or you can leave out the egg and it will cost less.

  • It will cost me a dozen half-crowns among such fellows.

  • I do believe it will cost blood to answer for these miscarriages.

  • But I am also this year my wife's Valentine, and it will cost me L5; but that I must have laid out if we had not been Valentines.

  • But I am also this year my wife's Valentine, and it will cost me 5l.

  • It will cost me at least ten or twelve pounds; but, however, some arguments of prudence I have, which I shall think again upon before I proceed to that expence.

  • I must leave off to send this to the post; it will cost a fortune, but you won't grudge it.

  • Girgis was putting it into thorough repair at his own expense, and it will cost a good deal, I think, to repair and renew the fine old wood panelling of such minute and intricate workmanship.

  • It will cost about £1,500,--or perhaps a little more.

  • It will cost me some money which I oughtn't to spend; and if I get in I don't know that I can do any good, or that it can do me any good.

  • It will cost in appropriations about one percent of the present annual cost of the war.

  • It will cost us taxes and the voluntary risk of capital to attain some of the practical advantages which other forms of government have acquired.

  • Don't call me 'woman,' and ask 'what it will cost.

  • How can I or any woman tell exactly what it will cost?

  • It's no matter what it will cost, for we won't go at all now.

  • I will make them like new; but I see they want a lot of work; it will cost you a pezzo duro, about five francs.

  • In an hour's time; but say not a word, or it will cost me my life.

  • I beg to take the liberty of asking myself to sup with you, but please tell me how much it will cost me.

  • It will cost them a fortune to raise and repair her--almost as much as she is worth, if she is to be used as a plaything.

  • If we don't get her up by to-morrow night, I will let some one else take hold; but it will cost a heap of money.

  • It will cost a great deal of money to run the boat.

  • It will cost nothing, and he will not need to spend ten years at Quebec.

  • But it will cost money to build a place like that--as much as five thousand dollars, perhaps.

  • It will cost at least five dollars, that equipage, for so long a drive.

  • It will cost you a corporal's commission.

  • Because in twenty days you will do my work for me; then it will cost me nothing, and it will cost you £89, that is all about it, Starkie.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will cost" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    hidden from; will admit; will appear; will bless; will break; will bring; will burn; will consider; will cure; will demand; will destroy; will establish; will gladly; will glory; will grant; will hang; will judge; will judge the world; will march; will necessarily; will not give thee; will not leave thee; will serve; will suffer; will thee; will wear