It occurs as a reserve food substance in many plants.
In many plants, starch appears as the final, if not the first, product of formaldehyde condensation.
They are secreted by hairs on the skin of many plants, so that the external walls of the leaves, fruit, and seeds are often mucilaginous when damp.
That the production of a large number of seeds is necessary or beneficial to many plants needs no evidence.
We should bear in mind how important an advantage it has been proved to be to many plants, though in different degrees and ways, to be cross- fertilised.
These facts led me to search the moderately-sized field whence my plant had been removed, and I found in it many plants of V.
Promising instances must be sought for, but as a rule the best way is to test as many plants as possible.
Some tricotyls will be found among every thousand seedlings in many species, while in others ten or a hundred times, as many plants must be examined to secure them, but species with absolutely pure dicotylous seeds are very rare.
The leaves of many plants, and especially those of some shrubs and trees, have the capacity of adapting themselves either to intense or to diffuse light.
Many plants are so constituted as to be fertilized with their own pollen.
Many plants, such as the cinnamon tree, supply a kind of camphor, but the common camphor of the shops is the produce chiefly of C.
Thus we can understand the identity of many plants at points so immensely remote as on the mountains of the United States and of Europe.
The store of nutriment laid up within the seeds of many plants seems at first sight to have no sort of relation to other plants.
Thus we can understand the identity of many plants at points so immensely remote as the mountains of the United States and those of Europe.
An almost equally simple, though very different plan occurs in many plants in which a symmetrical flower secretes a few drops of nectar, and is consequently visited by insects; and these carry the pollen from the anthers to the stigma.
Now if all these grew on the plain, they would take up a thousand times as much space as trees do; and, in this case, there would scarcely be room in all the earth for so many plants as at present trees alone afford.
Many plants, on the sun's recess, vary the position of their leaves, which is styled, the sleep of plants.
There is not an article in botany more admirable than a contrivance, visible in many plants, to take advantage of good weather, and to protect themselves against bad.
It forms a part of the green fecula of many plants, particularly of the cabbage; it may be extracted from the pollen of most flowers; as also from the skins of plums, and many stone fruits.
Its activity may even last for an unlimited time, as is the case in the formation of leafy shoots in many plants.
This view accords with the fact that polar bodies are absent in many plants.
It occurs in many plants especially in the sugar cane and sugar beet.
This is a white solid which occurs in nature in many plants, such as the sorrels.
Many plants, as the bean and the maple, have two cotyledons, the grasses only one, and pines have several.
Note: Many plants referred to the genus Geranium by the earlier botanists are now separated from it under the name of Pelargonium, which includes all the commonly cultivated "geraniums", mostly natives of South Africa.
Defn: Light-loving; growing in strong light, as many plants.
It is found in many plants and in the intestines of animals.
Common examples of these fleshy fruits are offered by the berries of many plants; apples, melons, cherries, etc.
This power of movement, as well as the power to take in solid food, are eminently animal characteristics, though the former is common to many plants as well.
These plants form mouldy-looking patches on the leaves and stems of many plants, and are often very destructive.
Creatures are also carried about inside others, as is the case with the seeds of many plants.
Thus, the fruits, or seeds, of many plants (as, e.
This re-rooting is a familiar phenomenon in many plants, as, e.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "many plants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.