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Example sentences for "seances"

Lexicographically close words:
seamstress; seamstresses; seamy; sean; seance; seaplane; seaplanes; seaport; seaports; sear
  1. Mrs. Kane replied that the manifestations at both seances had been of an unsatisfactory nature, so unsatisfactory that she could not really blame the Commission for arriving at their conclusion.

  2. Mrs. Kane became the guest of Mr. Furness at his house, and there produced the "rappings" at two seances which were full of important significance.

  3. This was one of those seances to which the privileged non-believing friends of believing spiritualists could have access.

  4. Explanation of her refusal to continue the seances with the Commission, 204.

  5. She has during the last few mouths given many seances in London, but always disclaimed any personal supernatural connection in producing the effects at which others wondered.

  6. The phenomena connected with mediums and seances have been so amazing and unexpected that they have often produced a kind of fear and dismay.

  7. On the plates appeared a tall figure wrapped in a white mantle" (and similar to the figure which the seven sitters present at the seances had seen).

  8. The lights are essential in the seances described by Porphyry, Eusebius, Iamblichus: they were also familiar to the covenanting saints.

  9. Then whistles are heard, a phenomenon lavishly illustrated in certain seances held at Rio de Janeiro {41a} where children were mediums.

  10. Home was ill, and the seances were given up.

  11. He was even more fragrant than the Miraculous Conformist, or the late Mr. Stainton Moses, to whose seances scent was marvellously borne by 'spirits'.

  12. The phenomena of seances are looked on with deserved distrust, and, generally, may be regarded as an outworn mode of swindling.

  13. As chamber-confidante of both Emperor and Empress she had for a long time assisted in the spiritualistic seances which were given in private at Tsarskoe-Selo by a Russian monk named Helidor and his French friend, known as "Philippe.

  14. A report on the pendulum measurements of the 19th century has been given by Helmert in the Comptes rendus des seances de la 13^e conference generale de l'Association Geod.

  15. These seances were of the series of which I have already spoken.

  16. But it is not from spiritistic seances that I have derived my belief; no, my belief is of a philosophical kind, and is the result of pondering over what I know of life, of nature, and of the extremely slow development of the human species.

  17. Generally one or several seances are passed in illegible scribblings, in making strokes, zigzags, in endless repetitions of the same letter.

  18. Those who have only been present at her ordinary seances can have no idea of the curious faculties, she sometimes presents.

  19. Regular seances are not of much avail with M.

  20. Experimenters should accustom themselves to holding their seances in the daytime, or in a light which is sufficient to permit of reading small print.

  21. The seances were held in a very small room on the top floor of the medium's house.

  22. A longer observation would have permitted me to come to a more definite conclusion, but the seances were discontinued.

  23. Neither do seances held too frequently with the same medium give good results; in this case, nervous exhaustion is certainly in play.

  24. I never observed this peculiarity in seances with Eusapia, although the sitters could, in her presence, produce certain phenomena themselves.

  25. I have never observed any in the seances at which I have been present.

  26. I will discuss these seances more fully further on.

  27. This was making sure of bad results, especially as the seances sometimes lasted two and a half to three hours.

  28. I think we should also avoid the other extreme, which we find in most spiritistic groups, and which impart to these seances all the solemnity of a religious service.

  29. Has he accepted money for the seances he conducts there?

  30. But if the young man conducts public seances here--filches money from people--then you may be considered a party to the scheme.

  31. Such seances have been going on now for seventy years, with innumerable witnesses of credit who will testify, as I have done here, that all fraud or mistake was out of the question.

  32. The professor, on the contrary, would have enjoyed these seances had it not been for his wife's disapproval.

  33. The seances were resumed, but Ester took no part in them.

  34. It was found that the public entered into the spirit of these seances with great gusto, and often the collection taken up was gratifyingly large.

  35. But a strong feeling against dark seances has arisen from the abuses to which they have led.

  36. We may add that few, if any, of the lights seen at Home's seances could (as they are described to us) have been contrived by the aid of phosphorus.

  37. In 1890, an article by Sir William Crookes, under the title of "Notes of Seances with D.

  38. It is, however, safe to say, that, even if promiscuous seances are ever useful or wise, a promiscuous dark seance should never be sanctioned by an earnest inquirer.

  39. The seances at Mr. Everitt's were conducted in an exclusively religious tone, and afforded no opportunity for obtaining scientific evidence.

  40. The curiosity-seekers who attended these seances were conducted by ushers down dark flights of stairs to the vaults of the chapel and seated in a gloomy crypt shrouded with black draperies and pictured with the emblems of mortality.

  41. Nevertheless, there seems to be ground for believing that in many cases there were seances held to invoke supernatural powers.

  42. What we are familiar with of late as Spirit-seances are by no means new.

  43. Howells combines mesmerism with spiritualism in his novel,[203] where the seances are really the result of hypnotism rather than supernatural revelation as the medium thinks.

  44. Boynton, a mistaken zealot, holds seances assisted by his daughter, a delicate, sensitive girl who is physically prostrated after each performance and begs her father to spare her.

  45. With many patients this will succeed, not at once, but after two or three seances of positive suggestion, even in the waking state.

  46. For these a number of seances may be necessary, but on each occasion a little more of quieting influence is secured.

  47. Two or three seances usually show a patient how much better control over himself even a short period of relaxation will give.

  48. Home during his seances on the Continent of Europe was accused of all sorts of trickery.

  49. Spiritualism became the rage and professional mediums went about giving seances to large and interested audiences.

  50. He began giving seances about the year 1852.

  51. Slade began his Spiritualistic operations in London in the year 1876, and charged a fee of a guinea a head for seances lasting a few minutes.

  52. It is a significant fact that the medium while giving seances in Paris in 1857 refused to meet Houdin, the renowned prestidigitateur.

  53. They gave several performances in Northern towns, and finally landed at the Capital of the Nation, in the spring of 1895, and advertised several seances at Willard's Hall.

  54. From Naples to Rome was the next step, and, in the Eternal City, the medium joined the Romish Church, and was adjured by the Pope to abandon spirit seances forever.

  55. The seances at the Eddy house must have been character studies indeed.

  56. Slade was caught in one of his juggling seances and exposed by Prof.

  57. He gives evening materializing seances of the cabinet type three times a week at his rooms.

  58. This fellow is supposed to have been a pirate, condemned for his atrocities to serve earth-bound for a term of years, and to present himself at materializing seances on call.

  59. In the year 1884, this commission held seances with Eusapia, and afterwards declared that the phenomena witnessed were inexplicable, and unquestionably the result of forces transcending ordinary experience.

  60. Poor old Zoellner, he was half insane when these seances were held!

  61. Well, after three or four seances Bolter used to be very nervous and unwilling to sleep alone, so I once went with him to his one-roomed hut.

  62. He insisted on holding seances in the cabin, at which the usual phenomena occurred.

  63. After this the seances were given up but Jacobsen produced an instrument called a planchette and with difficulty persuaded Bickley to try it, which he did after many precautions.

  64. At one of his seances at Oakland, it is said that he held the slates for thirty-five persons within two hours, and obtained for each a slate full of writing in answers to questions placed between the slates.

  65. A remnant of these worshippers of antiquity still holds its seances at Concord, Mass.

  66. Before her alleged discovery of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy at one time eked out a precarious existence in and about Boston as a Spiritualist medium, giving public seances for money.

  67. I may here mention that Katie attended school, all the time she remained in New York, during the day hours, and sometimes united in the seances held by the friends in the evenings.

  68. Many of the members of this party had met at my seances for years; but, as they could not all come to New York, I went to their different houses across the river to accommodate them.

  69. Experience taught me to adopt a rule not to give private seances to single strangers, but rather to only two or more at a time.

  70. The Spirit knew this, and would close the seances by spelling "done.

  71. Again, the seances with one medium differ essentially from those with another; so much so that each medium may be said to have a phase of mediumship distinct in itself.

  72. To go to seances as an ordinary visitor was, to me, to throw time away.

  73. At one of Miss Helen Berry's seances at Onset in the summer of 1885, there came a young female spirit, apparently about sixteen years old.

  74. It may be that these things are inseparable from the newness of the manifestations among us, and will disappear when mediums are more freely developed in our homes, and the seances assume less of a commercial character.

  75. Such seances are, as a rule, mere touch-and-go occasions.

  76. These seances appear to have advanced beyond the mere fact of materialization, offering to those whose magnetic relations are in accord with conditions, a more attractive expression of social and mental character than is frequently met with.

  77. I have attended several seances at this place since this arrangement has been adopted; and, so far from injuring the manifestations, they are, if anything, improved.

  78. Many condemn public seances on account of the mixed audience and the conflicting elements that surround the medium.

  79. Seances should be classified: the first, for primary education, for facts and evidence to convince skeptics; the second, for the more advanced investigator.

  80. Any one at all familiar with these seances cannot help seeing that there are some mediums and their controls who are largely responsible for the feeling of distrust more or less manifested toward the subject.

  81. The most serious and perhaps the most generally believed charges made against these seances is that confederates are used to personate the forms.

  82. In some seances the strength of the manifestations is largely exhausted in the production of forms.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.